On Wednesday 19 December 2001 18:07, you wrote:
> Well let's not get too flamin' high and mighty and make judgements about
> each others' intelligence, shall we?
OK I agree, but why then did you do EXACTLY that?

> An installer that destroys partitions without adequate warning, ESPECIALLY
> in "easy" mode, shows indefensibly bad programming from people who assume
> to know better. Learning is a process punctuated by mistakes as well as
> successes.
as you ASS-U-Me to know what others are thinking.

> I shouldn't have to learn "spells and incantations" to be assured a safe
> passage through the unfriendly waters of new OS install, especially one
> that is trying to compete against the arrogance and poor quality we are
> accustomed to getting from Redmond.
could it be that YOU are assuming AGAIN? I have looked and looked for the 
quote from Linus Torvaldes that says "linux is for _competing_ with Redmond 
and Uncle Billy", and since it IS his kernel, I would expect him to be the 
one that could make that decision
could it be that you are taking YOUR experiance, and imposing what you 
"believe" to have learned, and deciding (without assistance as far as I can 
tell) what the "truth" is? (reminds me of the three blind men and the 
elephant, touching a part and deciding what kind of critter the elephant 
really is, you know one has the trunk and decides an elephant is like a 
snake, one has the leg and thinks an elephant is like a tree that moves, and 
one has the side and thinks an elephant is like a wall.)   

> If you don't have any patience for us NEWBIES, then don't waste your
> precious time writing arrogant and spiteful retorts to those of us on this
> NEWBIE list who have, if not more knowledge and experience, then certainly
> a lot more humility and civility than you appear to have.

one might honestly question your "more humility and civility" and after all 
_I_ am the most humble of all. <grin>

there are none so blind as he who will not see, nor none so deaf as he who 
will not hear

damn did that guy say "cast out the moat from thine own eye" again?

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