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[36] More on apparent Robinson bid
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ridsdale said: 

"It does not matter who comes in for him or how much money they offer us, we are not 
going to sell the best young goalkeeper in Britain."

[Yes OK - but what about Paul Robinson though?  As we all know the "best young 
goalkeeper in Britain" is not for sale because he's at maine rd. BWOO HAHAHA HAAAAAA - 
on the bench? - BWOO HAHAHA HAAAAAA ]

[35] Beckham letter writer in court
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A woman who stole letters from the flat of David and Victoria Beckham has been sent 
to crown court to be sentenced.

Chinyelu Mary Obue hired a taxi to take her 230 miles from her home in Scotland to the 
Beckhams' home in Alderley Edge, Cheshire.

Last month the 37-year-old from Edinburgh admitted theft and deception while a further 
charge of burglary was dropped.

District Judge Phillip Dodd, sitting at Macclesfield Magistrates Court, sent her to 
crown court for sentencing. Referring to medical reports he said: "The doctors agree 
you are ill and the best place for you is a hospital.

"They also agree there must be certain restrictions on your liberty in that your 
shouldn't be allowed to discharge yourself unless someone agrees it is in your 
interest and in the public interest.

"This court cannot impose these restrictions and the crown court can."

In July Obue told a taxi driver to take her to Cheshire, claiming a friend would pay 
the £300 fare.

Once in Alderley Edge, she walked into the communal hallway of the England captain's 
mansion block home and took a dozen letters.

Obue, whose address was given as Macclesfield General Hospital, will be sentenced at 
Chester Crown Court on January 2.'

[34] Christmas comes but once a year
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
To the outside world but here in the happy f**king dimension that is Red News we 
celebrate it every year, with a cold naked shower in the Atlantic Ocean and then 
brandy morning, noon and night - goose for dinner, crab for tea and a visit to the STD 
clinic first thing.

Whatever, you can help the RN cause by buying Xmas presents via our Blackstar and 
Amazon links to the right, taking out a 10 issue UK sub to Red News (costs just 
£16.50) we can deliver our new issue for Xmas Eve (the issue with the wrong date on 
the cover - have we mentioned this?) or the new issue itself, just £2.50 including p&p 
in the UK.

[33] Not just idle Barthez speculation
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
We first heard about this, this morning from a very good source and wanted to check it 
out. Seems United are interested in Leeds goalie Paul Robinson, and have been sniffing 
around with £8m in the pocket. It does seem to suggest even if just early enquiries - 
forgetting the recent Barthez mishaps - that as has been said before, Fabien might be 
looking for a move this summer.


"Paul Robinson is not for sale - it's as simple as that. It does not matter who comes 
in for him or how much money they offer us, we are not going to sell the best young 
goalkeeper in Britain.He is always going to be a Leeds United player. He is very much 
part of our plans and it would certainly send out the wrong signals if we decided to 
let him go. It's difficult to keep him satisfied. He wants first team football, but I 
spoke to him only a few weeks ago and I told him that his time would come here at 
Leeds. We are not in the business of selling our best players. We had two enquiries 
about players recently and politely refused both of them."

[32] HOW MUCH!
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Nantes away ticket details


Nantes (Away)
20 February 2002, 19:45

We are to receive an allocation of approximately 3,000 match tickets at an equivalent 
price of £30 each for our next away game in the competition versus FC Nantes, to be 
played on Wednesday 20 February.

These are being offered to all club members who either wish to make their own travel 
arrangements or who wish to travel on one of the club's travel packages.

Application forms for match tickets only and club travel will be available upon 
request from the Membership Office from 9:00 Saturday 1 December and applicants will 
have until 17:00 Friday 11 January to return their application.

If making an application Season Ticket and League Match Ticket Book holders are 
requested to produce voucher 71 duly completed.

If oversubscribed priority will be given to members who have purchased a ticket from 
the club or travelled with the club for any of the previous away games in the 
competition so far this season. It should be noted that if applying for a match ticket 
only and demand exceeds the ticket allocation received, a ballot will take place in 
order to determine the successful applicants.

If applying for match tickets only it should also be noted that you should provide the 
following information on the official booking form: -

1. The names of those members wishing to purchase a ticket together with their 
membership and passport numbers.

2. Details of your travel arrangements or proposed travel arrangements,
which should include date of departure, return date and name of
accommodation if applicable.

