[11] You can tell it's the silly season
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
When stories like this get an airing

Life in the Beckham household would make a computer game that would take the market by 
storm, according to a new survey.

Games fans reckon Posh, Becks and Brooklyn's home life would be a far better subject 
for a game than the Windsors or the Blairs.

Nearly 40% of fans surveyed by online company Amazon.co.uk said they would choose the 
Beckham household for a simulation game.

The Royal Family came second with 29%, followed by TV's Royle Family at 14%. Just 8% 
thought the Blairs would make a good game in the poll of 500 players.

Christian Harris, of amazon.co.uk, said: "Celebrity-endorsed sports games are already 
common and, rather than playing God with made-up characters, gamers would relish the 
chance to escape into the world of the Beckhams or Buckingham Palace."

[10] Charity Shield chaos
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
As we've reported before, there will be chaos getting to the Charity Shield, but don't 
forget, the FA have put the KO forward an hour 'to help the fans' - read article 4 
again before proceeding!

>From the Mirror's Fanzone:

LONDON-based fans of champions Manchester United and treble-winners Liverpool are 
accusing rail company First Great Western of ripping off supporters wanting to travel 
to the Charity Shield at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium on August 12. 

Fans are furious that First Great Western have effectively doubled the price of travel 
by not allowing reservations and APEX fares on trains returning to London after 

Even though kick-off has been moved back to 2pm the vast majority of travellers from 
London will be unable to take advantage of the cheaper APEX fares unless they leave 
the match well before the final whistle. 

The normal return APEX fare between London and Cardiff is pounds 23 but virtually all 
fans attending the Charity Shield from London will have to pay the full fare of pounds 
46.20. Fans leaders have warned that First Great Western's pricing policy will bring 
about a repeat of the road chaos at Liverpool's Worthington and FA Cup Finals against 
Birmingham and Arsenal last season. 

Andy Walsh of the Independent Manchester United Supporters' Association said: "The 
police expressed surprise last season at the number of fans travelling to the two Cup 
Finals in Cardiff by road. The roads in and out of Cardiff were totally blocked. It 
was chaos. 

"It looks suspiciously as though private rail companies like First Great Western have 
exploited advice to use the train. 

"The normal APEX fares don't apply to trains returning to London after 4.30pm and that 
means thousands of fans will have to pay double the APEX fare to watch the game. 

"We have already received complaints and it is clear First Great Western's pricing 
policy will mean even more fans will drive, contrary to police advice. 

"The supporters I have talked to feel they are being badly ripped off. One who 
complained to us wanted to book four train tickets to Cardiff. He was told the 
cheapest ticket from London was a pounds 23 APEX return. 

"But First Great Western told him he needed to reserve a seat to get the APEX fare 
and, because congestion is expected at Cardiff station after the game, no reservations 
are available. 

"The fan was quite prepared to buy the tickets and take a chance on getting a seat but 
was bluntly told 'No reservation, no APEX ticket'. 

"The FA need to look into this blatant exploitation of fans." 

A First Great Western spokesman admitted fans were unable to take advantage of APEX 
fares, but insisted it was a "logistical impossibility" to issue fans with seat 
reservations after matches. 

"There is no problem with reservations from London to Cardiff," said the spokesman. 
"Unfortunately,with things like extra time and penalties it is impossible to guarantee 
seats on specific trains, as we saw with last season's Liverpool-Birmingham 
Worthington Cup Final. 

"The Charity Shield is on a Sunday and we do have a Super Saver fare of pounds 37 and 
there are discounts for groups of 10 or more fans travelliing to matches." 


[9] Robbo not amused
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
As a 'close friend' says

"Robbo is livid. It took him a lot of time to rid the club of that image and he is 
devastated people are talking about it after he has left."The stories of a drink 
culture are absolute garbage and Robson wants everyone to know that. "About 12 of the 
first team squad he had didn't even drink - they were teetotal! ''It's making him sick 
that he is having to listen to the issue being brought up again." 

[8] More French targets?
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
According the People:

MANCHESTER United are making a pounds 4.4m double bid to sign French teenage 
sensations Anthony Le Tallec and Florent Sinama-Pongolle. 

