Thx Brian & Lyvim.  I appreciate the sentiments.

I've had a rough 2 weeks, and won't get into it here as to why.  If you
really want to know you can email me offlist.

I shall consider your words carefully, and see what I can come up with. 
Yes I've tried to lighten this particular subject with some humour.  And
I do genuinely care to help.  I have a buoyant personality & I had hoped
that some would enjoy a little fun as opposed to purely dry Q&A's.

Apparently some do not.  That is their right as it is my own to be fun &
loving to all *including my detractors*.


Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 22:28, FemmeFatale wrote:
> > *shrugs* Whatever guy.
> >
> > Ya i'll tone it down just was excited & having fun
> >
> > in the event you still don't like my posts, don't read em.
> >
> > I'm just enjoying myself & if I sound 14, oh well...Sorry that bugs you.
> >
> > Femme
> As far as I'm concerned, your conduct has been exemplary.  You've been a
> tremendous help to many here, not only technically, but also a strong
> source of moral support.  If anything, you've strengthened the list, and
> I don't see that as desirable to anybody who's seeking to put a damper
> on list enthusiasm.  Personally I tend to expect a little more from
> people than dry technical details; I also look for a caring and
> supportive attitude.  If there's anyone on this list that has supplied
> both, it's certainly you first and foremost.  So my suggestion is that
> you continue to conduct yourself as you have in the past, which to me
> has left a positive and very adult impression.  In other words, don't
> let anybody else stop you from being who you are.
> Best Regards Always,
> Lyvim
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