I have the same problem. I finally managed to connect to the Internet with my 
cable modem by typing '/sbin/dhcpcd -d -n -h coXXXXXX-a eth0', where coXXXXXX 
is the client ID, in a root console. This requires you to have the dhcpcd 
package installed; it is available on your Mandrake CD.

One problem I have found with DHCP in Linux is that sometimes my machine 
loses its network connection, and I have to rerun this command. To combat 
this I have put it into a shell script in my path so that I can run it with a 
simple command like 'online' instead of '/sbin/dhcpcd -d -n -h coXXXXXX-a 
eth0'. Also, I have set the command to run as a cron job every five minutes, 
so that if I lose my connection I will be reconnected automatically within 
five minutes.

If you want to log-off the Internet, run 'dhcpcd -k eth0'. I have placed this 
in a script called 'offline' to make things easier.

On Sat,  4 Nov 2000 17:36, Roger Sherman wrote:
> OK, I finally have time to write this. I installed 7.1 a few months
> ago, and I was making a bit of progress as far as learing Linux goes,
> but then I switched from 56k to cable modem, and I hit a wall, as I
> have no clue of what's necessary to fill in in netconf and what isn't.
> So here's what I have, along with the dmesg info and whatever else I
> have:
> OK, to start with, I'm using Optimum Online, which is a Cablevision
> subsidiary,
> When I'm booting my computer, and its going through its process where
> its initializing things (or whatever) and its showing what its doing
> on the left side of the screen while saying OK on the right side (you
> know what I mean) it gets to a point where it says:
> Bringing up interface eth0 Can't find DHCP client on the left side and
> [failed] on the right.
> When I bring up a terminal window and type in ifconfig (as SU) it
> says:
> LO    Link encap:Local Loopback
>       inet addr: Mask
>       UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:3924 Metric 1
>       Rx packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 Frame:0
>       Tx packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>       collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> The info I've entered so far in netconf:
> Basic Host Info:
> Host Name
>       host name and domain : localhost.localdomain
> Adaptor
>       Config Mode: DHCP
>       Primary Name and Domain: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       Alias: rog@slammingrooves
>       IP address: 24.188 blah blah blah
>       Net mask:
>       Net Device: eth0
>       Kernel Module: 3c59x
>       I/O port:
>       IRQ: 5
> Name Server Specifications (unfortunatly, I didnt write down the
> fields that were in here, but I did fill in the primary and secondary
> IPs, and nothing else...does that help?)
> Routing and Gateways (Nothing here)
> Hostname search path (nothing here)
> Network Information System (NIS) (nadie aqui)
> IPX interface setup (nada)
> PPP/SLIP/PLIP ( nothing)
> Im not really sure why I put 5 down for IRQ, and I have no idea what
> to put down for I/O port...
> the nic card is a 3com 3C900B-TPO
> Oh, and whenever I hit quit on netconf, it puts up a box asking if I
> want to enact the changes, and blah blah...it also asks if I want to
> see what still needs to be done, and when I click that button it says:
> Things to do:
> Create dir /ver/spool/mqueue
> Changing permissions of file /var/spool/mail from 42775 to 40775
> Changing permissions of file /usr/bin/sendmail from 100775 to 104775
> Changing permissions of file /usr/sbin/ppd from 105775 to 104775
> Executing etc/rc.d/rd.d/510 network reload
> Executing etc/rc.d/rd.d/51apmd start
> Executing etc/rc.d/rd.d/5510inet restart
> The create dir part I can handle, the changing permissions Im
> reasonably sure I could figure out, the rest of it, Im a loop thats
> been thrown.
> Anywho, going by the above information, can someone walk me through
> the rest of it? I really want to get back into Linux full time, and
> its impossible without being online...I end up in Windows 90% of the
> time. As always, please assume I know nothing about Linux...its pretty
> much true.
> peace,
> Rog
> http://www.slammingrooves.com

Sridhar Dhanapalan
        "One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
        "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

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