
> Easiest way to install XFCE4 is through Charles' site:
> would i switch from Gnome to xfce4 and from xfce4 back to Gnome by
> > only using startx ? 
> 'startxfce4', but you can also start it with 'startx' if you have an ~/.xinitrc
> like so:
> xfce-mcs-manager
> xfwm4 --daemon
> xftaskbar4 &
> xfdesktop &
> exec xfce4-panel
> #exec gnome-session

ok i did that.  it launched and i see the panel at the top.  that was my
only noticable difference than using startxfce4.

also my wheel mouse causes things to move left to right instead of up
and down.  annoying :(  

when i said i wanted to change default browser to Epiphany that was for
right click menu and the middle aligned dock at the bottom.  

gnome-terminal does work however i would not know how to make it the
default terminal.

i have not yet discovered the cool stuff yet.  i've barely used it


> Notice that the last line is commented out, that way if you want to go back to
> Gnome, you just reverse the comments. As always, there are even more ways to do
> this, like create scripts for each WM/DE you use in ~/bin, then have an
> ~/xinitrc like so:
> exec ~/bin/xfce4
> #exec ~/bin/gnome
> #exec ~/bin/pekwm
> Then 'startx' will load whatever is *not* commented out.
> More about this on Todd Slater's site:
> > i dont want to use a display manager to login. 
> Good for you! The best way to go, IMNSHO.
> > and i'm not entirely sure i will stay with xfce.
> I'm bettin' you will. It has all the 'cool shit' you want, much more
> customizable, and very light on resources. You will *not* regret it. 'Sides, any
> 'problems' you have, there are several XFCE users on here who would be more than
> happy to help out.
> > also, can i run Gnome Terminal from xfce ? this might come off as odd but i
> > happen to like that terminal alot. 
> You can run anything you like from within XFCE, the right-click menu should be
> the same as your KDE or Gnome menus, and of course you can add launchers to the
> panel for whatever apps you use the most.

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