[17] Your fanzine really does need your help this time
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
This is a massive appeal - feel free to spread the word via forums, to mates, etc - 
the more help/contributions we get the better to make the following as good as it gets.


Red News is planning a Fergie special edition for next season - planned long before 
recent events (which are hopefully to be sorted in the coming weeks) - this special is 
to commemorate his momentous time at Old Trafford and mark his last season at Old 
Trafford as manager (but not at the club!). We want this to be THE definitive accolade 
to Fergie, so need your help with as many ideas/articles/short memories from 1986-2002 
that you can provide to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below are just a few of the things we're after - but let us know anything you'd like 
to see in the Fergie special.

N.B. The deadline for ALL contributions is July 15th 2001.

We're looking for

...any special Fergie quotes

...any special photos you may have of Fergie (that you took?) during his time at 
United. All will be returned after use.

...any unique memories you have of meeting him. Special recollections/comments, the 
diverse and different the better!

...the big challenge is listing magic fergie 'moments'. Basically we're looking for 
the great (and not so great?!) games under fergie over all those years - but not just 
the biggies (nou camp, chelsea 4-0, etc) but ones that you think were part of the 
fergie jigsaw that grew with each year (1-5 city, his first game at Oxford, etc, etc). 
We're looking for one paragraph for each game - if you recall a game which you think 
was pivital in the development of Fergie, with an off-beat memory or short description 
of the game events, send them in! 

...feel free to choose your magic fergie moments (not games this time, but off field 
memories - like psyching out keegan). Anything and everything sought - again one 
paragraphs for each, feel free to do as many as you like!

...Other highlights - short one words, like best and worst moments under fergie

And lastly any suggestions of dramatic events that we wouldn't want to forget that 
Utd/fergie have experienced since '86. Even looking back these past few days at all my 
scrapbooks, etc, it's mad what I'd forgotten - so we are searching for a  listing of  
stuff you can recall off the top of your head, like the MEN poll over Ince, getting 
the OBE, any memory at all really.

Many thanks for anything you can provide - we really want this Fergie special to be, 
well, bloody special. So anything and everything is welcome - keep it coming and 
spread the word.

You can contact us by e.mail at 

or post stuff to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG
Deadline is this July 15th 2001!
Many, many thanks!

[16] Yeah, right
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Beer is good for your sex life, say scientists. Beer drinkers have more sex so long 
as they are not sozzled,  according to scientists. People regularly consuming beer in 
reasonable quantities have a more 
active sex life, says the research. They have more sex than those who are teetotal or 
get drunk all the time. The findings were the same for both men and women, according 
to  researchers at the Univeristy of Uppsala, Sweden. The 'right' amount of beer for a 
positive effect on a person's sex  life is a half to one litres of alcohol each day 
for men, about two  pints, and half as much for women, reports Pravda.'

[15] Confirmed pre-season dates
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thu 19 July - Tue 31 July 2001 Tour of the Far East

 Wed 1 August 2001 Manchester United v Celtic
 Old Trafford 7.45pm
 Ryan Giggs Testimonial

 Sat 4 August 2001 Wrexham v Manchester United XI The
 Racecourse Ground 3.00pm
 Brian Flynn/Kevin Reeves Testimonial

 Wed 8 August 2001 Bury v Manchester United
 Gigg Lane, Bury 7.45pm

 Sun 12 August Manchester United v Liverpool
 Millennium Stadium TBC
 The One 2 One FA Charity Shield

[14] Also in the news
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Inter Milan have signed defender Nelson Vivas from Arsenal.

"I are extremely happy to have arrived at a great club like this - one of the most 
prestigious in Europe. And I am pleased in particular to have merited the confidence 
of the new coach and all the leadership." The ambition of any player is to always try 
and improve. To move from Arsenal to Inter will allow me to continue to play at the 
highest level."

[13] Ruud on united
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I know everyone says that if United paid that much money for me I must play, but Sir 
Alex Ferguson will do what is best for the team. I know if I'm not playing well, I 
cannot expect to play. That's football. I'm not naive enough to believe that I'm going 
to walk straight into the team, I'm going to have to work hard to get in the side. 
United have some world-class players at the club and some first-class forwards."

[12] Utd on McClaren leaving
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We're sad to see Steve go, but wish him well," said Patrick Harverson - but how hard 
was the fight to keep him?

