Dear Charlie,

It's getting worse! 'cdrecord -scanbus' seems to have lost the plot. I
have copied the results as follows:-

[root@localhost malcolm]# cdrecord -V speed=0 dev=0,3,0 -eject
Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
scsidev: '0,3,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 3 lun: 0
cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg3'. Cannot open
SCSI driver.
cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you
are root.
[root@localhost malcolm]# cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open
SCSI driver.
cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you
are root.
[root@localhost malcolm]#  ##What on earth is /dev/pg3, I have no
/dev/pg files!

Before I reinstall Mandrake 9.0 to get back where I was, I am wondering
if my file system which is ext3 may make a difference. Is that your

I am grateful for your help, this is driving me crazy and pleased to
recompense you for your trouble; after all I would have to pay with
MandrakeExpert and this I will do for you. Please let me know your
postal address.

The file:/usr/doc/cdrdao-1.1.6/README was not installed on my system.

On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 19:45, Charlie wrote:
> Interspersed.
> On Thursday 31 October 2002 10:03 am, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
> > Hi Charlie,
> Howdy! :-)
> >
> > Your material was very useful and indicates a divergence in the
> > 'cdrecord' debug notices,
> >
> > This was apparent in:-
> >
> > ATIP info from disc
> > Indicated writing power 5 (mine 3)
> > Reference speed 2 (mine 6)
> > Speed low 0 high 4 (mine 4 & 8)
> > Power multi factor 5 & 6 (mine 4 & 8)
> > Recommended erase speed 3 (mine 5)
> This information is read from the "blank" CD-RW in the drive. It's the main 
> reason I told you what I was using for the test. To minimize misunderstanding 
> about the displayed differences but I think I screwed up. Did you notice that 
> mine says "Illegal Manufacturer code?" It isn't, it's just a rather old 650 
> MB -RW that has a Windows back-up on it from 3 years ago. It was written in 
> Windows 98 SE using Adaptec (Roxio now) 4 Easy CD Creator. Or was it Direct 
> CD? One or the other. The UDF file placed on the disk by that software gives 
> Linux a mild headache. :-( It can be overcome with simple mounting flags so 
> you can read what you need most of the time.
> >From your previous message:
> > >   ATIP start of lead in:  -11745 (97:25/30)
> > >   ATIP start of lead out: 359848 (79:59/73)
> > >   speed low: 4 speed high: 8
> > >   power mult factor: 1 5
> > >   recommended erase/write power: 5
> > >   A2 values: 26 B2 4A
> > > Disk type:    Phase change
> > > Manuf. index: 40
> > > Manufacturer: INFODISC Technology Co., Ltd.
> > > Blocks total: 359848 Blocks current: 359848 Blocks remaining: 275767
> > > cdrecord: Trying to use high speed medium on low speed writer.
> > > cdrecord: fifo had 0 puts and 0 gets. *NO DATA TRANSFER*
> > > cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 0%. *NO 
> cdrecord seems to not be reading the ISO file you want to copy at all Malcolm. 
> Why? Have you tried in a terminal,
> @localhost malcolm]# cd (to the directory containing the ISO)
> @locahost (that directory)]# cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,3,0 -eject 
> /directoryname/isoname
> and _is the CD-RW you're using blank?_ Have you added your user to the cdrom 
> and cdwriter groups yet?
> Are you trying to burn a back-up from October 25 direct to CD-RW? Or is it 
> already made and you just want to copy it to the CD? Either way the following 
> "how-to" article may be of some benefit to you:
> >
> > I still get:- 'cdrecord: Trying to use high speed medium on low speed
> > writer'.
> That ain't an error my friend, it's a warning. Theory says that you should use 
> media that is compatible (speed rating for one) with the drive you're using 
> to minimize the risk of damage. Your drive (and mine) maxes at 4x4x24 and the 
> media is rated for higher speed. Most of the time it won't matter but you may 
> want to think about verifying the burn before you need it. For example all of 
> the blank CD-Rs (spindle of 50 90 minute and a box of ten 80 minute) I have 
> are rated at "up to 40x certified"  but there's slim chance I'll buy a new 
> burner before I'm forced to. I probably wouldn't burn at that high speed 
> anyway since I don't need any more coasters/ornaments. I made enough under 
> Windows for a lifetime. ;-) The Mitsumi still makes usable install disks or 
> anything else I need. I'll worry when it doesn't.
> >
> > It looks as if I need to rewrite some 'cdrecord' files to get your
> > values. Hav'nt found the files yet, if you know what file please let me
> > know.The /usr/bin/cdrecord is not a script file, referred to as 'Type
> > unknown 238.9 KB.' in 'Properties'.
> That's the actual executable. Read this file:
> file:/usr/doc/cdrdao-1.1.6/README
> and this page:
> for more than I ever wanted to know. I don't think you really need to change 
> any of the cdrecord code. :-) Just have to figure out what's causing you 
> grief.
> >
> > It really is very kind of you to spend the time on my problems. I hope I
> > may return the pleasure to another some day. I suppose that is the
> > 'Linux' community way.
> Malcolm since I'm disabled you are actually doing me a favour by posing an 
> interesting problem that I may be able to help solve. Before I became a 
> "computer chair potato" I was called a work-a-holic, and still have those 
> nasty urges. So you're very welcome for any small help I've been able to 
> offer you. 
> Plus I have a rare incurable disorder that relates.
> It's called insatiable curiosity. :-)
> >
> > Anyway thanks you really are a star.
> >
> > Malcolm Candlish.
> >
> Regards;
> -- 
> Charlie
> Edmonton,AB,Canada
> Registered user 244963 at
>       #15 Your pet rock snaps at you.
> ----

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