>     There's nothin to report, there is no problem other than 
>misunderstanding on your part. I believe this was already correctly 
>answered by Derek or Greg, but couldn't find the reply in the ml 
>archive, so maybe you didn't see it.

I didn't.

>     src.rpm's almost always have more dependencies than the 
>precompiled counterpart rpms to facilitate building, but the 
>resulting rpm doesn't need them. Including all the compile deps 
>would also mean the precompiled rpm would need the same deps, but 
>needlessly, and could introduce conflicts.

The src.rpm requests most of the required rpm dependancies when
rebuilt, why not these two? Why make the task of rebuilding tougher
than it needs to be? They would only need to be requested if the
src.rpm is being rebuilt, as is already the case with most of the rpms
required for compilation. I am not infering the rpms should be
installed as a default for the reasons you stated above, but there is
an inconsitancy in the rebuilding of this src.rpm, which surely should
be highlighted?

>   So if you insist on building from src.rpms, you'll havt'a get 
>savvy in interpreting compile failures. Usually it's fairly clear, 
>and some -devel rpm is all that's needed.

Yep, and I've got them in the past and solved them on my own, but this
was a particularly problematic one.

> Sometimes another app, but one that's not normally installed, or
>might conflict with another app you do have installed.  Even if all
>the compile deps could be included, it would lead to endless,
>needless bloat. Particularly for large core files like kdelibs. 

Sure I am a newbie, and have a lot of linux learning to do (one of the
reasons for doing this), but the one of the chief aims of linux must
be to make it as user friendly and painless as possible. I am only
trying to help in my own small way ;-) Why should future compilers
search the net for information for the same problem? Is it not an
avoidable waste of their time? I sometimes find it frustrating myself
and I'm an advocate of Linux looking to learn! To attract users who
are not, or business's to which time is money, niggles and problems
like this ought to be resolved. In the open source community we have a
powerful tool to report and fix these, producing a product ultimately
more reliable and user friendly than any one potential software
corporation. This is done for mandrakes developing software, why not
its current release, which is after all used by a)end users  b) less
computer literate individuals (the vast majority of the world who we
want to attract!) and c) larger numbers of people? 

>Why do you wanna compile kdelibs from src anyhow?

To optimize linux for my processor (athlon tbird). I'm also trying to
install the least amount of software for my requirements, optimize the
kernel and stopp all unessecary services from running. Mandrake
installs a loyt, I assume to cover all eventualities (i.e. to be user
friendly!) but i'm interested to see how quick I can go.

Why bother? So I learn more about the workings of linux. I am
challenging myself to see what I can learn.

As an alternative (business) reason, to build a package targetting an
alpha processor

What are your thoughts?

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