[10] Veron on his way? 
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by redend:
Or maybe not.

The Sun reports that a £22m deal for Veron is all but sealed.

It would be a new British transfer record and the Lazio midfielder 'is
reported to have completed negotiations with Sir Alex Ferguson and is set to seal a 
five-year deal worth around £80,000 a week in the next few days for a fee believed to 
be around £22million.'

Veron told The Sun: "I have had four enjoyable years in Italy and the time is right 
for another challenge. The one place that really excites me is England. I would love 
to play Premiership football."

Later reports suggest Veron has rejected the rumours which the ABU media report as 
"Veron snubs United". Some things never change.

[9] Yorke threatens to walk
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by redend:
His agent says he is now thinking of retiring from international football.

Yorke's local agent Tim Nafzigger:

"While Yorke hasn't as yet made up his mind on retirement from
international football, he cannot accept the decision taken by the
technical committee and will not train until the decision is reversed".

Dwight, you're losing it mate.

[8] Dwight is really losing the plot
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Dwight Yorke is to make a plea to Trinidad & Tobago's Fifa delegate Jack Warner in a 
last-ditch bid to play in his country's World Cup qualifier against Honduras on 
Saturday. Yorke's hopes of lining up for the crucial game appeared scuppered when 
coach Ian Porterfield upheld a ban imposed on the 30-year-old for missing a warm-up 
match with Panama.

The Manchester United striker's no-show for the game led to him coming under fire from 
Trinidad & Tobago Football Federation president Oliver Camps, who issued a stern 
rebuke, claiming Yorke had "let himself and his country down". Extenuating 
circumstances, with Yorke having sorted out hospital arrangements in Trinidad for his 
seriously ill sister and so forcing him out of the match with Panama, appeared to 
vindicate the star.

Yorke's management company SFX and agent Tim Nafziger launched a counter-attack, 
defending the player to the hilt, and were hoping a degree of common sense would 
prevail. A letter explaining the situation was written to the Trinidad & Tobago 
Football Federation, but the initial appeal fell on deaf ears, despite the nation's 
hopes of qualifying for next year's World Cup finals fading fast.

Trinidad & Tobago are bottom of their six-nation group with just one point from three 
matches, and with the top three progressing, are in desperate need of victory over 
Honduras to revive their bid.

But an adamant Porterfield, who will be without another banned player in Tony Rougier 
after the Reading winger also missed the Panama game, said: "It's a sad day for me 
personally because you don't want these things to happen really.

"Everyone wants their best players, that's what it's all about. It's a big hole in a 
sense but at the end of the day we've got to get on with the job."

[7] Just say no
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ronald de Boeron his brother's one year ban for his (Frank) postive dope test.

"I have just heard that my brother Frank has been suspended for a year. Of course, it 
was something we had to expect but that still doesn't change the fact that we all feel 
there has been a miscarriage of justice. Of that we have no doubt. I was able to call 
Frank just after the (Uefa) hearing and he was down, but had prepared himself for what 
was going to happen. Now he has to prepare himself for the fight ahead. He will appeal 
and hopefully clear his name and return to football as soon as possible. There was not 
much I could say to him over the phone, but we will talk more when he returns to Spain 
from Switzerland. Personally, I am very angry about the situation. It's all very hard 
to accept, especially when I know Frank has done nothing wrong. Yet despite this, 
somebody can just say 'you are banned for a year'. I find the whole situation 
disgusting. The ban is not going to do any good for his career, but whatever happens 
Frank will be back, however long it takes."

[6] Sht Wilko gets dreaded vote of confidence
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
The man who sold us Eric should be worried about his England role?

