On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 09:24:56 -0400
Todd Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you able to connect to MSN with kopete? I use various jabber clients
> and for the last week or so, since this MSN stuff came out, I haven't
> been able to connect to MSN (or Yahoo! for that matter) via the jabber
> gateways. I'm assuming the MSN snafu is a result of their commitment to
> standards and interoperability, but I'm stumped on Yahoo! Unless there's
> something up with my jabber server's gateways.

I haven't had any troubles connecting to them with my server (URL below). The
only annoying thing is that bloody message from MSN each time ;-)

"...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux"

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