> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul
> Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 11:47 PM
> On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Revenant wrote:
> >> Have you noticed that the OS is getting bigger and bigger? They are
> >> pushing our resources to their limits.
> >  <shrug>  Our resource limits are increasing.  Most software aims to
> >take maximum advantage of the hardware available.  Now that the
> >industry standard machine is a PIII, I'd be disappointed if the OS
> >didn't have additional functionality.
> But not more speed.
> Lotus 1.2.3 version 1 that ran on the original 8086 is equally fast as
> excel2000 on the 800Mhz P-III.
> Paul

  Perhaps.  But given that Excel2000 is running graphically at
1024x768x32 or higher under a multi-tasking operating system, while
Lotus 1.2.3v1 is running under a single-tasking text-based OS, this is
more impressive than it sounds.

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---------------Revenant [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] ----------------------

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