An FA statement said: "The chief executive of the Football Association, Adam Crozier, 
recently announced a review of the England coaching set-up at all levels. This review 
is now under way and willtake some time to complete. In answer to some of the recent 
media speculation, Howard Wilkinson as technical director has a significant role to 
play in the review along with the England head coach Sven-Goran Eriksson. Discussions 
will not be completed until Sven returns from holiday next month. Clearly during that 
review the FA is talking to the clubs concerned about the involvement of their 
respective coaches. As regards to the speculation surrounding Peter Taylor, his 
arrangement with England was always due to expire after the game in Greece at the 
beginning of June. Naturally we are now talking to Leicester about whether that 
arrangement with Sven and the senior side may or may not continue in the future. These 
are the only discussions regarding Peter which are currently taking pl!

Leicester Chairman Elsom, in a statement, said: "Peter Taylor is manager of Leicester 
City and the FA statement issued today correctly states that his involvement with 
England ceased following the international with Greece in Athens. Leicester City has, 
as yet, received no approach from the Football Association about the continuation of 
Peter's coaching role with England. We have already made it clear that were we to 
countenance any future involvement at all we could not enable Peter to be available 
for the friendly international with Holland in August."

[5] Desperate Wenger?
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I have signed Francis because he is a good player and has the qualities I need in my 
team. He can score goals and go in the box, and he is a mobile player. We play 
football based on mobility and technique here and he is a good runner off the ball. He 
is only 20 and he's a great example of a player with quality because he's already 
hadexperience of playing in the Premiership. Maybe people will be surprised that I 
have signed an Englishman but I looked at his quality and not his passport. You need 
an English base and the right mixture at a club. We shall stick to a 4-4-2 formation 
and I hope he gets in the team because he has the qualities to do it. Francis is that 
'fox in the box' we have been talking about and although he is a goalscorer I want to 
develop him as a team player so he is not obsessed by just scoring goals. But his 
goals per game ratio is very good for someone of his age."

[4] Jeffers - we'll stick with Ruud thank you
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Arse sign Everton striker Francis Jeffer in a £10million deal. 

£8million up front with a further £2million to follow depending on appearances.

Is this signing supposed to make us scared? A player who has scored 18 goals, total? 
Is this playing catch up with Utd's 3 titles on the bounce. Whatever!

Jeffers said: "If I can follow Ian Wright then I can become an instant hero. I have a 
decent goalscoring record and I hope to continue that. As soon as Arsenal said they 
wanted me, I didn't want to go anywhere else even though I had other offers.

This is a massive club"

Now where have we heard that one before?

"...one of the biggest in Europe with world class players and I know I can improve as 
a player here. I felt that now was the right time to move on but I leave behind a 
great club in Everton and I've been a supporter of that club all my life."

So why leave then?

"I enjoy the physical aspect of the Premiership and I love scoring goals which is why 
I always wanted to be a striker, and you have to make your presence known in this 

[3] Red News Fergie appeal
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
This is a massive appeal - feel free to spread the word via forums, to mates, etc - 
the more help/contributions we get the better to make the following as good as we can 
make it.


Red News is planning a Fergie special edition for next season - planned long before 
recent events (which are hopefully to be sorted in the coming weeks) - this special is 
to commemorate his momentous time at Old Trafford and mark his last season at Old 
Trafford as manager (but not at the club!). We want this to be THE definitive accolade 
to Fergie, so need your help with as many ideas/articles/short memories from 1986-2002 
that you can provide to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below are just a few of the things we're after - but let us know anything you'd like 
to see in the Fergie special.

N.B. The deadline for ALL contributions is July 15th 2001.

We're looking for

...any special Fergie quotes

...any special photos you may have of Fergie (that you took?) during his time at 
United. All will be returned after use.

...any unique memories you have of meeting him. Special recollections/comments, the 
diverse and different the better!

...the big challenge is listing magic fergie 'moments'. Basically we're looking for 
the great (and not so great?!) games under fergie over all those years - but not just 
the biggies (nou camp, chelsea 4-0, etc) but ones that you think were part of the 
fergie jigsaw that grew with each year (1-5 city, his first game at Oxford, etc, etc). 
We're looking for one paragraph for each game - if you recall a game which you think 
was pivital in the development of Fergie, with an off-beat memory or short description 
of the game events, your own comment, view, send them in!

