[8] Team from last night
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
United: Barthez, Brown, Neville G, Silvestre, Irwin, (Neville P 90), Beckham, Butt 
(Giggs 80), Scholes, Keane, Sheringham, Yorke (Solskjaer 90) 

Subs not used: van der Gouw, O'Shea, Fortune, Greening (strange how many attackers?)
Bookings: Butt 58, 

Goals: Scholes  17, Giggs  89  
Attendance: 16,500

[7] Alfie is a blue, he is so sad
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Extract from Manchester City skipper Alfie Inge Haaland's recent week: 

"This week I went to see AC/DC in concert, along with my friends  Egil Ostenstad, 
Stig-Inge Bjornebye and Veggard Heggem. It was a great gig,  and they played all their 
hit songs such as Back In Black and Highway To Hell  - the show went on for well over 
two hours. It was a real inspiration to see  the band, particularly Angus Young, 
running around like kids, with the sweat  pouring off them. It made me think that, if 
a bunch of middle-aged guys can  run around like that for two hours, we shouldn't have 
any problem, being in  our mid-20s, performing for 90 minutes! I'm into all kinds of 
music, not just  heavy metal, but AC/DC just have quality songs and I have to say that 
it was  one of the best concerts I've ever been to." 

And now we easily realise why he's such a hero to the Bitter Blue ranks - and why he 
hates Utd so. Mr Bean has more fun in a week.

[6] Stop that pre-season, we want to get on board!
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
With Peter Kenyon set to announce our Far East tour dates later today marketing 
company IEC want us to include Australia as part of a pre-season tour. 

The marketing company's managing director Dominic Galati admitted  that he was in 
talks with the Premiership champions - and that an  arrangement would be mutually 

"We are in negotiations with them, we're talking to them about 2001 
and 2002. We'd like them to come back, they had a great experience in  Australia with 
us previously, we treated them well. They loved  Australia, but it's more of a 
business proposition for them.  They set up a lot of stores in Asia and any tour is 
for two-fold  reasons - it's to promote their team and promote their stores." 

Soccer Australia chief executive David Woolley is worried after the aggro during the 
last tour.

"We went through some difficulties last time and we'd need to be sure 
that didn't happen next time. The public deserve better entertainment value then 
they've had in  the past and are very mindful of that. As far as the club were 
concerned it didn't create any animosity with the Australian soccer federation."

[5] Kaiser waxes about Becks
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Franz Beckenbauer said: 

"David Beckham is  the most exciting, talented footballer in the world.  Beckham this 
year has been fantastic. If I had to pick a No1 player in the  world this year, a 
player who has dominated football, then it would have to be Beckham. 

All the great stars this year have had periods when they have had a break or  haven't 
been at their best. Zinadine Zidane and Rivaldo, for example, have  not been at their 
peak for the whole season. But Beckham has not faltered.  He is the man who all year 
has been very consistent and who can continue to  get better. I really like him. I 
like the way he passes the ball and the way  he shoots. It's fantastic. There is 
nobody in the world like him." 

Don't we know it.

[4] Bowyer gobs off
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Lee Bowyer: "I think we can match United. We just have to keep our feet firmly on the 
ground and keep concentrating and trying our best," said Bowyer. But we're also 
growing up. We must be because we produced a good, mature performance against 
Lazio...We think we can beat near-enough anybody on our day as long as we all play 
well...We have so much will and determination to win and if we can beat Lazio in Rome 
then we can beat anybody."

Apart from Manchester United...

[3] Graz response
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Graz coach Ivica Osim once again talking in circles.

"I think some of my players had too much respect for the Manchester United players. 
But my players gave everything in this game and it wouldn't be right for me to 
criticise any of them. I'm not that disappointed because I appreciate the quality of 
the Manchester United players and you can't compare my players with theirs."

Beckham "We always knew it would be a tough game but we're pleased with the result" 
this coming on German tv channel RTL which showed the game live and who showing how 
strong the media are in UEFA world, interviewed both Becks and Fergie straight after 
ITV. Not in German though.

[2] More from Fergie
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Scholes' was a marvellous goal and you forget, that because he's a midfield player, 
how many goals he has scored - and they've all been important goals" 14 goals in fact 
- just 3 behind Cole.

"He has certainly scored a lot for us. I think we have good finishers at the club and 
he did start out as a striker. He was never the striker that Dwight Yorke or Andy Cole 
was. He was always the type to drop into midfield, but he's always been a good 
finisher from when he was a kid.

It's always good to win a game like this, simply because it gives us six points going 
into the break, and by the time we come back, hopefully we will have everyone fit. We 
should have Jaap Stam and Andy Cole available by then and in the first half in 
particular we played very well. We had a good flow to our game, the tempo of our 
passing was good and I was pleased with the first goal.

They had one or two moments in the second half, but you expect them to improve their 
performance when they're 1-0 down on their own ground. They've got to have some change 
of pace, but once we weathered that they didn't look like beating us. We probably 
created more chances in the second half and we're satisfied because it's a good result 
for us."

[1] Fergie happy with result
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Aren't we all really - we certainly did slightly more than we had to in the cold of 
Graz but trying not to get carried away, I'm starting to see signs of '99 with the 
team. Talk ends there from me - but Ferguson was beaming after our first Euro away win 
in 6 games.

"We expected them to have a real go after half-time and they did that. But we 
weathered it and maybe when the boy hit the bar, there was a bit of luck there, but in 
main we controlled it quite well - not as good as the first half, but we still had one 
or two chances in the second half.

"I thought the Teddy Sheringham goal should have stood because the boy passed it back, 
but nonetheless we have got a good result and the first (away) for a while. I thought 
they acquitted themselves better in the second half and had a real go which maybe 
caught us off balance a little bit - carelessness at times, but not overly."

