It seems to be scrambling the configuration of Xwindows itself.
On 5/4 I wrote:
    "After 6 full installs, I now know what was corrupting my X.  It was not 
desktop configuration, hdparm, video setup (as generics), or any of the other 
RPMs I loaded from Mandrake 7 Deluxe, (modem & sound not configured) --Star 
Office so corrupted X that it froze Linux during boot, while trying to switch 
over to graphical login.  I had made many changes during the install, and 
fully recreated everything (except for the one thing I was testing) when 
reloading.  During only one iteration was I able to get a (frozen) console 
screen, which showed these messages: bad length in Geometry, output file 
/var/tmp/server-0.xkm removed, couldn't load XKB keymap, Font Trans Socket 
UNIX Connect: can't connect: errno-111, failed to set default font path 
1unix/:-1, and fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'.  The 
Star Office RPM appeared to run and end normally."
    As I indicated in the message you responded to, I have continued testing 
with an extremely simple configuration, and I have learned that it's the 
combination of WordPerfect and StarOffice that is causing the problems.  I 
have no other problems (that I know of, since sound is still not configured, 
and my modem was found and works however no programs are setup actually use 
it yet--I'v spent so much time with this...).  Install does not correctly 
detect my graphics card, however what it installs is completely servicable 
except for the low refresh rate.  I believe when video and monitor are 
correct I have the same result (frankly I've done this so many times I can't 
remember).  I'm glad to know that these two can co-exist -- would the fact 
that I haven't gotten a registration number for Word Perfect make any 
difference [I've been spending all of my time reading "newbie" and doing 
these installs]?  I wouldn't think so.  

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