[26] Vieira will stay at Arse if Pires partners him in midfield?
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I hope the manager has seen something (from the tournament in Japan) to think  about 
for next season. Robert has shown everyone he is not just an effective player out  
wide. We worked well together and I am sure we could do the same job for Arsenal."

[25] Silly Becks story
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Anne Robinson, Ali G and David and Victoria Beckham are all officially in, according 
to a new dictionary. The celebrities have been included in the who's-who section of 
the updated Collins Concise English Dictionary.'

[24] Dyer latest
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'KIERON Dyer has put Manchester United on full alert by suggesting he 
is unsettled at Newcastle. The 22-year-old England star has said he wants to leave 
Bobby  Robson's side unless they spend big money on new players to turn them  into a 
side challenging for honours.

With United interested in the £20million rated player, who could slot  in at full-back 
as well as in midfield, his words are being seen as a  clear sign that he wants to 

Newcastle today gave him assurances that they are in the market, a  club spokesman 
saying: ``We can tell Kieron Dyer that we are as  ambitious, if not more ambitious, 
than he is.

``Bobby Robson may be away on holiday at the moment but we are in  almost daily 
contact and he is working tooth and nail to bring in new  players.''

[23] city aren't massive...but exciting
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Wor Kev:

"If a player or anyone else says he doesn't want to be here then I 
will ask him to put a request in writing, and we will look to get him 
out the best we can."

(have city got enough writing pads?)

"If there are people I sit in a room with and they don't have my  passion or the 
supporters' passion then I guess we will pay them up  and just get on with it. I came 
to City because I can see what this club might be in a  couple of years down the line. 
If it was just the Premiership I was  interested in then I could be there now managing 
a club. I am not someone who looks at where clubs are in a table. I think to myself 
where they could be and where that potential may 
lead. And that is, in some ways, more exciting. It is what attracted 
me to Newcastle, and there is no reason why we cannot do something 
similar at Maine Road."

[22] Yonners do a Sheffield Wednesday
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Shoot the band.

Still, it'll only last a season:

>From MEN

'HEAR'SAY eat your heart out! Bolton Wanderers are pumping up the 
volume and soon the Reebok will be rocking to the sounds of its own 
percussion band. Manager Sam Allardyce is determined that the fans should raise the  
roof when Bolton return to the Premiership next season. And so the club asked 
Bolton-based African drummers Nat Biney and  Affum David to help form a group of 
drummers and dancers.

First auditions were held last night, and Wanderers officials were 
pleasantly surprised by the response. The band will be located in the lower tier of 
North Stand, and in  order to achieve authenticity the club are having new drums made 
in  Ghana and shipped over.

They are also buying 2000 inflatable plastic bongos for use by the 
younger fans and members of the Junior Whites. 

``The idea is to try and build up the atmosphere in the ground,'' 
says Bolton official Andrew Dean. ``By forming the band and having  the dancers, it 
will hopefully be the catalyst for the rest of the  fans to get behind the team.''

Lifelong Wanderers fan Bill Hennessey travelled up from Staffordshire  to take part in 
the audition.

``I think it's a great idea,'' explained 53-year-old Bill, who  describes himself as 
``the oldest swinger in town.''

[21] McClaren on United
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It was a tough decision to leave Manchester United, the hardest I have had to make in 
my career. One thing I have learned at United is that when you win one trophy it is 
quickly forgotten and you get on. It will be the same here. This is a tremendous 
experience. I worked with a fantastic manager in Sir Alex Ferguson and great players. 
But it is history.

As soon as I met the chairman I had no hesitation about coming here. There was quite a 
bit of interest in me. I had talks with Southampton and West Ham. Boro came in at the 
11th hour, but once I spoke with the chairman and found out their ambitions, what they 
envisaged, it excited me. I could not wish to be joining a better club. Steve Gibson's 
enthusiasm impressed me. You have to be enthusiastic about the job, and he is. I feel 
tremendously excited. Bryan Robson, in seven years here, brought great success. There 
were exciting times with big signings and Bryan was instrumental in giving Boro such a 
high profile in the Premiership and in world football."

