On Sat, 4 Nov 2000 08:55:33 -0600, you wrote:

>I'm not too sure why anyone other than me has been having this problem. :)
>I know almost zilch about KDE and Mandrake, other than I've been able to
>install it successfully time after time.  The only thing I did to get my
>cable modem to work is make sure the card existed as eth0 and put in my DNS

OK, heres one of my fundamental problems...I don't know how to tell if
my card exists as eth0...how do I do that? I apologize for the
simplicity of this question, and the many to follow, but theres gonna
be a bunch until I get this thing knocked off, so get your seatbelts
buckled :-)

> I don't think there was anything other than that to do with it,
>maybe change the hostmane or something.  I don't think I've ever lost
>connection, whether it was a USR modem or cable modem.  The ony thing I had
>a problem with as far as my network card was when the Linksys router I have
>didn't want to hand me an IP.  I thought the install was borked but it was
>just that lousy router. :)
>Take Care!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sridhar Dhanapalan
>> Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 2:01 AM
>> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Roger Sherman
>> Subject: Re: [newbie] My continuing cable modem woes...
>> I have the same problem. I finally managed to connect to the
>> Internet with my
>> cable modem by typing '/sbin/dhcpcd -d -n -h coXXXXXX-a eth0',
>> where coXXXXXX
>> is the client ID, in a root console. This requires you to have the dhcpcd
>> package installed; it is available on your Mandrake CD.
>> One problem I have found with DHCP in Linux is that sometimes my machine
>> loses its network connection, and I have to rerun this command. To combat
>> this I have put it into a shell script in my path so that I can
>> run it with a
>> simple command like 'online' instead of '/sbin/dhcpcd -d -n -h coXXXXXX-a
>> eth0'. Also, I have set the command to run as a cron job every
>> five minutes,
>> so that if I lose my connection I will be reconnected
>> automatically within
>> five minutes.
>> If you want to log-off the Internet, run 'dhcpcd -k eth0'. I have
>> placed this
>> in a script called 'offline' to make things easier.
>> On Sat,  4 Nov 2000 17:36, Roger Sherman wrote:
>> > OK, I finally have time to write this. I installed 7.1 a few months
>> > ago, and I was making a bit of progress as far as learing Linux goes,
>> > but then I switched from 56k to cable modem, and I hit a wall, as I
>> > have no clue of what's necessary to fill in in netconf and what isn't.
>> > So here's what I have, along with the dmesg info and whatever else I
>> > have:
>> >
>> > OK, to start with, I'm using Optimum Online, which is a Cablevision
>> > subsidiary,
>> >
>> >
>> > When I'm booting my computer, and its going through its process where
>> > its initializing things (or whatever) and its showing what its doing
>> > on the left side of the screen while saying OK on the right side (you
>> > know what I mean) it gets to a point where it says:
>> >
>> > Bringing up interface eth0 Can't find DHCP client on the left side and
>> > [failed] on the right.
>> >
>> > When I bring up a terminal window and type in ifconfig (as SU) it
>> > says:
>> >
>> > LO Link encap:Local Loopback
>> >    inet addr: Mask
>> >    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:3924 Metric 1
>> >    Rx packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 Frame:0
>> >    Tx packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>> >    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>> >
>> > The info I've entered so far in netconf:
>> >
>> > Basic Host Info:
>> >
>> > Host Name
>> >    host name and domain : localhost.localdomain
>> > Adaptor
>> >    Config Mode: DHCP
>> >    Primary Name and Domain: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >    Alias: rog@slammingrooves
>> >    IP address: 24.188 blah blah blah
>> >    Net mask:
>> >    Net Device: eth0
>> >    Kernel Module: 3c59x
>> >    I/O port:
>> >    IRQ: 5
>> > Name Server Specifications (unfortunatly, I didnt write down the
>> > fields that were in here, but I did fill in the primary and secondary
>> > IPs, and nothing else...does that help?)
>> > Routing and Gateways (Nothing here)
>> > Hostname search path (nothing here)
>> > Network Information System (NIS) (nadie aqui)
>> > IPX interface setup (nada)
>> > PPP/SLIP/PLIP ( nothing)
>> >
>> > Im not really sure why I put 5 down for IRQ, and I have no idea what
>> > to put down for I/O port...
>> >
>> > the nic card is a 3com 3C900B-TPO
>> >
>> > Oh, and whenever I hit quit on netconf, it puts up a box asking if I
>> > want to enact the changes, and blah blah...it also asks if I want to
>> > see what still needs to be done, and when I click that button it says:
>> >
>> > Things to do:
>> >
>> > Create dir /ver/spool/mqueue
>> > Changing permissions of file /var/spool/mail from 42775 to 40775
>> > Changing permissions of file /usr/bin/sendmail from 100775 to 104775
>> > Changing permissions of file /usr/sbin/ppd from 105775 to 104775
>> > Executing etc/rc.d/rd.d/510 network reload
>> > Executing etc/rc.d/rd.d/51apmd start
>> > Executing etc/rc.d/rd.d/5510inet restart
>> >
>> > The create dir part I can handle, the changing permissions Im
>> > reasonably sure I could figure out, the rest of it, Im a loop thats
>> > been thrown.
>> >
>> >
>> > Anywho, going by the above information, can someone walk me through
>> > the rest of it? I really want to get back into Linux full time, and
>> > its impossible without being online...I end up in Windows 90% of the
>> > time. As always, please assume I know nothing about Linux...its pretty
>> > much true.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > peace,
>> >
>> > Rog
>> > http://www.slammingrooves.com
>> --
>> Sridhar Dhanapalan
>>      "One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
>>      "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler



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