The club will have the following travel packages available:-

OPTION 1 : Day Trip from Manchester, price £210 plus £30 match ticket;

OPTION 2: Coach Trips (2 types);
Both departing Old Trafford with pick-up points en-route to Dover:

Type A Coach Flyer - £85 plus £30 match ticket;

Type B Coach Trip with overnight stay - £125
(based on 2 people sharing) plus £30 match ticket.

In addition and subject to demand the club are to arrange a 2 day VIP trip from 
Manchester. The price has yet to be confirmed but will include one night's 
accommodation at a first class hotel in Nantes city-centre.

It should be noted that all these packages are available to all club members.

For further information on club travel, please telephone the Membership
Office during normal office hours on either 0161 868 8462 or 0161 868 8464, whilst 
information regarding match ticket only applications can be obtained by telephoning 
either 0161 868 8455 or 0161 868 8467 again during normal office hours.

Information regarding match ticket availability and club travel
arrangements for our away game versus Boavista to be played on Tuesday 19 March will 
be announced via all our usual channels as soon as we have been advised the ticket 
allocation we are to receive for this game.

For information regarding ticket availability for the home games in the
competition can be obtained by telephoning the 24 hour Ticket & Match
Information Line on 0870 757 1968.

[31] Oh and another thing
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
What with the wrong date on this new issue on Sat (IT IS THE DECEMBER ISSUE) we're not 
doing too well today. For Fulham you also have to say whether you mind standing or not.

[30] Story 26 - Fulham away tickets
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
deadline is Wednesday.

[29] Weird and silly stories
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
by gary

The good old Sun, page 3

That's My Boing

Proud Beckham takes Brooklyn for lessons on gym trampoline

Brroklyn Beckham is a high flier just like his dad - after having
trampolining lessons.

Proud David, 26, takes his boy for sessions at the gym. Becks and Victoria, 27, look 
on as the two-year-old leaps around - and then have a go themselves.

This story is so sad I can't even bring myself to type any more about it - suffice to 
say there is a really cheesy quote from the gym owner - "I panicked when David was on 
the trampoline. I feared he'd fall and injure a leg. I didn't want England's future on 
my shoulders."

Errr, yeah... right(!)

The Sun page 15 carries the story of a Manchester PR company director who stripped 
down "to French knickers and stockings to play a lap-dancer in a company video".

Apparently it is a promotional video that the company will send to existing and 
potential clients and is a seven minute long spoof telling the story of "the fall of 
Manchester United - whose manager visits a lap-dance bar to cheer himself up."

I wonder if they'll be sending a copy to Our Martin for Christmas?

[28] That Korean Becks story in full
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Sun (who else?) page 75....

Riot Police rehearse by chanting "David Beckham"

Korean police sang David Beckham's name as they staged mock riots to prepare for World 
Cup hooligans.

Cops held one of the drills at Suwon Stadium near the South Korean capital of Seoul 
with more than 100 officers pretending to be troublemakers.

The law enforcers are clearly expecting trouble from English fans as they clapped and 
chanted "David Beckham" as well as "Come on England" and "Hooligans".

[27] Let's get it on
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Juve game is at 3pm today after TV pressure, expecting about 1,000 fans.  Good to see 
they've been looked after as ever.

[26] Fulham Away ticket details
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Fulham (Away)

Sunday 30 December, 14:00

(Please note this fixture has been rearranged from Saturday 29 December).

We have received an allocation of approximately 1,600 tickets, 1,000 of which are 
reserved seats priced £22 adults, £16 over 65's and £10 under 16's and 600 uncovered 
standing tickets priced £18 adults, £13 over 65's and £8 under 16's.

Postal applications only are now being accepted from Season Ticket Holders only, 
enclosing voucher 30 (duly completed), relevant payment, sae and the following 3 match 
vouchers properly affixed to this seasons official voucher sheet (2001/2002): 31 
(Lille OSC) 32 (Deportivo) 33 (Olympiakos).

(RN comment - doesn't have deadline so we advise get your application in NOW!).

[25] David Gill denies Veron clause too
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Big guns have come out to deny this one...

