On Friday 05 April 2002 06:53 pm, Roger Sherman wrote:
> On 4 Apr 2002, tester wrote:
> > Now do these
> >
> > urpmi unixodbc
> > (and from the reply install every match with urpmi
> Let me make sure I understand...I type the above, and it shows me
> this:
> The following packages contain unixodbc: libunixODBC2-devel
> unixODBC-gui-qu unixODBC unixODBC-gui-gtk libunixODBC2.
> So I install those
> packages before all the rest? Won't that create a ton of dependancy
> problems, installing just those few before everything else? Why is
> this method preferable to just doing rpm -ivh *?

    I've done dozens of KDE upgrades, mostly with Texstar's Mandrake 
rpms (http://www.pclinuxonline.com/).  With all updates I regularly d/l 
them to a directory by themselves (eg, /stor/kde3/)  and in that dir as 
root, with X/Kde runnin, I rpm -Uvh * (-ivh * would work just as well).  
If any deps are encountered, rpm will list 'em, nothin will be done.  
IIRC i needed a few, including libunixODBC2-devel-2.2.0-1mdk and a few 
others that Software Manger took quick care of.  A re-run of rpm -Uvh * 
merrily installed kde3. Then, as with all major installs, I immediately 
followed with 'rpm --rebuild db', 'updatedb', 
'ldconfig -v', and 'update-menus -v'.
That followed by a few login/outs to KDE3 before things sort'a kind'a 
settle down. (sort'a kin'da is an understatement ;)  KDE3 is now an 
option in KDM.  Once chosen KDM will remember to go to KDE3 on future 
logins for that user (me ;).  Oh, I almost forgot, I changed (disabled) 
autologin before I installed kde3.

   As with previous tries at kde3 (beta's), I found most kde2 settings 
were imported, some (actually a lot) I had to re-do.  I haven't tried 
going back to kde2.2.2, but with past kde3 trials, going back (kde3 and 
2.2.2 are both installed, kde3's in /opt) will necessitate re-doing 
some configuration all over again.  I should mention that many seem to 
advocate installin kde3 from outside of X/KDE, and renaming /.kde to 
.kde-old beforehand.  I don't bother with both those notions.  YMMV

> > Liquid is not ready or KDE3 is not ready for liquid at this time. 
> > Some beautiful theming from Mosfet will just have to wait a little
> > longer.
> >
> > Civileme

    Texstar's  mosfet-liquid-0.9.2-2mdk works fine with at least his 
KDE3 rpms. Add in the 'Slick' icons and it's even prettier. I share 
your thought tho, I suspect KDE3 is what's not quite ready for prime 
time.  Mandrake did well to not include it with ML8.2.   If I didn't 
relish a challenge, I'd go back to my good 'ol solid KDE2.2.2  Still 
might.  I d/l'd some more kde3 updates last night, but I can't figure 
out yet what, if anything, they fixed ;)
    Tom brinkman                            Corpus Christi, Texas

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