[20] No Irwin for Celtic either
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
Stertford on Irwin on Celtic

 "I have not had any discussions with Celtic Football Club about Denis Irwin, none 
whatsoever. He has an offer there from United of a one-year deal and he will tell them 
of his decision when he gets back from his holiday. He's just gone away like all these 
boys, who have gone on holiday after a long, hard season. I certainly don't want to 
interrupt their holidays."

[19] No Great Dane for Celtic
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
Peter Schmeichel's agent Paul Stretford: 

"I am not aware of anything from Celtic for Peter. Peter has just played his last game 
with Sporting Lisbon and has an option on his contract to stay there for another 
season. He's got a home in Portugal and one that is being built in Denmark, which 
isn't finished yet, and he has always said that he'll go back home soon. There have 
been no talks with Martin O'Neill and Peter Schmeichel, and Peter has not had talks 
with Celtic Football Club.

But I would not be surprised if they have aspirations for him to join them given the 
quality of goalkeeper he is, but there have been no discussions. I can understand the 
position that Celtic are in with next year's Champions League to look forward to, but 
there have certainly been no discussions regarding Peter joining Celtic."

[18] More from Giggs
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Sometimes we realise too late that there is nothing to fear in matches. I have 
experienced that with United - no matter who you are playing you can beat them. We 
obviously haven't got the same calibre of players here and we don't play the sort of 
teams we do at United like say, Juventus and Barcelona. But the teams we are facing 
for Wales are nowhere near the quality of those great club sides. People think that 
foreign sides are good technically and they are better players than us, but that's not 

[17] More from Giggs on Wales
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The Manchester United players sometimes look at the teams we face and the players we 
face and ask me how we didn't win matches or haven't done better than we have. They 
look at Wales and think we have a strong squad with some very talented Premiership 
players, as strong as we have been for a long time, and they feel that we should be 
doing better. I don't think people are in awe of me. We have a situation in the Wales 
squad where we have no stars, a good spirit and everybody gets on. Nobody is in awe of 
anyone. We are just a team who work hard and try our very best to win games. It's 
encouraging because we have young players coming through. Not just one or two like in 
the past, but half a dozen who are all in their early 20s, and they will all be around 
for the next few years.

It's up to me and the established players in the team to show on the park we can do 
it, to encourage young players coming through and lead by example. All the older lads 
have that pressure because it can be daunting for young players coming into 
international football. We have to help them through and make them feel comfortable 
and to get them to play like they do for their clubs and produce the form that was the 
reason why they were picked in the first place."

[16] Phil Nev - give Fergie the job!
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"If Sir Alex wants to stay, I'm sure the club will come to some sort of agreement. We 
will get through this last year with the manager in charge and then, hopefully, he 
will stay on at the club as he's been a legend there and he deserves that. Then you 
deal with whatever happens after that. You don't normally see the kind of things 
coming out of Old Trafford that you've been seeing in the past few weeks. But I think 
it will all blow over. I'm sure Alex Ferguson will be here next year and longer than 
that as well. And if he's here next season, he'll be just as powerful as ever."

Don't like that if bi

"The way I look at it is that the structures are in place already and I don't think 
they'd be offering more than half of the team six-year contracts if they were going to 
sell them in a year's time. So the foundations are there and when a new manager comes 
in, he'd be silly to make wholesale changes."

[15] Butt doubt for England
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:

'Nicky Butt took part in only a few minutes of Thursday's session before sitting on 
the sidelines and then being driven back to the team hotel early in a golf buggy.;

Peter Taylor: "He has blisters which are slightly infected so they're going to give 
him some antibiotics. That might take a day or two to clear up."

[14] Giggsy on Wales
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Giggs is annoyed that Wales are ranked 108th in the Fifa list.'

"It's a false position, they seem to change dramatically if you can win a couple of 
matches. I don't take any notice of the world rankings, a couple of good results and 
you can shoot up them. We are in a false position. We are a team who are high on 
confidence at the moment, we have belief and we have that mixture of youth and 
experience. We are in a false position but we have to go out and prove that. We have 
not had the results we've deserved. We have not won in the group yet and a win is long 
overdue. But things have definitely got better as the group matches have gone on, you 
couldn't ask more of the lads. We have drawn four games and we could have won three of 
them, that's encouraging as we are the only team to have taken points off Poland. It's 
frustrating that we can take the lead and not be able to hang on to it, that's 
happened three times now. But at least it's different from when we used to go 1-0 down 
and end up chasing teams.

We are now putting ourselves in a position to go and win games. We have the base and 
we are a hard team to beat. If we go ahead now we must go on and score two or three, 
and we are capable of doing that."