We are very pleased. We are in a good position. We are getting better. We have six 
points and a double-header now against Valencia who we played last season and if we 
could get the same result (a draw in Spain and victory at Old Trafford), we would be 
delighted with that."

Other group result...Panathinaikos 0 Valencia 0.

[47] On the spot report
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by tb:
The atmosphere was the best seen (and heard) for many a year, with much mutual piss 
taking between the two sections of Utd supporters. Our man was off to sooth his vocal 

[46] Full Time from Graz
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by ps:
Graz 0 United 2

Scholes (18), Giggs(88)

[45] Half time
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by tb:
Graz 0 Utd 1 - The Ginger Prince

[44] More idle transfer talk
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Manchester United, Leeds and Chelsea have joined the race to sign 20-
year-old attacking midfielder Yossi Benayoun. The Israeli  international playmaker, 
who has a £7m price tag on his head, is in a  strange contract situation at present. 
Israeli league leaders,  Benayoun's current club, Maccabi Haifa 'own' half of him, 
while second 
division Hapeol Beer Sheva own the other half."

Er, can we bid for the good half then - preferably the one that includes the foot he 
shoots and passes with...

[43] Fergie's last word on tonight
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Anyone who changes their defence at the start of the season and  then has to change 
again during the season does not normally find it  easy. We started off with great 
promise at the start with all the players  fit and then we lost Jaap Stam and Ronny 
Johnsen, and we had to make  a new partnership with Gary Neville and Wes Brown. They 
are both  young but they have grown into it and developed very, very well  together. 
The best will come from them in games like tonight. It 
is a big game for them. But they will get better in these types of  games. That's a 
promising part for us.

Gary Neville's future as a centre back is something I haven't  thought about at the 
moment really. He is a natural in the position  though but once Jaap Stam comes back 
we'll make another decision if  we need to. At the moment I am very satisfied with him.

The players will want to improve on their away record  this season. It has been 
disappointing. We are not particularly pleased about it. When we lose a game it  tends 
to create news we don't want and I hope we can start winning  some games.

Ole always gives me something to think about. It is always difficult with the strikers 
we have got and having to  leave one out. He's a fantastic player and I have to pick 
the team I  think is right on the night and it does include Ole in my thinking.

The midfield decision is an even bigger selection problem"

[42] Giggs on tonight
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by bar-knee:
"We all take the blame for our defending in both Brussels and  Eindhoven this season. 
We are confident we can do better than we did in both those away  matches when we lost 
2-1 and 3-1. Our success down the years has been based on being a team. We  attack as 
a team and we defend as one. Nobody shoulders the blame on  their own.

As a midfield quartet we are a very important part of our  defending. Generally in 
that department we have done well protecting  the back four. We have great attacking 
talent in the engine room but  we know our jobs and how to defend. Our experience 
tells us that we have to keep Sturm Graz quiet in  the first 20-25 minutes. A home 
side will always come at you in those  opening minutes and have a good go. Anderlecht 
did in Brussels and we  didn't stand up to it.

You know how teams will start and you have to subdue them and the  crowd. That's 
vital. We need to silence the crowd. If you get a goal  fine, but if not you have to 
make sure you keep the ball. I know a lot is made about me in the Champions League and 
that's a  pressure I love to have. I like playing in Europe. It is the next  level up 
from the Premiership and I enjoy testing myself against the  very best.

I maybe under pressure to perform, but we all are and it is a nice  pressure. However, 
I know tonight that before I can cut loose there  is a job to do containing Sturm Graz 
so we get a foothold on the  game. It was frustrating to be struck down with a 
hamstring  problem again. It is over a year since my last one and I thought I  was rid 
of them.

But I wasn't too disheartened because it wasn't the same leg again.  However, I feel 
fine now. I have had a good weeks' training and the  20 minutes I had against Spurs on 
Saturday has helped me. I'm ready  if wanted."

[41] More from Graz coach
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Individually Manchester United are so strong. But  their best quality is the fact 
that together they play for one thing  and that is the team. They play to win. Nobody 
is just playing for  himself. The players from Manchester don't play the same way as 
those from  Milan, Barcelona, Valencia - they are also good players - but they  are 
also playing for themselves. United don't do that and that's their strength. It is the 
kind of  character which has been built into their team.

Having said that, although United fans think their club can win the 
Champions League, don't forget that Bayern Munich and the Spanish  clubs are very 
dangerous.We have a lot of respect for them but we are not scared. If we were  really 
afraid why would we be playing in the Champions League?

Teams come to Graz, though, and I am not too sure what they are  actually thinking and 
how much respect they have for us. If they are  ignorant of what a small club can do 
then they'll be in trouble.

We cannot influence players like David Beckham. Players like him are certainly not 
afraid. It is very hard to  put them off their job, they are true professionals."

[40] Ruud back for PSV training in January?
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by bar-knee:
Ruud Van Nistelrooy will join his PSV Eindhoven team-mates for a training camp  in 
January. He is being lined up to play for the Dutch champions in the Maspalomas  
tournament against Bayer Leverkusen, Galatasaray and Rosenborg. 

[39] We shall see Graz
Posted Wednesday, December 6, 2000 by bar-knee:
Their coach Ivica Osim seems to be coming out with differing signals every 
hour..."It`s certainly no secret if Manchester United have a problem  it is with their 
defence because they are always under pressure.  The problem is that other teams, on 
paper, have better defences, yet  they are always under pressure.  United don't handle 
it as well and they are unsure of themselves

Ferguson, however, is not underestimating the Austrian side, 
adding: "Sturm`s home record is absolutely outstanding. They possibly 
found the Champions League very difficult to begin with but now they 
have grown into the competition."

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