Le Tallec, dubbed the new Zinedine Zidane, and red-hot striker Sinama- Pongolle both 
made secret VIP visits to Old Trafford last week for talks. 

The pair are among the most coveted prospects in the world... and United are in 
big-money negotiations to persuade them to sign. 

Sir Alex Ferguson has told their club Le Havre that United are prepared to pay pounds 
2.2m for each of the superkids, the largest offer on the table for the pair. 

[7] Utd kids off to Brazil
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
Ben Muirhead and John Rankin are to go to Corinthians for a two-week training camp in 
Sao Paolo.

"It will be a great experience for us because the Brazilians are the best - or 
supposed to be,'' said Rankin.

"Hopefully we'll learn a few of their skills and bring back useful bits of information 
that will benefit us all. The idea of going abroad is a good thing because you gain in 
confidence and get experience. It'll be great to see how they do things on and off the 


"You always learn when you play abroad because the styles of football are always so 

"Brazil have some of the best players in the world at the moment, like Rivaldo and 
Roberto Carlos, so it's a great opportunity for us.'' 


[6] O' Dreary had enough?
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
"People can't believe what's gone on off the field here. I'm totally fed up with it, 
because I'm running a football club and then I'm dealing with solicitors — and 
I've had enough of it." 

"Yes, I would (consider quitting). Without a doubt." 

[5] O' Dreary attacks the sheep
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
"I called them prats at the time and it still stands. They're a bunch of prats. 

"They annoyed me and my young team, who, when they needed help, didn't give it from 
that certain section."

Those poor babies!

[4] Why aren't we surprised
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
>From the Observer:

Football's rulers threatened to wreck the game's new 'independent watchdog' if an 
ex-senior policeman they saw as too fan friendly was given the job. 
The three football authorities made the threat as part of a determined campaign to 
stop Sir John Smith from becoming the sport's first regulator as chairman of the 
forthcoming Independent Football Commission. 

Sir John is widely respected in the game for producing two hard-hitting reports for 
the Football Association on betting and 'bungs' in the game. But his belief that the 
game's governing bodies should be accountable, and sympathy with fans' concerns, are 
thought to have made him unacceptable to football's power-brokers. 

In a meeting with Government officials, Premier League chief executive Richard 
Scudamore warned that the three football authorities 'would abandon the IFC proposal' 
if Sir John was chosen, according to a detailed minute of the discussion. 

The new body - which will monitor ticket prices, investigate complaints from fans and 
probe financial irregularities - will be funded by the three authorities, so their non 
co-operation would be disastrous. 

Football seems to have won its behind-the-scenes battle to block Sir John. Observer 
Sport understands that, although he was on a five-strong shortlist to become the IFC 
chairman, Sir John has not got the job. Instead, an academic with no track record in 
football, and who lists his sole recreational interests as bridge and squash, is 
likely to be appointed. 

So the next time some PR prat from the FA/PL/FL comes out with 'We've done this for 
the fans' you know what response to give

[3] That Eric charlie quote in full
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
>From the Observer ( The People typically got the wrong end of the stick)

'I prefer someone who takes cocaine on a Wednesday and plays football on the weekend 
to win. 

'He can still look himself in the mirror and be proud of himself if he has played hard 
for the team to help them win. Some people don't choose drugs like cocaine, but they 
use drugs to help them win. They are idols of people so how can they look at 
themselves in the mirror? 

'To play with the supporters' dreams they are a seller of illusions. I respect people 
that don't choose anything, but I respect someone like Maradona more than somebody who 
uses drugs to win. I think there is a misunderstanding with Maradona. I like these 
kind of people, players who don't use drugs to win.' 

[2] Vierra strike threat?
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
The Mirror reckons that Vierra could throw a paddy and refuse to play again for the 
scout master. The news of his potential departure has woken up Juve and Inter.

They also claim that the Arse have signed a 6' 1" japanese 'replacement'for Vierra.

[1] Utd to use Petit as bait?
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by tb:
As the Moral claims that we have matched the Rent Boys offer of  7 million and the 
deal could be wrapped up by Tuesday.

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