[13] More from Scholes
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The new boss is good to work with. The  players respect him and they have worked hard 
to put his plans into  practice on the field. People have said it goes against the 
grain to  appoint a foreign coach, but I prefer to look at the benefits to me  as a 
player and England as a team. The results under Sven speak for  themselves and the 
nation have responded to those results. I'm not  getting carried away or anything but 
the players believe that we are  finally finding our feet at international level. The 
improvement, in  every game, is there for everyone to see.

If we maintain the level of performance  we have shown in recent games then we 
shouldn't go into any matches  with fear in mind. Naturally, the more games you win 
the more likely  you are to believe you'll win the next match. The momentum brought by 
 wins carries you forward. I know that from playing with Manchester United." 

[12] Scholes on Becks for England
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"David's done a tremendous job. The  spirit among the players is brilliant anyway. And 
because the vast  majority are quite young, he has not had to work overly hard to earn 
 their respect. The players respect him as a player, and so they  should, but he's 
really grown into the captain's job. He's not a shouter, but he gets his point across  
effectively and effortlessly."

[11] More from Phil Nev
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's never harmed my England chances so far,  not playing all the time for United. I 
was a regular under Kevin Keegan so it's never hit that I might  have to move to play 
for England. Obviously it's a tremendous honour  to sign another contract for United 
and I'm still young enough and  still learning enough to become a regular. I'm not 
just settling for  being a 35-game-a-season man."

On being dropped from the World Cup squad:

"It was certainly a major disappointment for me when I got sent home. 
It affected me all summer. But now it doesn't bother  me to think about it. As you get 
older, you get wiser and I'm sure  that if it happened to me again, I'd handle it a 
little better. Gary came out of the room and I could tell by the look on  his face 
that Glenn had probably just told him that I wasn't going.  It was probably just as 
bad for Gary as well. Obviously he wanted me  out there and it was difficult for him 
to tell me he was having a  great time because he knew I wanted to be out there. I was 
probably  more of a brother to him then as I wanted to support him out there. I  went 
to all the matches and enjoyed the experience.

The only way you can do it is to name a squad  before you go to a training camp. 
Before Euro 96, players like Ugo  Ehiogu and Rob Lee were flying back from Hong Kong 
knowing they  weren't going. The same happened before Euro 2000 with Kieron Dyer and 
Rio  Ferdinand. Having experienced it myself, it's not nice training for  three weeks 
prior, thinking that you're going and then not going.  Even the players who are 
probably certainties have little self- doubts. I'm sure you could just name the squad 
and then call people in if someone got injured."

[10] More from Phil Nev
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I hope we sign both Thuram and Lizarazu. It would make the team better  and it'd make 
me a better player. I'd just have to make sure that I  was better than him. That's the 
way I've always looked at it. When I  was breaking into the team, Paul Parker was 
there and I thought he  was unbeatable at the time.  But Gary dislodged him, while 
Denis Irwin was at left-back and I  came in and he had to move to right-back 
sometimes. That's the way it  is at United. Thuram is a world-class player. I don't 
know if we're  signing him or Lizarazu but I'm sure that if we do, it can only  
enhance us as a team.

The  manager has said he will bring in three players. That always keeps  everyone on 
their toes," agreed Neville. Last year we brought in Fabien Barthez as well as Mikael 
Silvestre  during the season. This time, if we sign three players, I'm sure it  will 
spur everyone on even more."

[9] Phil Nev on England
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I probably wouldn't have played at the start if Gary had been fit. So it's opened up 
a door for me, Danny Mills and Jamie Carragher. "I'm sure Gary wants to be out here 
but I've spoken to him  every day on the phone and he supports me like I supported him 
at the  last World Cup after I wasn't picked.  I think the left side of defence is 
sewn up now barring injuries so  it looks like the right-back spot is the open one. 
That's probably my  more natural position and I've probably had my best games at 
United  at right-back. You'll play anywhere for England but I've always said  
right-back is my preferred position." 

>From 365:

'Neville believes he already faces a similar head-to-head battle at 
United, given that Mikael Silvestre has "had such a good season" at 
left-back and "it's the right-back spot up for grabs".'

[8] Scholes on Becks
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He has had as much respect from the players as any of them. People seem to think you 
need a skipper who is always  shouting. David is not like that and he has not tried to 
change. He leads more by example than anything."