...We're also looking for anyone who may know an Aberdeen fan during the time Fergie 
was there who would be able to write something of that era.

...feel free to choose your magic Fergie moments (not games this time, but off field 
memories - like psyching out keegan). Anything and everything sought - again one 
paragraph for each, feel free to do as many as you like!

...Other highlights - short one words, like best and worst moments under fergie

...your thoughts on the fergie era, etc...for a letters page

...quirky/funny stories & opinions on fergie

And lastly any suggestions of dramatic events that we wouldn't want to forget that 
Utd/fergie have experienced since '86. Even looking back these past few days at all my 
scrapbooks, etc, it's mad what I'd forgotten - so we are searching for a  listing of  
stuff you can recall off the top of your head, like the MEN poll over Ince, getting 
the OBE, any memory at all really.

...anyone who would like to advertise in this special please contact us.

Many thanks for anything you can provide - we really want this Fergie special to be, 
well, bloody special. So anything and everything is welcome - keep it coming and 
spread the word. We've already had a great response - thanks ever so much.

You can contact us by e.mail at 

or post stuff to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG
Deadline is this July 15th 2001!
Many, many thanks!

[2] Red News advert
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
1) You can order - going fast - the seven available issues of Red Newsfrom this season 
in the UK for the bargain price of £7 including postage. Details from 

26-05-99 Barcelona T-shirts (in Barca's colours) are still available 

Price is £10 (+£1.50 p&p, £2.50 Ireland and Europe, £4 Rest of the world). Send 
cheques/postal orders, made payable to JPO to: Barca T-Shirts, Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester, M16 8LG

[1] Veron on?
Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From calciomercato

'Juan Sebastian Veron could be considered as one of Manchester United's players. The 
news has been given by the player's manager Gustavo Mascardi during a radio interview. 
The agreement has been reached for $40 million. All this at the eve of the sentence on 
the fake  passports issue where Veron is involved. If the player will be 
banned, the negotiations will fail.'

They keep telling us we're getting him, but where is he then?

[18] Ex-Red on the move
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Blackpool have signed former United player John O'Kane from Bolton Wanderers.

"Things didn't work out at Bolton. I fell out with the manager after getting sent off 
and just didn't  get another chance. I'm glad that Steve has given me the opportunity 
to come to  Blackpool, a club who are definitely on the up."

McMahon said: "I'm delighted to have got John, he's an experienced player  who has 
played at the top level and I am sure he will improve the  team".

[17] Arrests after trouble at Utd-Leeds
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Freeserve news

'Detectives investigating violent clashes between rival fans at a Premiership football 
match have issued nine photographs of suspected hooligans.  Officers this morning 
swooped on homes across the north in connection with the violence after a Leeds United 
vs Manchester United match at Elland Road in March. 

Eight people have been arrested and are being quizzed by detectives. 

Police have released pictures of a further nine men they wish to question in 
connection with the violence involving up to 50 fans in the Holbeck area of Leeds.  
Inspector Melvyn Stubbs, Holbeck police football liaison officer, said: "We want to 
send out a clear message to anyone who attends Elland Road intent on causing trouble.  
We will not tolerate this type of action and will take action to combat it. Potential 
trouble-makers can be assured that if they cause problems and are not arrested on the 
day, they will be arrested afterwards." 

The eight men arrested during the raids were from across the north of
England. They are three men aged 19, 35 and 37 from Leeds, a 32-year-old from Flint in 
North Wales, two aged 16 and 19 from Middleton in Manchester, a 32-year-old from 
Royton in Oldham and a 39-year-old from Pontefract, West Yorkshire.' 

[16] Great offer!
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
The truly superb Utd quote book - Speak of the Devils - is now available for 
half-price and essential reading. You can check out details on the shop section of 
this web site - the new price is £3.50
including p&p.

