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[32] Gary Nev hits back
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"At the moment people seem infatuated with the idea that the 4-4-1-1 system is the 
cause of our mixed form" he told United’s Official Magazine.

"We’ve actually played a similar system for a number of years. Teddy Sheringham, 
Dwight Yorke and Eric Cantona all played as deep-lying forwards and Paul Scholes grew 
up playing as a withdrawn striker before moving back to midfield."

[31] Verdict from the Indy
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The odds must be against one of them including the European Cup but this has been a 
good few days for Manchester United; in the Premiership they have gained three points 
on Leeds, two on Arsenal and Liverpool and re-established their European credentials. 
The healing process has a distance to run, but they are a long way off the critical 

[30] Verdict from Sporting Life
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The Ferguson empire is poised to strike back and the message is clear - United remain 
Britain's best hope of ruling Europe."

[29] Possible Arse keeper on Sunday
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Stuart Taylor:

"United? What a nice game to play in if I'm picked. It's just what you want because it 
is what first-team football at a big club is all about. My ambition has always been to 
be a top Premiership keeper. Now I've got a big chance to prove I'm getting there and 
I want to take it. I'll maybe get a bit nervy looking forward to it this week but 
usually you are all right when you get out there. There was no time for nerves in La 
Coruna. They just gave me a quick warm-up on the pitch at half-time when it looked 
like Richard wouldn't be going out again. As Under-21 keeper I went to Euro 2000 with 
Kevin Keegan's England squad for experience and training. I faced David Beckham's 
free-kicks a few times. Some of them flashed past me, I have to admit, but I'll be 
doing all I can to stop them on Sunday."

[28] Hughes on Fergie
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I never felt intimidated, I just got angry, although looking back I realise he was 
spot on most of the time. I never saw him come to blows with anyone, but I saw it get 
pretty close. Some players found it hard to deal with, but they didn't last. One of 
his great strengths is that he understands Old Trafford is a difficult place to play, 
and he picks players who are man enough to deal with that.I never doubt Sir Alex. And 
criticism just makes them stronger. I'd be very wary about backing 
against them."

[27] Hughes on his bite
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Because when I first signed schoolboy forms for United, as a midfield player, I felt 
for a while that I was just treading water. There was a build-up of frustration 
because I felt that I wasn't showing how good I could be, so I started lashing out a 
bit. And when I started getting aggressive, I started making progress. So I stuck with 

[26] Hughes on Big Ron's inner circle
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He liked the senior players around him, people like  [Bryan] Robson and [Ray] 
Wilkins. I used to do the training, go back  to my digs and sleep, and that was the 
sum total of my day. I didn't  mix. And when we won the FA Cup in 1985, I remember the 
celebrations  on the pitch but not having anyone I felt close enough to to enjoy  the 
moment with. Everyone says that it's so special, winning the FA  Cup, and you should 
remember everything, but all I can remember  from '85 is looking around, thinking 'who 
can I enjoy this with?'...Norman  was a man before his time. He slipped into the 
circle of senior  players very easily, while I found it much more difficult. I wanted  
to be part of it, but I realised that because of my character it wouldn't happen."

[25] Mark Hughes on his Sparky nickname
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It was from  school, where all the lads were named after comics. One lad was  Beano, 
and I was Sparky. Unfortunately it followed me to United,  because I played against a 
lad for Wrexham Schools who United signed. But Ron Atkinson certainly kept it going."

[24] Becks on Bayern
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"But a draw against a team of Bayern's stature away is no bad result and we can take a 
lot of heart from our performance. We had a real go at them in the second half and 
almost pulled off a win. We wanted to go there and play better football than we have 
done all season, and I think we can say that we did that."

[23] Keano on new system
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think it's important that players can adapt when we get new signings or the manager 
wants to try new systems. You have to be prepared to change because I think we had 
become predictable in Europe over the past few seasons and that's where we have come 
unstuck. I'm prepared to play whatever role the gaffer wants. I think I've been 
defensive for the past three or four years anyway because of  the attack-minded 
players we have in the team. It would be great if we could all get forward but we know 
that's not the case."

[22] Keano - the end of the season when it counts
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"But the time to judge us is at the end of the season. It's still early in the season. 
If we were firing on all cylinders already, I'd be pretty worried. I expect us to get 
more fired up in the second half of the season when the games become that bit more 
important. You just have to be patient. We've given away soft goals but they've been 
down to individual mistakes and you can't legislate for that. Our players are only 
human. They're entitled to off-days. But I'd rather give away daft goals now than in 
the second half of the season."

