Look at this number sequence:


see how quickly it goes up? They are the memory requirements for windows. dos
would word with 512k. windows 3.11 needed 4 meg. windows 95 needed 8 meg.
Windows 98 needed 32Meg. Whistler will need so much people will have to buy

And look at processers:

dos : 8086
win3.11 : 80286
win95 : 80386
win98 : unknown
win me : 166MHz

thats enough that I managed to fty my laptop processor when I tried to
overclock it and run windows me. It cost £25 for a new pentium 166.

On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> Romanator wrote:
> > Revenant wrote:
> > > Clarification:  Millenium is MS eking the last $$$ it can out of the
> > > dying Win9x OS.  Whistler will be what Win2000 was supposed to be - the
> > > fusion of the NT line with the Win9x line.  It is supposed to be a very
> > > different beast to the Win9x line, including ME...
> > Have you noticed that the OS is getting bigger and bigger? They are
> > pushing our resources to their limits.
>   <shrug>  Our resource limits are increasing.  Most software aims to
> take maximum advantage of the hardware available.  Now that the industry
> standard machine is a PIII, I'd be disappointed if the OS didn't have
> additional functionality.
>   That said, Windows *does* seem to have more than its fair share of
> bloat...
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> ---------------Revenant [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] ----------------------
Goldenpi - linux user, unreal editor, programer in 3 languages and all round

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