[20] Boro on move
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Boro chief executive Keith Lamb said: "England have been granted permission to take 
Steve on England squads in some capacity. I have spoken to Adam Crozier Football 
Association chief executive about the matter. We regard it as an honour for the club 
and for Steve."

McClaren said: "I have yet to discuss it with Adam and Sven-Goran Eriksson England 
coach. My first priority, my only priority, is to get Middlesbrough successful again. 
To experience what I have with Sven has been nothing but good for me. To be involved 
with England is good for the club's profile and good for my profile. We want to bring 
good players here and the higher the profile the better."

[19] McClaren on leaving United
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It was never my intention to leave on a bad note and I think the relationship we had 
built up over two-and-a-half years together has seen us become very very good friends. 
I am grateful for that and it made the move much easier. I think it's just the right 
time. I certainly feel I am ready.

I know what brings success both on the field and off it. The players here will have 
every chance to go along those lines. Someone once said people must be crazy to leave 
Manchester United but I found it, although tough to leave, easy to come to 

[18] More from McClaren
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"What have I learned from each manager? Have we got two hours? There is too much to 
mention. I just want to develop my personality into the job as well.

There is a good heart to the Boro team. I am really am looking forward to working with 
this group of players. I hope they are too. This is a new era, we want to go forward 
and we want to make Middlesbrough successful again. All of that will be done in next 
couple of weeks, assessing the present squad. It is always a problem when you come 
into a new club. You just have to sit down and look at that speculation and throw 99% 
of it away! I am a Yorkshire boy and it's good to get back to this area."

[17] Steve McClaren has left the building
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Boro move confirmed. A very real shame and a big disappointment - did Utd really let 
him go so easily?

"I left on amicable terms, everything was done correctly and above aboard. It was a 
hard decision to leave but one in which I am excited to be here and I am just looking 
forward. I think that's one of the things that really excites me, the next progression 
on in my career. I was involved with Jim Smith at Derby and Sir Alex Ferguson (at 
United). I am really looking forward to the challenge. Coaching is my strength and I 
don't want to lose that, but the next stage is coming out of the comfort zone, as I 
call it. I've done that in the last few weeks in making this very tough decision."

[16] Cantona Hyde Park beach football press release
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:

450 tons of soft sand will create a 27 x 38 metre beach in Londonís most exclusive 
park ñ Hyde Park - in order to host the first ever British leg of the European 
Professional Beach Soccer league on 22nd  - 24th June. The  London leg will be 
sponsored by Kronenbourg 1664. The three day Kronenbourg Cup will involve teams from 
some of the world's top footballing nations.

England will for the first time enter a team in the tournament and will find 
themselves up against the mighty French team, which includes footballing legend Eric 
Cantona.  Amongst the star players in the England squad will be: Chris Waddle, Paul 
Parker, Paul Walsh, who will play alongside younger Beach Soccer specialists

The groups:

Group A                         

England, France, Spain, Switzerland                     

Beach soccer has seen enormous growth worldwide, with Pro Beach Soccer matches being 
broadcast in over 100 countries in the past year.  The Kronenbourg Cup will attract 
crowds of around 5,000 and will be broadcast worldwide on Sky Sports. Crowd 
participation and entertainment are an important element at all events and Virgin 
Radio will provide on field music and commentary.

Andrew Cooke, Managing Director of Sector Sports Solutions, the event organiser 

"The staging of the Kronenbourg Cup will be a special and unique occasion as it is the 
first time there has been a European Pro Beach Soccer League game played in England, 
and is also the first time an England representative side will have competed. To be 
holding the event in Londonís Hyde Park, a beautiful and central location, is a first 
too. We are delighted to have the support of Kronenbourg 1664, and together we are 
working to ensure those who come down to watch will experience great Beach Soccer and 
have an excellent day out".

