John Richard Smith wrote:

It seems to me that possibly before attempting to unscrew
the monitor case , would  any  combination of the above be
responsible for the odd behaviour. Something has to be
giving me a blank black screen after so many minutes, I had
assumed it was bios APM , but since that is now disabled, maybe
I should try disabling more of the above ?

your are correct. this is why i asked.

and yes, please disable all in bios. this is to eliminate all
software control and should leave any blanking to occur from

there is something somewhere in linux that does a screen
blanking routine and effects cli. so disable apm in x for
this current run after you have all bios disabled.

i have been looking thru docs and config files. i have yet to
find anything, even doing a search thru google. of what i found
thru google, 176,000 hits, stopped after checking 240, nothing
for cli, except passing arguments thru lilo. this will not help,
as it is enables after log in.

will hold off on last posts until this is set.

peace out.


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