On Friday 03 May 2002 2:21 am, Nick Andriash wrote:

> On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
> disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux
> Users... and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off
> my Computer.
> Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel Windows Users are fools? I
> use Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You don't even know me, so
> where do you get off labelling me as one... and putting something
> like that in your signature? No wonder Users are slow to try Linux,
> what with greetings like yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators
> haven't said anything to you.

As a former The Bat!* and former Windows user, I reluctantly agree.

About 18 months ago, when I started off with Linux, I asked a few 
questions about a then-very-problematic ADSL modem (the Alcatel Speed 
Touch USB) and almost had my head knocked off in response; I was so 
offended I _did_ wipe Linux off the computer.

Now things seem to be much better, mainly because of groups.google.com, 
but also because there's much less arrogance in general and the old 
growlers are generally bypassed or ignored in my experience. (Doubtless 
there are places where they congregate and reminisce 'when there were 
only a command line ...' :)

That said, saying things about Windows _users_ is off limits for me 
because, quite apart from anything else, I (and I suspect a large 
proportion of the list readers) are forced to use it at work.


* I recognise the author from elsewhere; it is noticeable that, among 
others, the kmail developers seem to have solved problems that The 
Bat!'s developers heaved and sweated over, in isolation and often only 
partially successfully, for months. Such are the virtues of Open Source 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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