[15] Now here's a surprise
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Fifa president Sepp Blatter avoided a vote of no confidence after providing 
explanations to his executive committee on the collapse of its marketing partner. 
Blatter survived a grilling by his executive committee, including 25 questions drawn 
up by Uefa president Lennart Johansson ranging from his salary to his role in the 
collapse of the ISMM/ISL group. Johansson himself was not present at the Zurich 
meeting, undergoing routine medical checkups in a Stockholm hospital.

"There was no mention of any vote of confidence," Blatter said at the press conference 
following the meeting.

"And if we are not all friends then we are all comrades. Even Uefa said [that] we must 
be united because all the executive committee bears the responsibility of Fifa and we 
shall protect the Fifa president."

While he answered several questions on Johansson's list at the meeting, Blatter said 
he planned to answer others by writing and intended to visit the Swede to clear the 

"We are reserving judgment on the answers and informations provided in response to our 
president's letter," said Uefa chief executive Gerhard Aigner.

"We will await the written response to our president from the Fifa president before 
finalizing our views and deciding on any further steps.

"I know Lennart Johansson and the Uefa executive xommittee will want to study the 
answers very carefully once they are provided. We sincerely hope that satisfactory 
answers can be given to all of the questions."

Fifa lodged a fraud complaint against top ISMM executives last month at the offices of 
the examining magistrate in Zug, Switzerland, where bankruptcy investigations into 
ISMM are being conducted.

The charges are based on allegations of fraud, embezzlement and disloyal business 

[14] FA on McClaren returning back to England duties
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We are delighted that Middlesbrough have said that they are happy that Steve McClaren 
can continue to work with us," said an FA spokesman.

"For now it's important that he gets the chance to settle in with the club. The next 
step is to talk to Sven and see what he wants to do - it's his call. It's great to see 
that it's an open possibility that Steve will be available to the England set-up but 
we have a large pool of coaches on the coaching staff and it's up to Sven what 

[13] Refs not paid enough?
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Former referee Clive Thomas:

"If it was up to me they would be paid a lot more. When you think the players they are 
dealing with earn that much in a week. I wouldn't want to be paid any less than 
£75,000 - and that's just basic. I don't think they have been strong enough when it 
came to discussing money. They have sold themselves cheap. But then again money isn't 
going to make referees because the standard of refereeing has been deteriorating. They 
need to be the right person with the right calibre and the right understanding.

I am delighted that referees are now going to be allegedly controlled by another body. 
It was something I put to a number of organisations two years ago, that referees 
should be managed by referees rather than by people who know nothing about refereeing. 
Now it is all a question about who will lead them because they must have the correct 
man-management skills to teach today's referees. Referees must be allowed to use their 
commonsense on the field, not the stupidity that we have seen because common sense 
does not prevail. Unless they are trained properly, and by the right people, then it 
won't make one ounce of difference. And there must be no interference from the FA or 
the Premier League or anybody else."

[12] Buy the official mag!
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
For the Eric Cantona interview...

Official site plug below

'Eric Cantona's shock decision to leave Old Trafford four years ago has been explained 
this week, by the man himself. "I just felt I had played my best football," said the 
United legend, in an exclusive interview with the club magazine. "I started to lose 
patience, the patience you need to train, to work hard, to go to bed at ten!" The full 
interview with Eric Cantona appears in the July 2001 issue of United magazine which is 
on sale now.'

[11] Fan friendly my arse
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Charity Shield - new kick off time to help the fans. Yeah, right.