"There is no chance of a get-out clause in there. It is a  straightforward contract as 
per any player we sign. There is no get-out clause. When we are buying a player we 
want to secure them for the length of their contract and we are not interested in 
putting get-out clauses in contracts."

[24] Stam will know result of 2nd dope test today
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am praying the second test will prove my innocence, but I'm not holding out much 
hope.  After all, I failed the first test even though I know I have not taken any 
banned substances, so why not the second? 
 In the ideal world this madness would be over in days but, for my own sanity, I have 
to be more realistic. I am still living in a nightmarish limbo at the moment following 
my positive nandrolone test, although I hope to learn more about my fate within a 
week. The Italian Olympic Committee is due to undertake a counter analysis of my 
original sample — basically a re-test of their first results — and I 
should know the results next week. All I can do at this stage is keep myself fit and 
ready to return to the team at any time. The experience of players like de Boer and 
Davids has shown the authorities can decide to lift or reduce suspensions at any time."

[23] Oh dear
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
The SUN reports that Korean police are training on how to cope with hooligans by 
getting pretend mobs to chant 'One David Beckham' at them...

[22] Suits you sir
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Gianluca Vialli: 

"When United are at their best, I am close to orgasm. It is a true wonder. They have a 
super-technical midfield with Beckham, Giggs and Scholes working their socks off. Only 
in Italy do we have the myth of the No10 shirt not wasting energy trying to defend."

[21] More Sammy Mac on Carroll/Barthez
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Roy's temperament is right for the big stage, his skill has never been in doubt. All 
he has ever needed is the chance to express himself — and the biggest club in 
the world has given him that. I'm absolutely certain if Alex picks Roy he will not be 
disappointed. Nothing fazes Roy. I can remember when I gave him his full international 
debut, he was Mr Cool, totally focused. Barthez made at least four outstanding saves 
at Arsenal but he gets pilloried for two mistakes. Without Barthez's saves, United 
would have been out of the game long before he made errors."

[20] Oops, mistake but don't worry IT IS DECEMBER ISSUE!
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
The cover of the new issue on Saturday will say October/November on it - issue 82 - 
but trust us it IS THE DECEMBER ISSUE - NEW OUT ON SATURDAY so bag yourself a copy (as 
ever Red News, having problems organising a piss-up in a brewery...)

[19] He's getting on a bit now!
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ryan Giggs, 28, today.

[18] The Utd denial about Veron
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
came after the Mail said that Barca wait in the wings with a £30m bid for Veron as he 
is allowed to invoke the clause after one year.

[17] We're so upset we're crying here
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Mirror

'CONTROVERSIAL agent Eric Hall has had his business ordered into liquidation after the 
High Court granted his former accountants a winding up order. Accounting firm Silver 
Levene began proceedings against Eric Hall Management Ltd earlier this year, claiming 
it was owed a "substantial amount" in unpaid fees after withdrawing its services from 
Hall in February.'

[16] Old hat for our regular readers
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
With specualtion again that Veron could be on the move in the press - and talk of a 
get out clause Paddy Harverson has said:  "There is no
get-out clause." Regular Red News readers will know this of course, as we carried 
confirmation from a senior Utd source over 2 months ago. Catch up hacks.

[15] Fergie sticks with Barthez
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Mirror reports that Fabien is to be given 'one last chance' by Fergie for the 
European game next week - no mention of Saturday though. Carrington has really - and 
about time- shut up shop and started to stop the leaks although we do hear that the 
bald headed one is mightily pissed off by the way he's been followed by press and 
photographers this week.

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[14] More from Sammy Mac
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Carroll's attitude has changed 100 per cent. When I first took over with Northern 
Ireland, he didn't like working. But now after every session the hardest thing is to 
get him off the field. He works really hard now and it is clear the difference going 
to United has made. It's obvious he's listening to what he's being told and he's at 
the right place to learn. He's got everything now to be a great goalkeeper. He's a 
good age, got great ability and his attitude has improved."

