Ok, it might not be several screenfuls, but when it ends, the beginning has
scrolled off, and all I see is a list of drivers, and the version number I
assumed was at the beginning of the list.

Anyway, I've made a lot of progress thanks to the help I've been getting
I now have 4.0.3 running.  It is initializing both displays.  It is starting
Gnome on screen 0.  I can drag the mouse curser to screen 1, but otherwise
can't yet use screen 1.  Now I'm guessing I'll need to look at the Gnome
doc's to extend Gnome to screen 1.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Wraith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Newbie]which X?

> On version 3 I get a fairly large list of configured drivers but not
> screenfuls.
> What goes wrong w/XFree86 -version?

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