Thanks to top Red Sean for contacting us about just one bit of chaos stemming from our 
game in Cardiff on August 12th - ridiculous jobsworth info of First Great Western 

'For a start First Great Western are not issuing any APEX (£23) tickets from London 
for any trains leaving Cardiff after 4.30 in the afternoon. The reasoning for not 
issuing APEX tickets is as follows:
Because of congestion after the game at Cardiff, First Great Western will not be 
allocating any reserved seats. The issuing of an APEX ticket means you have to have a 
reserved seat, as there are not going to issue any reserved seats they can't issue 

You can of course buy a 'normal' return ticket from London for £46.20. As I see it 
they are just ripping off people for an extra £23. Do they do this on the weekends 
rugby is o?. Also I could not go to Cardiff on the 11.00 am or 12.00 am trains on the 
Saturday as they are not being deemed 'off peak'. I thought Saturdays and Sundays were 
off peak. They mayeven be worse than Virgin this mob. 
You'd think that after all the bad publicity on the railways lately, the train 
companies' would be going out of their way to encourage people back to them. Instead 
it looks like First Great Western are doing their best to price people on to the 
already congested motorways into Wales. £46 for a 140 mile journey is a bit steep!'

Checking other routes that Utd fans will be making - it seems that a lot of the 
railway companies are charging massive prices that day - and what were the FA saying 
about encouraging people to use public transport instead of the road. Fan friendly my 

[10] Wenger on Vieira
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There is no problem with Patrick and I don't know what all the fuss is about. There 
is no meeting planned with him. As far as I'm concerned, he is happy at Arsenal and 
will be with us at the start of the season. There are so many rumours about Patrick's 
future but that is all they are. He is fantastic player and is a great asset to the 
team. At the moment I am very busy because I am trying to strengthen the squad by 
bringing in players, not selling them."

[9] More on Yorke
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Oliver Camps, president of the Trinidad & Tobago Football Federation on Yorke

"I do feel that he has let himself and his country down. We have very little chance to 
get the whole squad together and have had great difficulty in getting Dwight's release 
from Manchester United in the past."

[8] West Ham choose new boss
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Glenn Roeder.

Roeder: "Being a local lad, I always followed the Hammers as a lad and hoped that one 
day I would be involved with the club. When Harry Redknapp brought me in to join the 
coaching staff I never dreamed that I would be his successor. I know many supporters 
expected a bigger name to take over and I realise the huge responsibility that goes 
with the job, but I am ready to embrace the task ahead. This is a very proud day for 

Managing director Paul Aldridge said: "We have already put on record the board's 
thanks to Harry Redknapp for all that he did for the club, but now we have to move on 
into a new era. We are delighted to give one of the game's most respected young 
coaches the opportunity to take the team forward. Of course there were other 
candidates in the frame, but we were very impressed with the ideas Glenn put forward 
and his strategy for developing all areas of coaching, discipline, advanced fitness 
training and even a sports psychology programme similar to those being used by other 
top Premiership clubs. There will be substantial money made available for Glenn to 
spend on new players. We also plan to announce important additional changes to the 
managerial and coaching staff shortly. The Board wish Glenn every success and look 
forward to an exciting season ahead."

[7] Only come to see United
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bury on ticket sales for our friendly game there.

A club spokeswoman said: "The phones have never stopped ringing this morning because 
of the demand.  We haven't sold out yet, but the tickets are selling like there is no 

[6] Champions League seedings - exclusive
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Have it on good authority from a source close to United that we will be the third 
seeds for the Champions League when the draw is eventually made.

United will be the third seeds in the Champions League for 2001/2. Top seeds, 
obviously, are Bayern as holders.

As UEFA do it on a coefficient basis next will be Real Madrid and then United.

Apparently the top 8 seeds - ie the other 7 clubs bar United CANNOT play in the first 
group phase - will be: Bayern, Real, United, Juventus, Arsenal, Roma, Olympique Lyon 
and Deportivo La Coruna.

The second seeds - ie United WILL play one of these - are likely to be (although not 
confirmed) : Spartak Moscow, Schalke 04, Feyenoord, Sparta Prague, PSV, Olympiakos, 
Nantes and Boavista.

These are not 100% finalised as some of the leagues still have to be finished but look 
almost certain - you read it here, once again, first.

