Yes, use eth1 for the second card.

One card should be hooked up to the DSL.  The other
card should be hooked up to the internal private
network.  This server with the two cards can act as
the router and the firewall.

Give eth1 similar information as eth0.  It's probably
easiest to get them both the same subnet, but they
will need two different IPs.

The windows machines will use the server as their
gateway.  They can use the DNS from the ISP.

--- Rod Upfold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are changing over from using 3 modems to a DSL. 
> I am trying to set up a home network to use one DSL
> connection.
> I followed the tutorial on networking at Mandrake.
> The author of the
> tutorial talks about two network cards in the linux
> server...the one card
> would be "eth0"....what about the other card...I
> suspect that it is for
> the DSL modem to plug into it....but what do I do
> with this card in the
> Linuxconf it "eth1"?....what info do I
> put in...the same type
> of info that I used for "eth0" but different
> numbers?
> My internal home network will include 2 Win98
> machines (my kid...can't
> convince them to switch over to Linux" and my dual
> operating
> computerand my Linux router/gateway machine. What
> information do I need to
> put into Win98 networking menu?
> IP address - specify an IP address or obtain an IP
> Gateway - Do I enter the Gateway address that I put
> on my Linux
> server?...or leave it blank?
> Do I disable the DNS or enable and use the DNS
> numbers that you get from
> the DSL provider?
> Right now I have the Gateway machine and a Win98
> machine hooked up
> together and I can "ping" back and forth....but
> thats as far I have
> gotten.
> I am going back to Mandrake 7.2 - I loaded up
> version 8 last night and my
> machine bogged down and is much faster with version
> 7.2 and it has less
> automatic setup programs that you can't learn with.
> Thank - I shall probably be back with more
> questions.
> Thank you again
> Rod
>      ********************************************

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