I've registered my copy of Word Perfect, and with my video properly 
configured again tried to install Star Office when Word Perfect was already 
in place, and it still corrupts Xwindows to the extent that I have to reload 
Linux to fix it.  Summarizing many installs of Linux and WP/SO: 1) generic 
video or fully configured makes no difference, 2) whether Word Perfect has 
had its registration number entered or not makes no difference, 3) hdparm 
either default or c3d1, and desktop configuration makes no difference, 4) 
whether other RPMs have been installed or not makes no difference, and 5) the 
order of WP and SO makes no difference.  The last couple of times I've gotten 
"install failed" at about 80% complete, which I had not gotten earlier, and I 
don't know what is responsible for that change.   In all cases, everything 
seems fine until a reboot.  I can't think of anything that might be 
responsible for this failure to get both WP and SO installed. I've spent a 
couple of weeks going through the various permutations, and the only 
conclusion I can come to is that this just isn't going to work for me, though 
I was encouraged and gladdened by others of you successfully installing them 
both.  Thank you all for your assistance and your suggestions.  -Gary-

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