[5] Your help sought
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Just had this in:

'Yorkshire Television is looking for Manchester United fans for a forthcoming 
programme, '100 Greatest Sporting Moments'. We're looking for fans with unusual 
stories - a couple who decided to get married if United won the cup, a disastrous 
journey to a European match, fans who printed 'League champions' merchandise in 
1995...Where were you when these moments happened?

*       Matt Busby and Manchester United win the European Cup (1968)
*       Arsenal 3 - Manchester United 2 (1979)
*       Blackburn snatch the League on the last day of the season (1995)
*       Beckham scores from the halfway line (1996)
*       Giggs's goal against Arsenal in the FA Cup semi-final keeps treble
hopes alive (1999)
*       Manchester United's comeback in the European Cup Final to win the
treble (1999)

If you have a story, or know anybody else that does, call Emily on 0113 222 8565'

[4] News as usual
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Despite the Editor of RN swanning off from June 21st-July 9th the daily news at 
www.rednews.co.uk will of course continue to flow, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

[4] News as usual
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Despite the Editor of RN swanning off from June 21st-July 9th the daily news at 
www.rednews.co.uk will of course continue to flow, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

[3] Dwight Yorke latest
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
After being dropped for the T&T World Cup match with Honduras this weekend after 
missing the friendly with Panama, a source of T&T tells the SUN:

"The problem is Dwight has been wearing his disco boots and not his football ones"

Yorke's agent said of missing the first game: "Dwight did meet the team at Miami 
Airport but his ticket processing was not completed by the airline agent before the 
flight closed in spite of his being in line for more than half an hour."

This came after rumours he missed the flight to Panama and then went back to Port of 
Spain and was seen out with Brian Lara.

"Dwight planned to travel to Panama but due to the health crisis of a family member, 
who had to be admitted to hospital in Trinidad on an emergency basis on Friday, went 
there instead".

[2] Transfer gossip latest
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Mirror reports that Veron will 'meet' United officials today whilst announcing that 
Wenger says Vieira will stay at Arse.

[1] Fergie Red News Special - your help needed
Posted Thursday, June 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
This is a massive appeal - feel free to spread the word via forums, to mates, etc - 
the more help/contributions we get the better to make the following as good as we can 
make it.


Red News is planning a Fergie special edition for next season - planned long before 
recent events (which are hopefully to be sorted in the coming weeks) - this special is 
to commemorate his momentous time at Old Trafford and mark his last season at Old 
Trafford as manager (but not at the club!). We want this to be THE definitive accolade 
to Fergie, so need your help with as many ideas/articles/short memories from 1986-2002 
that you can provide to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below are just a few of the things we're after - but let us know anything you'd like 
to see in the Fergie special.

N.B. The deadline for ALL contributions is July 15th 2001.

We're looking for

...any special Fergie quotes

...any special photos you may have of Fergie (that you took?) during his time at 
United. All will be returned after use.

...any unique memories you have of meeting him. Special recollections/comments, the 
diverse and different the better!

...the big challenge is listing magic fergie 'moments'. Basically we're looking for 
the great (and not so great?!) games under fergie over all those years - but not just 
the biggies (nou camp, chelsea 4-0, etc) but ones that you think were part of the 
fergie jigsaw that grew with each year (1-5 city, his first game at Oxford, etc, etc). 
We're looking for one paragraph for each game - if you recall a game which you think 
was pivital in the development of Fergie, with an off-beat memory or short description 
of the game events, your own comment, view, send them in!

...We're also looking for anyone who may know an Aberdeen fan during the time Fergie 
was there who would be able to write something of that era.

...feel free to choose your magic Fergie moments (not games this time, but off field 
memories - like psyching out keegan). Anything and everything sought - again one 
paragraph for each, feel free to do as many as you like!

...Other highlights - short one words, like best and worst moments under fergie

...your thoughts on the fergie era, etc...for a letters page

...quirky/funny stories & opinions on fergie

And lastly any suggestions of dramatic events that we wouldn't want to forget that 
Utd/fergie have experienced since '86. Even looking back these past few days at all my 
scrapbooks, etc, it's mad what I'd forgotten - so we are searching for a  listing of  
stuff you can recall off the top of your head, like the MEN poll over Ince, getting 
the OBE, any memory at all really.

