On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 21:19:37 -0700
Eric Huff disseminated the following:

> Mildly related:
> I have been meaning forever to see where to go to figure out how to
> get files to drag and drop out of sylpheed.  For some reason, claws
> doesn't work in or out,

IIRC, one of the reasons I wanted to switch to Claws was that it was *easier* to
drag files to a compose window to attach...but then I discovered I could just
create a script to do that for me (ie. the ROX Send To menu).

> but in regular sylpheed, you could put files in as an attachment, but still
> not out...

Well, unless I'm misunderstanding you, with 'plain' Sylpheed, you had to attach
a file with the 'browse' method, then you could drag other files into the
attachment 'field', whereas with Claws, this field was there with every new
compose window.

JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.freeyourmachine.org
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"President Bush is asking Congress for $80 billion dollars to rebuild Iraq. And
when you make out that check, remember there are two L's in Halliburton." --
David Letterman

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