Larry Marshall wrote:

> that it is an option but a technician told me it is not anyway. My Bios
> setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and
> how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup
> My guess is that you've got an Award BIOS.  Yes, you can change it.  With
> the cursor over this option, hit the page up/page down keys and you'll see
> that you can step through several options.  If you want to boot from the CD,
> simply set it before your C drive and stick the Mandrake disk into the drive
> before rebooting.  Don't forget the F10 Save step before leaving the BIOS.
> >next. Linux is not installed yet. May I install Linux another way such
> as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
> partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted
> I'm not exactly sure why you want to install through DOS.  Especially if
> you're a newbie, your best bet is to make your CD bootable and insert the
> Mandrake disk.  It'll step you through all the steps of creating not only a
> Linux installation but it'll set up LILO for you and help you make a boot
> floppy in case you need one.
> Cheers --- Larry

Dear All, Thank you for your help. All of your suggestions led me to the right
solution. Yes, I have an Award Bios and the technician was not correct about not
being able to change it. With all of your  help I was able to make the necessary
changes. I am very grateful for your help and everyone seems to have very good
advice. I was actually able to start the installation process and it is almost
done except I chose not to do the root password, I did not know what to do about
my Iomega zip drive and I have a Data Switch hooked up to 2 printers. One of the
printers is connected to my UMAX Astra 610P scanner. One printer is an older
EpsonStylus Color and the other is an Okidata laser printer. I am not sure how
to get these configured. Also, when I got to the desktop page and it asked for
my user name and password of course I supplied it but it claimed they were
invalid. May I go back through the graphic installation program again and
straighten some of these things out without creating a problem with what I have
already installed? I think I have to go ahead with doing the root password, too.
Again thank you very much for all of your help. I was just about ready to return
my Linux to the store after struggling for 1 and 1/2 weeks.

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