...anyone who would like to advertise in this special please contact us.

Many thanks for anything you can provide - we really want this Fergie special to be, 
well, bloody special. So anything and everything is welcome - keep it coming and 
spread the word. We've already had a great response - thanks ever so much.

You can contact us by e.mail at 

or post stuff to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG

Deadline is this July 15th 2001!

Many, many thanks!

[22] Ruud interview with Football365
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ruud interview from Football365

Have you given much thought to your move to United since the record 
£19m deal was completed?
"I've not really had a great deal of time to sit down and think about it, to be 
honest. Of course there are plenty of people reminding me from time to time but since 
I returned to PSV I've been working hard to make sure I do a job for them. I've 
received letters of support and congratulations from other players and yeah, there are 
times when I think, 'Wow, it's true, I'm going to United'." 

Has it really sunk in?
"It has, because all the formalities have been completed. Until that happened I was 
still like, 'I hope this goes through, I hope nothing happens at the last minute.' 
Because of the injury and what happened last time, you're bound to be cautious but 
I've been to England, signed the contract, met the press and talked to some of the 
fans. But the talking is over now, it's what I do next season that counts." 

Do you feel under any pressure in light of the huge fee?
"I'm not burdened by transfer fees and I don't think any player should be. You have to 
enjoy moments like this. How many players get the chance to join Manchester United? 
What they and the selling club agree is nothing to do with me, so why should I be 
burdened? I'm flattered in a way that a club is prepared to pay so much but not 
burdened. I have high expectations anyway - I don't think anyone can put any more 
pressure on me than I do myself." 

Is this the ultimate move for you?
"It's a great move but recently I said I had no allegiance to Manchester United. I've 
been asked if they were my boyhood heroes or this was the dream club for me. In truth, 
no. It would be easy to say they were, so people could write nice things but, 
honestly, I've never been a fan as I've never been a fan of any other club." 

You had other offers to go to other clubs, so why United?
"I could have gone to Real Madrid - they were very serious about me. But, to be 
honest, it never crossed my mind to consider them. By the time they had made their 
interest known I had already agreed to join Manchester United, I'd set my heart on the 
move. The fact that United maintained their interest in me throughout my injury 
problems said a lot. I believe in loyalty and I believe in repaying that loyalty. It 
is a great feeling to know that you are wanted." 

What do you think Manchester United and their fans expect from you?
"Goals, first and foremost. I'm not naive enough to believe that I'm going to walk 
straight into the team, I'm going to have to work hard to get in the side. United have 
some world-class players at the club and some first-class forwards. I know everyone 
says that if United paid that much money for me I must play but Sir Alex Ferguson will 
do what is best for the team. I know if I'm not playing well, I cannot expect to play. 
That's football." 

Were you surprised by the media interest? 
"Some of it went a bit overboard but I was warned beforehand that it would happen. 
They tried to speak to everyone that knows me, even myfriends from the early days. 
They talked to my girlfriend, herfriends, my mother, my family. The list was endless. 
Then again, it was a bit flattering that people wanted to know so much about me." 

Finally, are you looking forward to pulling on the famous red shirt?
"I'm really going to enjoy the moment - not just the football but the whole experience 
of playing in England. I love different cultures and while people go on about England 
and the comparisons with Holland, the two countries are still very different. Perhaps 
the weather is similar. I've been warned about the rain, but I'm used to that. That 
said, I'm not far from home - it's only a short trip on a plane." 

[21] Massive wages request
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Cardiff coach Alan Cork said: "The deal is dead and buried. It was simply not possible 
to agree personal terms." after a £650,000 deal for Spencer Prior for fell through 
after he apparently asked for £8,000 a week wages - you'd think he take no wages to 
leave liddle siddy.

