
A wise man once told me that griping the griper was unproductive.  To
that wise man, I now offer my apologies, and the offering that this
exchange is in no way an attempt to disrespect his advice.

I've been taking note of this exchange for some time now, and since I
feel like I've pretty well grokked it, I'm going to lay down my wooden
nickel's worth.  Since it's a free country and a list-of-liberty and

My first observation is that, Steve, you're an asshole. You love to
wallow in your own mental feces.  I don't know what your personal
problems are, but this list and the female members are not your
psychologic dumping ground.

Now if you've got something like this to say to any female on the list,
( "being as concerned about bandwidth as you are" )my second observation
is that you have the option to go private.  You did not do this.  Now
where I come from, if you walk up to somebody's girlfriend or wife and
say something like what you've said below to them, you end up with a
black eye and checking out the taste of the local dirt.  But of course
you're not going to go private with shit like you've said below, are
you?  Because your true aim is not to correct what you propagandize as
"OT's" or "bandwidth transgressions."  Your true aim is to hurt and
embarrass Femme to maximum effect; everything else is just a shield or
an excuse.  Lack of a private exchange is irrefutable evidence, since a
private exchange in your case would have been setting an example for
"OT's" or "bandwidth transgressions."

I'll tell you this though; if this list was a party or a get together
and we were all together in person, I know for a fact that you would not
have been as "courageous" as you've been below with your female target. 
You may be an asshole, but you're not stupid.

> > On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 20:48, sda wrote:

> > > On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 05:20:15PM -0700, FemmeFatale wrote:
> > > > We're rough... to idiots. :)

> > > For someone who's actually been only posting on this list for what three
> > > weeks tops? - You seem to have an awful lot to say about things around
> > > here. Now I'm sure you're cutsy 14 yo girlish antics get you somewhere
> > > with most of the boys, I'm not too impressed. Care to tone it down a
> > > bit, or is this list your flavour of the month?

> > > I notice you've now started posting on the "expert" list - I'm sure
> > > you're a "sunny" personality and all, but why do most women on the
> > > internet have to chatter like 14 yo girls? You do realize that's what
> > > you sound like right? I ran several of your posts by several of my
> > > friends that are relatively sophisticated urbanite women early 30ish -
> > > they agreed.

> On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 02:50:01PM +0200, Robin Turner wrote:
> > [snippets]

> > > I just cant get over everyone calling Femme a 14 yr old girl.

> > Not everyone, by a long chalk.

On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 11:32, sda wrote: 
> Oh please, it's quite obvious by some of her comments, that she was
> "acting" as such. I didn't say she was one and since this list is for
> newbies to acquire some techinical information, lets keep the "side
> chatter" or socializing ratio down please. I've been receving quite a
> few private e-mails in support, much more than here in support of
> keeping the "noise" ratio high.

> > So it's OK to be provocative, condescending, dogmatic or pedantic 
> > (not referring to anyone in particular) but being cute or girlish is
> > out?  I detect a double standard here.  I'd guess that if Femme 
> > Fatale had picked a different nickname, like, say SegFault, 
> > no one would have picked up on the girly thing.
> Oh contraire, she sounds as she sounds and this list is detoriating to
> more noise once again. The problem is when the noise ratio exceeds the
> actual help ratio, and with this nonsense carrying on I can see it
> happening with ease. If you folks want to chat socially, I suggest you
> all grab IRC and go to the Mandrake or what-ever-channel. This is not
> the place, for the cutesy folksy noise that seems to prevade here, 
> more recently since uno-who joined.
> Anyway carry-on I won't respond any more to this or similar threads.
> Will watch and see what happens. The sad thing will be if those that
> have the knowledge refuse to share it because of the noise ratio.
> Civilme can't do it all alone.

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