[19] Eidos announce massive losses
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
Computer Games company Eidos announced massive losses of £19 million for the last 
year.  Now who is it they sponsor again? 

[18] Fortune on tonight
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Our confidence is so high, as we showed against Watford. We've got to win at 
Sunderland first, but I think we can go all the way. We've got young players here who 
are capable of doing a lot."
Incidentally, his SA countryman Gary Bailey gave an exclusive interview for Red News 
on what he's up to these days and his time at United - in the new issue of Red News, 
issue 73, out for sale at Old Trafford on Saturday!

[17] Chadwick says 'Oi, Arsenal, NO!'
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
As Luke Chadwick turned down the Arse in 1995 to sign schoolboy terms for Utd: "In the 
end, both clubs offered me terms, but I thought Old Trafford was much friendlier and I 
headed north. I played in the junior leagues before being offered a four year contract 
last season - that was the best moment of my life." 

[16] Likely team tonight
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
United Van der Gouw, Clegg, Johnsen, O'Shea, Phil Neville, Chadwick, Greening, 
Wallwork, Fortune, Solskjaer, Yorke.
If Greening does play tonight it will cost United a further payment of £100,000 to 
York for his 20th appearance for Utd and part of the financial deal for his old club. 
So far the deal has cost us £850,000.
Recouping may come in the way of Alex Notman who is set to sign for Norwich.

[15] Lawrenson says league is over
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
Mark Lawrenson: "The rest of the Premiership might as well pack up and go home - the 
title race is over before the end of November. It is a sad day for English football, 
but Manchester United's eight point lead is an insurmountable lead at the top of the 

[14] Jim Smith speaks some sense
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
"United have everything. And the rest of us just have to face up to the fact - no 
matter how unpalatable it is - that Manchester United are just getting better and 
better all the time"

[13] Latest share price
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
Up 1p at 241.

[12] More from our sponsors
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
As Vodafone notched up half year profits of £1.82 billion - their Xmas gift to their 
staff is...a Mars Bumper chocolate stocking, costing £1.99!

[11] Whore in Leeds
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
And not of the Sheep variety either. The whore tag was apparently the insult that Arse 
player Robert Pires threw at David O'Leary after the Leeds boss kept (why?) blowing 
kisses at Pires during the game and then afterwards in the tunnel area. Happy times on 
Sunday - the ABUs have started dividing and ruling, starting to hate each other - can 
we ask for anything more. A possible 3 match ban for Viera if a video of his actions 
in the game on Sunday find him guilty? Anything else?

[10] Forward planning by Utd
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
Manchester United have booked 25 rooms at the most luxurious hotel in
Wales....for the weekend of the F.A Cup final, which will be played
at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium. (well, you've got to expect haven't you!). United 
have booked four days accomodation for their entire first team squad at the Vale of 
Glamorgan Golf and Country Club from May 9th to May 13th - including the scheduled 
date of the final on May 12th. The estimated cost for United's party will be around 
$15,000 for four days at the hotel complex, which is ten miles outside Cardiff. The 
hotel said: "It is not out policy to discuss who our guests are" as the ABUs will be 
up in anger once again what with all this current talk of domestic domination - when 
surely it makes sense with so few hotels around Cardiff and as you can do for a Euro 
away as a fan, you can always cancel if it doesn't come off. We've already heard Reds 
saying they plan to book hotels in Cardiff for that weekend on the same principle!

[9] Slight mistake apparently
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
In Becks' new tattoo on his arm which was meant to spell Victoria in Hinidi but 
apparently the design on his arm actually spells Vihctoria - cock up by the tattoist 
as Padmesh Gupta, president of the UK Hindi committee said: "Whoever wrote this tattoo 
is clearly not a Hindi expert. There is no H in Victoria when it is written in Hindi". 
(and also no H when it's written anywhere else either.
A spokesperson for SFX, Becks and Posh's PR company said: "Oh dear, I'll have to tell 
David there's a mistake on his arm next time he telephones in"

[8] Fergie on tonight
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I think knowing Peter Reid he will play his normal way. Peter Reid doesn't change and 
he has his team playing the same way. They're all committed so they will play exactly 
like that. If you look at the League Cup, there have been a few casualties already. 
Arsenal have gone, Chelsea have gone so I think Peter Reid will be looking at this 
trophy and thinking he has a chance of winning it.