[21] More from Keano
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I mean, I don't want to use excuses because at the end of the day it's up to myself. 
I know I shouldn't go out on the pitch unless I'm fit...I needed to get myself 
properly fit because I'd been cutting corners recently regarding training because of 
my injuries and it just came to a head against Deportivo La Coruna when my knee was 
really sore. I know that I've not been 100 per cent. I set myself high standards and 
if I don't reach them I can be critical of myself and that's the case here."

[20] How many Beckhams does it take to change a lightbulb?
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
by Gary

Not David this time, but Victoria as the Sun (page 25) reports...

"Town gets own Beck"

Town chiefs got their own back when Victoria Beckham refused to turn on her local 
Christmas lights - by hiring a Geri Halliwell lookalike.

Officials in Sawbridgeworth, Herts, thought Posh and David  would do the honours 
because they live just outside  the town.

But the pair were busy so the council drafted in Sarah Belsey - a dead
ringer for Posh's bitter Spice Girl rival Geri.

Sarah, 21, said "I'm surprised Posh couldn't make it as she lives so close but I'm 
happy to fill in for her."

Now I'm only guessing here, but I imagine the switch-on may well occur in the near 
future and United will have the Boavista, Chelsea, West Ham and Derby games around the 
same time - so the odds are that United are playing at home and David and Victoria 
will be in the Manchester area - nowhere near bloody Hertfordshire...

[18] Team-mate on Stam claims
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Clarence Seedorf: 

"Stam is a player I know very well and I don't think he is a player that needs to be 
any stronger. But I can't defend him if it is a fact that he has tested positive. What 
can you say? It is a bad thing for football the way it is coming out. This is a 
problem for all players, not just Dutch players. We have to be more careful every day 
with what we take."

[16] Quote of the day
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ken Bates on the strike

"Quite simply it's a case of no play, no pay"

Yet this is the man who paid those of his players who didn't go to Israel!

Song for Chelsea game - "Six men wouldn't go, wouldn't go to Israel"

[15] Gordon Taylor latest on strike
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"As for there being three wobblers, we know there are 22 wobblers because 22 players 
voted against strike action while 2,290 were in favour. There are two ways of sorting 
this out. Quite simply, they can come up with a better offer or they can take us to 
court. They are talking about new offers, but it's an old offer and it's only 1% of 
their extra money. We keep expecting to see them in court but they seem to be backing 
away from that now."




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[14] Bayern boss praises us
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ottmar Hitzfeld:

"They have got a real inventor in midfield with Veron and I think they have improved a 
lot from last season. We could have lost and it's important that we won a point. It 
would have been very tough to lose our first home match. We were the better side in 
the first half but we couldn't re-establish our rhythm in the second.  Manchester are 
a very powerful team. They defended well and they scored a wonderful goal from Ruud 
van Nistelrooy."

[13] Keano on the Bayern game
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"A performance like that increases confidence. We know we've not been playing that 
well this season, but the players are all determined to turns things round. This was 
an encouraging night for us. We have to accept the criticism, because we've not been 
playing that brilliantly and the results have shown that. But the time to judge as is 
at the end of the season, and the players are as determined as ever to win a couple of 
trophies. We are our own biggest critics when we don't  perform to our potential, and 
now we are looking forward to what should be a great game against Arsenal this 

[12] Keano speaks now
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I've had a bit of rest and I've had to be careful to nurse it through. But I am in a 
situation where, because of the type of player I am, I have to train. In games I need 
to play on the edge and if I missed training it would take its toll. Eventually I 
would get found out against the good players. That showed when I was struggling. It 
took its toll then and I can't afford to let that happen again."

[11] Keano a few weeks ago on his knee
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I've not been training properly and I've not been playing well. And by not performing 
well I feel I've let down myself, the manager, the fans and most  of all my 
team-mates. I think the lads have been carrying me."

[10] Keano on his knee after Tuesday
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"My knee felt fine this evening. And I now hope, please God, it will be okay again for 
the Arsenal game on Sunday."

[9] Matchday Programmes - sniff 'em
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by redend:
If you'd like matchday programmes delivered by post to your door then click on the 
button to the right - above the headlines.