[11] Eric on his Utd departure
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I just felt I had played my best football. I started to lose patience, the patience 
you need to train, to work hard, to go to bed at ten!"

[10] Yorke losing the plot
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Manchester United striker Dwight Yorke has been dropped by Trinidad and Tobago for 
their next World Cup qualifier. The national association did not explain their reasons 
behind the decision. But Yorke annoyed team officials after failing to show up in 
Panama for a friendly on Sunday. Manager Neville Chance said Yorke had missed his 
flight from Miami to Panama but rather than trying to get another flight, had returned 
home without alerting him.

Yorke met with the nation's soccer association management yesterday and was then 
dropped for Saturday's game against Honduras - a must-win match for Trinidad, who are 
bottom of their group with one point after three matches. Yorke could be eligible for 
the following game against the United States in Foxboro, Massachusetts, on June 20. 
Yorke, in Trinidad training with the team, was unavailable for comment. It is not the 
first time Yorke has run into trouble over playing for Trinidad. United manager Sir 
Alex Ferguson left the player out of a match when he returned to England late 
following a World Cup match.'

[9] For once we say well done Sol
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Sol Campbell has delivered an amazing snub to Liverpool by not showing up for 
transfer talks, according to The Sun. The out-of-contract Tottenham defender is 
reported to have instead sent his agent to meet the Liverpool delegation - assistant 
manager Phil Tompson and chief executive Rick Parry - at a top London hotel. 
Campbell's stance has lead the Anfield outfit to believe he is looking for a move to 
either Arsenal or Inter Milan.'

[8] On this day
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
1956: Real Madrid beat Stade de Reims in Paris to win the first European Cup.

[7] Delusional Weaver?
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Nicky Weaver:

"This time last year Kevin Keegan was the England manager. Now he is at the helm here 
and everywhere we go it will be a full house with the fans travelling with us as they 
always do. I believe the next few years could be really exciting here especially with 
the move to the new stadium".

[6] Make it safe standing
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Times today asks

'What do you think should be at the top of the new Sports Minister's priority list?'

and are looking for replies to 

Make it safe standing. You know it makes sense.

[5] French latest
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From our French correspondent:

'No confirmation of an agreement between Juve and Parma for Thuram. 
Apparently, we are still very much in the race. Actually, Thuram wants to  join. He 
has meet Fergie several times and has been really impressed. The  problem - as you 
would imagine - is the money. Fergie is ready to pay the  asking price £24M but the 
plc is be reluctant to pay such money for a 29  years old.  If Thuram doesn't join, we 
will know who is to blame!

Vieira. Meeting today with Wenger. Vieira wants to leave and his agents are  speaking 
with several clubs, including us. But Wenger wants to keep him at  any price. A 
decision could be announced this week, still very difficult to  predict what will 

Dugarry rumour. Rubbish.

[4] The Bayern coach himself says...
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am flattered to have been linked with the United job but I don't want to leave 
Munich and I have a contract until 2004."

[3] No chance we'll get Bayern boss
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bayern Munich president Franz Beckenbauer on talk of Utd getting Ottmar Hitzfeld to 
replace Fergie.

"There is a guy who is in charge of our pitches and we might consider letting him go, 
but we'll never allow Hitzfeld to leave."

{2] More from McClaren
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It was vital Sir Alex gave me the scope to leave because I did not want to go on a 
bad note after the relationship we built up. He has advised me on a lot of things, 
including this move. Sir Alex mentioned me as a possible successor and that gave me 
great confidence. But there was never a specific 'yes' or 'no' from United over my 
future. It was left in the air and no one could make a decision at this time. With one 
year left on my contract I had to secure my future and I have done so with Sir Alex's 

[1] Butt to sign
Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Mirror reports that Nicky Butt has told mates he "has to accept" a new Utd deal that 
will double his earnings.

[27] New kick off time for Charity Shield
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
August 12, 2pm.

"We want to avoid a repetition of the Worthington Cup final when everyone struggled to 
get home," said FA director of communications Paul Newman, who wants the game to be as 
"fan-friendly as possible".

yeah, right.

"The important thing will be to help that large number of fans returning to the 
north-west, although obviously fans will be arriving from all over the country."

>From Ananova

'The plan has the support of police and local authority and could be ratified at next 
week's FA board meeting when ticket prices will also be confirmed, as will the venue 
for next year's FA Cup final.'

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