"e will put out his strongest side and that's good. It will be a difficult game for my 
players, but I think it's also one they will enjoy. They all enjoyed it at Watford. 
That was the great thing and they went about that game with great relish. This will be 
another test of their temperament and we'll be looking to see if they can do well 

Johnsen will replace Wes Brown in the only change to the United side which beat 
Watford 3-0 in the last round.

[7] Giggs targetting Graz comeback
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I probably came back a bit too soon (at Maine Road) and I could feel my hamstring so 
I didn't take any risks. I know it is not as bad as the trouble I had a couple of 
seasons ago and I am sure that once I am fit again I will stay in the side for the 
rest of the season."

[6] Real players in Real trouble
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
Serves 'em right for taking our place we say as Real Madrid players in 
Tokyo for the Intercontinental Cup Final (thought last year was supposed to be the 
last one?) bumped into fans of opposition Boca Juniors and got a shit load of abuse, 
to put it mildly!

Madrid's players had gone a shopping trip, but found themselves bombarded with abuse 
by a small section of Boca fans until Japanese policeman arrived to disperse the crowd.

[5] Father Ted Beckham - my lad is priceless
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I wouldn't like to say what my lad's valued at - that's for the clubs to decide. It 
doesn't really matter to me or to David or to anybody else what he is worth. The 
prices are what the clubs put on them - the prices are not made up by the players. I 
don't really care how much he's worth. He could be worth a million, he could be worth 
£500,000 for all I care.

All I'm interested in is him playing for Man United and playing well and winning 
things, which is obviously what the club's doing, and I don't really bother about that 
side. It's hard on the players if that's put on them because they've got to try and 
live up to it, and it can be very hard I just can't believe that since my lad has been 
with Man United he's won so much - what I'm more grateful for is that there are 
players who go through their career and don't win anything. They might pick up the odd 
trophy here and there, but what my lad has won - and the whole team, not just my lad - 
is brilliant, and we appreciate it."

[4] Sammy Mac - league is boring. RN - no it's not!
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
Sammy McIlroy on our eight point league. Don't knock it Sammy!

"Manchester United are looking very, very strong favourites and it's not even 
Christmas time. The majority of the Premiership sides have conceded the title and that 
just shows how far Manchester United are above the rest. They've already got an 
eight-point lead and remember they had a one-point lead at this time last year and 
went on to win it by double figures. They just seem to be slipping into another gear 
and it's just frightening really.

It's marvellous for Manchester United because they are in a great position, but it's 
also a situation where people are saying it's getting boring because they are so far 
in front. We all like to say the Premier League is the best league in the world, but 
is it if people are already playing for second place? That really is a shame for the 
supporters and what have they got to look forward to for the rest of the season? We've 
not even reached the halfway mark and already it looks all over."

[3] Wenger finally sees something
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
This time nothing though as the alleged tunnel bust-up after the game at Elland Road 
on Sunday prompted him to say: "There was a little bit of talking but nothing 
physical. The game was physical but all the rest was very nice afterwards!". At least 
it's a change from "I see nothing".

[2] McClaren to stay on with England?
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
As The Football Association will announce later this week the structure of the England 
management team for the friendly against Spain at Villa Park on February 28 - although 
with his tenure in Italy looking increasingly thin, the mobile phone may be in full 
charge by then anyway.

"There are ongoing talks with both Peter Taylor and Steve McClaren and we will also be 
speaking with Sven" said spokesman Adrian Bevington.

"We hope to clarify the position with regards to England's friendly soon."

[1] So big of the ABUs
Posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 by bar-knee:
>From a RN contributor: "On Saturday I saw some "trouble" outside the pub opposite the 
>station just after the game.  The trouble was in fact a brave bloke in a Derby shirt 
>who ran up to a United supporting female (in her mid to late 30's) and hit her on the 
>head with a bottle before snatching her bag and running off with it.  The nearby 
>police turned up too late to get him and I think he made off with it successfully.  I 
>spoke to the woman after who'd lost 40 quid and had a big lump coming on the side of 
>her head.  And you thought only in Liverpool."

What a brave bloke eh - didn't do it when all the Reds had arrived either.

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