John Richard Smith wrote:

> Another interesting developement.
> I've been leaning how to use Gentoo boot disc,

> it I had a Thunggg. That is, a power off with a degauss,

thunggg is after, not before power off, correct?

> So if it can happen in a very low resolution setup like
> this, out of xwindows, it has to be saying something loud
> and clear about the state of the monitor, I think.

you said it. not me. :)

> But I can confirm the problem occures in every available resolution from > the lowest of the low to the best the monitor capable of. It has taken some > time and patience to confirm that because of the problem's random nature .

ok. now we can start finalizing.

> C1 (9300K) preset 9300K user mode 1

9300k is normal colour standard. it deals with what is termed
colour temperature.

> mine is currently set to C1 , can this have a bearing ?

not really. this is what you should use.

for your own understanding of diff temps, put something up on
screen that has plenty of colour, brightness, and contrast.
select setting to see how over all appearance changes.

i went thru basics of colour temp when i went to tech classes
with ampex video. it was most interesting.

when i went into colour photo finishing equipment service,
colour temp became more clear.

> Can confirm I do have a V/Ohms meter of sorts.

you did, and finalizing may be you putting it to use,
if you care to pull monitor case cover.

not knowing just how far you want to go with this, i have saved
telling you that your monitor may be where problem lies. tho
you may be coming aware of this yourself.

driver configs had to be eliminated first, and they are easiest
to fix. :)

to insure that we have eliminated all before monitor, please verify
that you have completely disabled all apm in bios.

if anything is still on, disable it. return to x, any res you want. ;)

insure that you still have symptoms.

believe it or not, thunk and thunggg, how they occur, is a very
important part of understanding where problem is.

> Later,
> I tell a lie, I've just found it tucked away at the back of the
> manual,
> mode    power     H,Sync      VSync    LED
> On      normal    on          on        green
> standby <15W      off         on        Amber
> Suspend < 5W      on          off       Amber blinking
> Off     < 5W      off         off       Amber blinking

not really a lie, you just had not 'ratfm'. so look thru
again to see what it tells about auto shut down protection. ;)

next, does manual mention anything about monitor having any type
off a controllable blanking?

=+= beauty of real is revealed only to those who persevere. old orthodox saying. =+=

this is most true.

i am going to take a break for a couple hours. this should give you time to reply to my last before this, and this. then we should be in sync to continue.

peace out.


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