Maurice Breen, Premium Brands Director added:

"Kronenbourg 1664 is delighted to support such a unique sporting occasion. The 
Kronenbourg Cup will bring together skilful beach soccer and great entertainment 
making it the perfect summerís day out. It is an opportunity to have some fun, relax 
and get involved in the occasion." 

The weekend will involve league style games with the overall group winners being the 
team who win the most matches. There will be two matches per day, which results in a 
two and a half hour spectacle. 

Each country will have a ten-man squad and at any one time five players will be on the 
pitch including the goalkeeper. There is no limit on substitutions. Each game will be 
three periods of twelve minutes with three minute breaks. 

The players compete bare foot and it is a faster, higher scoring game than traditional 
soccer. As a result a unique set of playing skills is required by the players. On 
average eleven goals are scored each match making it a great spectator sport.

Tickets are available from the Kronenbourg Cup Royal Parks ticketing hotline on 0870 
738 9000.
The tickets will be priced at £15 per person or a family ticket at £40 (two adults and 
two children under 11).

In addition to the title sponsor Kronenbourg 1664, and the event is also being 
supported by Virgin Radio; Sky Sports; Smart Car and Mars Drink. The event is owned 
and organised by Sector Sports Solutions.'

[15] Agent talk?
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Veron's adviser, Gustavo Mascardi, said: 'We have a problem with  Lazio over Veron's 
future and so this week we will fly to Manchester  for a meeting with United.' 

[14] Latest on Veron
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Midas

'Meanwhile, other spurious reports say that Lazio's Argentine 
midfielder Juan Veron is on his way to Old Trafford for talks this 
week.  We'll believe it when we see it. Veron is in the middle of a fake  passports 
row in Italy, and it would be a huge gamble to take at this  stage, for all the 
player's undoubted quality. He is a credible  alternative to Patrick Vieira, but the 
risk may be deemed as too  great, especially with talk of a custodial sentence.'

[13] Dwight at it again
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
As Yorke missed T&T's friendly with Panama due to what he claimed were: 
'family health reasons'.
The T&T federation president isn't too happy:

"This is something to be concerned about...there are no English club commitments. I am 
not aware of the exact circumstances but I hope the team management will take the 
appropriate action".

[12] Lizarazu latest - no chance?
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bayern Munich president Franz Beckenbauer:

"One expects a little flirting (from other clubs) to see what the response might be 
but we will raise their salaries".

[11] Vieira latest
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From our French correspondent

'from Le Parisien (the only paper who ran the story about Barthez joining last summer 
despite all the denials from the clubs, agents and players ). Manchester United are 
currently making incredible efforts to get Vieira. And  it may well pay off...Vieira 
should meet his directors next week to put a  transfer request. He wants something 
new. But Wenger wants to keep the player  at all prices ( comment : don't be surprised 
if he resigns if Vieira is sold). 

the quote from Vieira : "My decision is taken. Me, I know where I will play  next 
season...I am not allowed to speak at the moment (comment : could be  the kind of 
silence that Ferguson usually asks to his targerts ) but you will  see later!"

[10] clubs in crisis
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Press release

'Brighton & Hove Albion Supporters Club are proud to announce the launch of Clubs In 
Crisis. Clubs In Crisis has been designed to publicise the problems of any football 
club and raise the profile of these problems through increased publicity and greater 
awareness. It was the internet that played a major part in the survival of Brighton & 
Hove Albion mobilising fans from across the world. Now we are trying to repay some of 
the support we received from those fans.

WWW.CLUBSINCRISIS.COM has information on any club that is in crisis with links to 
supporters web sites and their email and petition sites. There is a page offering help 
and advice that includes our "top ten tips to save your football club" (we know they 
work - we used them)'

[9] Scotland hope
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Scotland boss Craig Brown: 

"I am hopeful that some guys will come through, such as Stephen Caldwell and Michael 
Stewart - imagine if they were in the first team. I was speaking to Sir Alex Ferguson 
recently and he was saying Stewart is an excellent player and ready to move from the 
Under-21s forward."