[7] Phil Neville on Becks
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I  first met David when he was 14 and I was 12 and he's the same lad now  as he was 
then. He has had to put up with a lot over the years but  with the lads he has never 
changed.There are several reasons why he is perfect for the job.  One is his age. I 
think we need a captain now who is going to be  skipper for the next five, six or 
maybe 10 years. In the first game  against Italy he certainly led by example but you 
sense now he's  getting more and more comfortable and confident with the other  

He does have an aura about him. When he walks into the room you  sense the young 
players - and some of the older ones, too - would do  anything for him. When he talks, 
they listen and that is a great 
asset for a captain.  I always remember when Bryan Robson was a player. When he spoke, 
 everyone listened. I think David has that respect because of his standing in world 

[6] Peter Taylor on Becks
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There were two considerations when I took my decision. The  first was that, providing 
David was fit, he was always going to be  the first name on the teamsheet.  Then I 
looked at the way he had handled all the pressure that  followed his World Cup 
sending-off against Argentina. I felt that if  he could handle that, he could handle 
anything.  He likes the responsibility of being captain. He comes to see the  manager 
or sometimes the coaches to discuss certain ideas he or the  team might have. He is 
never going to be shouting at everybody for 90  minutes but he has his own strengths 
to get the best out of other  people and I do feel that the players and the rest of 
the people connected with England respect him more and more."

[5] massive roly poly sought
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
city are after David Ginola apparently - just make sure they put him on Weaver either 
side of the team coach to stop it tipping to one side.

[4] We decided on Barthez thankfully
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From PA

'Arsenal have reportedly made a £6.5million bid for Juventus keeper Edwin Van Der Sar.'

[3] Red News goods
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
1) You can order - going fast - the seven available issues of Red Newsfrom this season 
in the UK for the bargain price of £7 including postage. Details from 

2) The Best of Red News - 1987-2001 - will be published this summer and if you would 
like to order a copy and to have your name listed in tbe book as a subscriber then 
contact us also at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


26-05-99 Barcelona T-shirts (in Barca's colours) are still available
Price is £10 (+£1.50 p&p, £2.50 Ireland and Europe, £4 Rest of the world). Send 
cheques/postal orders, made payable to JPO to: Barca T-Shirts, Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester, M16 8LG

4) And spend over £30 in the Red News shop on any of our items (including RN subs) and 
we will throw in a FREE copy of the superb book marking the European Cup Final win in 
Barcelona...EUROPEAN GLORY. Just e.mail us your order before sending it by post and we 
will save you a copy.

[2] Top Premiership earners
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
According to the SUn. Must be true then...

Boksic 66K a week
Keane 52
Cole 50
Giggs 50
Shearer 48
Ginola! 40
Desailly 40
Hasselwank 35
Henry 35
Sheringham 35

[1] Fergie snubbed again
Posted Friday, June 1, 2001 by redend:
The Fergie story that RED NEWS gave you first - it goes on:

The Guardian reports that Fergie's fragile relationship with the board deteriorated 
further yesterday when talks to resolve his future  were shelved by the directors. 
He's now off on a 4 week holiday today having been  dismayed, not for the first time, 
that the club's hierarchy have  failed to match his requirements about an 
ambassadorial role when he  retires as manager next year.

He was due to meet his employers this week to discuss a possible  compromise after his 
disclosure last month (that'll be the RED NEWS story then) that initial talks had  
collapsed and that he planned to sever his ties with the club. But the latest meeting 
was postponed until next week, by which time  Fergie & his Mrs will be on holiday.

So he's now again unsure about some of the directors'  commitment to retaining his 
services. Sources close to the 59-year- old indicated that he sees the postponement as 
another snub from a  board that is clearly divided about his future.

Although the chief executive Peter Kenyon and the director Sir Bobby  Charlton have 
been campaigning on his behalf, it is understood that  the chairman Martin Edwards, 
among others, is reluctant to meet  Ferguson's requirements.

[Now there's a shock]

Sign up now at FergieMustStay.com - there is a pledge-petition there where each 
supporter says how much they will withhold in spending (on non-match tickets) if the 
PLC doesn't start to sort out the issues affecting its loyal supporters. This starts 
with Fergie's future role. It also totals up a "Peace Dividend" - how much supporters 
would spend if they were happy with the way our club was being operated.

(link:http://www.fergiemuststay.com) http://www.fergiemuststay.com

[25] Play football for your fanzine?!
Posted Thursday, May 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Some of the Red News lads are playing in an 11 a side tournament in Blackpool on 
Friday evening and a 5 a side tournament on Saturday. We're just a couple of players 
short (we've got two teams for the Saturday) so if anyone fancies a weekend of 
playing, drinking, and er, that's it - let us know by e.mail by 9am Friday morning at 
the latest at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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