[20] Phil Nev on Germany game
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
I don't think we could go into this match in any better shape, winning five games out 
of five under Sven. The fans are on our side, as are the media. But I think we have 
got  to be a little bit more cautious as it is going to be a difficult  game."

[19] Phil Nev will fight Gary
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think the fact that I have not always been selected at  United has had no effect at 
all on my position in the England set-up. Every time a new England manager comes in I 
have been selected,  regardless of whether I have been playing in the United team. 
Gary is my main rival for the right back position for England. I  think Ashley Cole 
and Chris Powell have got the left back position  all sewn up, so that leaves me and 
Gary challenging for the right  back spot. I will fight for my place and I will not 
let the fact that Gary is my brother get in the way of that."

[18] Refs go pro
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:

'The Football Association have confirmed that referees will be turning professional 
next season. A select band of 24 Premier League referees will receive an 'annual 
retainer' of £33,000 plus match fees of £900. The payment will be for their commitment 
to training and development over several days each month in addition to their match 
commitments. This means the top referees, who will on average officiate on 25 matches 
a season, will earn as much as £60,000 a year.

Former Fifa referee Roger Milford believes the move will improve the standards of 
officiating. He is convinced the men in the middle are worth every penny of the 
£33,000 they will receive as a retainer.

Milford, who is a referees' assessor, said: "I am sure this will mean more consistency 
from the officials on points of law which cause controversy. The fact that the 
referees will meet regularly for training sessions means they will sit down together 
and watch videos of incidents which have caused controversy. So for example, if one 
referee has issued a red card to a player who threw a punch, and another has issued 
only a yellow on a separate occasion, this should result in more consistency. The 
officials will also become more consistent on issues such as foul and abusive 

Milford has no qualms about top officials being able to earn up to £60,000 a year from 
their work.

"There are footballers out there earning £20,000 to £30,000 a week - and that is at 
the bottom end of the scale," he said.

"So referees deserve to earn the sums being talked about. Also, it is only the top 
referees who will earn that kind of money. The less efficient ones will not be chosen 
to officiate at as many matches, so this should help improve the standard as a whole 
and make the refs more accountable. The £33,000 is the basic salary, the rest is like 
a bonus because they will not be able to top up their earnings if they are ill or if 
they fall below standard. Some of them will be giving up good jobs to become full-time 
referees, so they need to be rewarded accordingly."

[18] Refs go pro
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:

'The Football Association have confirmed that referees will be turning professional 
next season. A select band of 24 Premier League referees will receive an 'annual 
retainer' of £33,000 plus match fees of £900. The payment will be for their commitment 
to training and development over several days each month in addition to their match 
commitments. This means the top referees, who will on average officiate on 25 matches 
a season, will earn as much as £60,000 a year.

Former Fifa referee Roger Milford believes the move will improve the standards of 
officiating. He is convinced the men in the middle are worth every penny of the 
£33,000 they will receive as a retainer.

Milford, who is a referees' assessor, said: "I am sure this will mean more consistency 
from the officials on points of law which cause controversy. The fact that the 
referees will meet regularly for training sessions means they will sit down together 
and watch videos of incidents which have caused controversy. So for example, if one 
referee has issued a red card to a player who threw a punch, and another has issued 
only a yellow on a separate occasion, this should result in more consistency. The 
officials will also become more consistent on issues such as foul and abusive 

Milford has no qualms about top officials being able to earn up to £60,000 a year from 
their work.

"There are footballers out there earning £20,000 to £30,000 a week - and that is at 
the bottom end of the scale," he said.

"So referees deserve to earn the sums being talked about. Also, it is only the top 
referees who will earn that kind of money. The less efficient ones will not be chosen 
to officiate at as many matches, so this should help improve the standard as a whole 
and make the refs more accountable. The £33,000 is the basic salary, the rest is like 
a bonus because they will not be able to top up their earnings if they are ill or if 
they fall below standard. Some of them will be giving up good jobs to become full-time 
referees, so they need to be rewarded accordingly."

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