[8] PA story on Veron
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Manchester United are set to smash the British transfer record according to The 
Mirror. United are reported to be keen to snap up Juan Sebastian Veron for £25million 
from Lazio. The Argentina midfielder has been at the centre of an alleged passport 
scandal that leaves him facing the threat of deportation from Italy in October.'

[7] Ferrari who?
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
United spokesman Paddy Harverson on talk of a tie-up with Ferrari were: "way 

"Vodafone, who are the new sponsors of Ferrari, just introduced us to them, partly 
because that's the way it often works with sponsors. But no deal is going to emerge 
from it."

Asked whether the Old Trafford club were seeking similar deals with other sporting 
insitutions, Harverson replied: "Not specifically - I think we have got enough on our 
plate to start with. The Yankees deal was specifically about helping us explore the 
potential in the North American market, so it was as much about our geographical needs 
rather than any long-term plan to be a partner with lots of different sports clubs. 
The Ferrari thing was just a brief discussion and we had a chat with them, but there's 
no deal imminent".

[6] In the news in France today
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
French newspaper Le Parisien claim that Thuram has agreed to join Juventus ( £24 M ) 
and has  given his agreement to Juventus owners. In the meantime, they also  claim 
that Vieira is on the verge of signing for us.  le Parisien is not exactly the most 
reliable of papers but can be  trusted for stories about french players.

[5] moving on up
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'England have moved up to third in the Uefa coefficient rankings. The rise follows 
good performances of Leeds, Arsenal and Manchester United in the Champions League and 
Liverpool's victory in the Uefa Cup. English clubs will have four representatives in 
the Champions League in the 2002-2003 season, along with rankings leaders Spain and 
Italy. Good club performances in the European competitions - the qualifying criteria 
for the rankings - moved England above Germany and France. Spain's Real Madrid, who 
lost to Germany's Bayern Munich in the Champions League final, replace Italy's 
Juventus as top club ahead of Manchester United. Bayern retain third. Liverpool's Uefa 
Cup win saw them leap from 37th to 14th.'

[4] Red News advert
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
1) You can order - going fast - the seven available issues of Red Newsfrom this season 
in the UK for the bargain price of £7 including postage. Details from 



26-05-99 Barcelona T-shirts (in Barca's colours) are still available 

Price is £10 (+£1.50 p&p, £2.50 Ireland and Europe, £4 Rest of the world). Send 
cheques/postal orders, made payable to JPO to: Barca T-Shirts, Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester, M16 8LG

[3] Old Utd target to be put on transfer list?
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Michael Ball at Everton.

[2] One problem with a deal for Veron
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Is that he's still being investigated in Italy over allegations that he supplied a 
false birth certificate to get to Italy in the first place.

[1] Utd to land Veron but...
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
It is a story by Harry Harris in the Daily Mirror so beware. Apparently Sven has told 
him to come to England - and we could bag Juan Sebastian Veron for £25m.

[16] Becks praised
Posted Monday, June 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Peter Taylor:

"He really behaves as a captain should. Maybe  he's not the kind of captain who stands 
on a table, talking to the  players every day, but you can see he's concerned about 
everything  that happens around the team.If there are some small problems, he's  
always coming to talk to me and the other staff. He behaves like a  captain and he can 
only get better and better."

Robbie Fowler: "He seems to have become  a better player as a result of it. Before he 
was captain, he was  going through a bit of an indifferent patch with Manchester 
United.  But since he's had the captaincy, he's been on top of his game.  Although 
he's not a captain who shouts all the time he will have a  word with you. He's not 
scared to have a go. He's very high-profile, he's  married to a pop star, and people 
are always going to find out what's  going on in his life. But he's handled that all 
very well. Although  he's always in the papers, you never see him moaning. He just 
gets on  with the job."

[15] Slacking from United?
Posted Monday, June 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Surely cuddly Peter's not gone all cuddly to help those of us who are financially 
challenged. Tales of season ticket renewals not being cashed by the club until the 
6th/7th and 8th of June - the PLC missing out on a whole week of bank interest!

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