Not just for those who don't get to OT for every game - we know a few of you out there 
like to collect your programmes and keep them in pristine condition. Only removing 
them from the polythene sleeves to sniff them furtively when you're alone in the house.

Do you like to sniff inside new books too? Or a nuns shoe? mmmmmm. I used to have a 
thing about nun's clothing but I had to drop it when it became a habit. (I'll get me 
coat - you get your programme).

[8] EVERYBODY OUT -  Alex Plypin
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Alex Plypin Experience writes:

So, a game of brinkmanship develops!
In the loser blue corner is the aptly-named FA, with an impressive run of form to date.
- Going back on a deal with the German FA, when the pound signs started flashing.  
- Completely tatering their most famous competition by sending the holders and 
favourites halfway around the world for a kickabout.
- Making an absolute dog's breakfast of the national stadium bid, including 
demolishing the current venue before its replacement had been agreed, reneging on 
another agreement to hold athletics there, and squandering mountains of lottery cash 
with diddly to show for it.
- Insisting on the `illegality' of standing in a Premier League football stadium, 
whereas not enforcing this `law' on any of the lower divisions.
..and in The Red Corner, the players who have all the aces, and a few to spare, and 
right on their side.
Ridsdale and Sullivan were bleating on the radio this morning about the illegality of 
such a strike, and the prospect of injunctions imposed by clubs on their playing staff 
(Giggsy has copped out -again - unless I've missed a Wales friendly somewhere!) 
The thrust of the argument is the likes of Becks earning squillions, and going on 
strike; whilst poor has-beens and never-weres in the board room contemplate the real 
threat of frustration of contract, and the likelihood of all the TV companies tearing 
these up and starting again with a new sheet of paper. Even my missus has cottoned on 
to the fact that the result of this strike is likely to be less footie on the box - so 
pleading on the basis of rich wanting more is falling on deaf ears. The only people 
with anything to lose, are those who are bleating loudest now.
The sum in question is 1/6 of the lottery money that has been purloined under false 
pretences - basically for nothing - and a small % of a very much bigger cake. They do 
not appear to have considered that, in grabbing out for the reflection, they run the 
real risk of losing what they already have.One fact that no-one seems to have taken 
into account, is that maybe players do not want to be expected to turn out any time of 
any day or night for the benefit of TV - or the local dibble, as The Great Hairy Ape 
keeps insisting controls KO schedules.
Can we have our football back now please, Mister?

[7] Bayern injury
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Bayern Munich midfielder Hasan Salihamidzic will be out for five months with a knee 
injury. He was hurt after colliding with Mikael Silvestre in the Champions League game 
against Manchester United. The 24-year-old Bosnian has played more minutes for the 
European champions than any other player during the past two years.'

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[6] Kenyon on proposed strike
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There's got to be a negotiated settlement because it's not in the interests of the 
players, the union, the Premier League, the supporters or the clubs for a strike to 
occur. There's got to be some rationale come to these negotiations to bring them to a 
close on a negotiated settlement and that's what I believe will happen. It's 
unsettling for everybody and I don't think anybody involved in football really wants 
this. I'm sure there will be a settlement agreed and even if the strike goes ahead, 
there still has to be a negotiated settlement."

[5] Giggs back in January?
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:

"Ryan's pulled his hamstring and these things take around six weeks to heal."

[4] Perhaps the fog improved Turin
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
As you woudln't be able to notice just how bad the place is...Juventus' match with 
Bayer Leverkusen was postponed last due to fog.

[3] Wright looks doubtful
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I'm going to have a scan in the morning. I felt I could play but the injury got worse 
as the game went on. It was just too painful at half-time. It's an injury I've had for 
some time and it is very sore now."

[2] Arse in turmoil
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Coruna 2 Arse 0 (and are people now going to say the Mickeys and Arsenal are in 

During the game Arsene Wenger subbed Richard Wright at half-time but said it was an 
injury rather than tactical - and bought in  20-year-old third-choice goalkeeper 
Stuart Taylor. Asked whether the kid will play on Sunday, Wenger said:

"It could come to that. Wright was not a doubt going into the match but it is a knee 
problem he had some weeks ago. It wasn't a problem before the game but at half-time 
the doctors told me he didn't feel right and I think you could see that the second 
goal was down to the injury."

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