[13] Sammy Mac on Barthez/Carroll
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Reputation wise, Barthez is the best goalkeeper in the world. But he is making 
mistakes and Sir Alex will be looking at him in training to see if there is any 
adverse reaction. He hasn't hesitated in dropping goalkeepers who have made mistakes 
in the past as the Italian lad [Massimo] Taibi and Mark Bosnich can testify. Sir Alex 
has now got to decide whether to stick with Barthez or give Roy a chance and I know if 
Roy does play he won't let anyone down. He's done well in the games he has played for 
United and, in the Lille game [in the Champions' League], he made three saves in the 
first half which kept United in the game. On his debut against Aston Villa he did all 
right, even though he conceded a goal early on. He also did nothing wrong in his other 
appearances against Sunderland and Arsenal. Sir Alex will know what Roy is capable of. 
He bought him and he will have assessed him carefully in training. Ultimately it is 
down to Sir Alex, but I have no doubts that Roy can do a g!
reat job if Sir Alex turns to him."

[12] The Official Bloopers Tape ...
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by redend:
... just released a few weeks ago.

Strange timing that United released this tape earlier this month. You'd think they'd 
have waited until after "Black October" and "Brown November" to grab a few more from 
the Wes, Gaz & Fab act. 

Or ... hang on ... does this now lead us to the logical explanation for why we've seen 
all these errors bunched into such a short space of time in the last two months? If 
the team can produce enough spectacular boobs (leave it) then they can knock another 
one out (no - leave it - a boobs video) before Christmas. Aha - its all the evil PLC's 
fault as usual then - interfering in team matters. Only problem with that theory is 
that the PLC flogged off most of the video rights ridiculously cheaply a few years 
back - and of course Nike are taking over merchandising for United too. 

'Hold on - did I say Nike are taking over merchandising?' 
"Yes you did." 
'I thought so.' 

Nike + Ronaldo + Team Sheet + World Cup Final = Ringing Bell? 

No, I think you'll find that 2 + 2 = 5

Ah well - nice try. Anyway if you like this sort of thing (its probably crap) here's 
the the blurb and link:
Manchester United - The Official Bloopers Tape
Live again those moments they didn't want you to see.

Check http://www.rednews.co.uk to view the image which has been removed from plain 
text email version of news 

Manchester United - The Official Bloopers Tape

[11] Yawn, yawn - for those of you interested
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
The World Cup draw can be seen on the web as Fifa has launched the official website 
for next summer's World Cup finals.


[10] Oh no, stuck in Turin!
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Juventus' Champions League match against Bayer Leverkusen was called off due to fog 
for the 2nd week on the trot. They are now trying to see if they can play it tonight - 
imagine that, forever stuck in the s**thole of Turin!

[9] Teddy - Fowler was like me at Old Trafford
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:

"In the first year it probably worked for me at Manchester United but with the 
rotation system, footballers want to be playing consistently and in every game and so 
it might not always work. You want to be playing in the big games, let's put it that 
way, and Robbie hasn't been. They (Liverpool) had a lot of cup finals last year and he 
was on the bench or playing 10 or 15 minutes in those games and that's not what 
football is all about. That's the way the game is going at the top level but once he 
gets back (playing again) I've got no qualms about him getting in the first team, he 
will have no problems about that."

[8] What a choice!
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Blackburn or Leeds?!

Souness said: "There was a very real prospect of us signing Fowler, but his first 
choice was Leeds although we were a close second."

[7] The 25 soon becomes 26
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Blackburn 2 city 0 - another trophy dream over, another year to notch up in a few 
months time. And for such a massive game - a chance to get into the last 8, how many 
thousands did city take. Don't believe the talk of 15,000 out of the 17,000 gate which 
will probably be told by tomorrow lunchtime - they couldn't even sell half of the 
bottom tier, occupying top and 50% of the lower. Best fans in the world though - 
obviously too far to travel...

Kevin Keegan took it well!

: "I don't care what the FA do, or how much it costs me, I will always speak my mind. 
:I'll show them a tape of the match if they want.

"It was shocking refereeing. You have got to have some common sense, but he didn't 
have any for the Premier League and that's why he's in the other divisions. I just 
felt it was a wet pitch with the ball skidding all over the place and he showed a lack 
of common sense, which I think is the first requirement of a referee, and I have told 
him so. Write as much as you can about him because that's what he likes. Write about 
Uriah Rennie, don't write about the match, write about him - that's what he wants. 
He's always been the same. I thought he was poor and then he started giving decisions 
for us, and I don't think he got many right. I don't care what it costs me, I'll give 
them a tape of the game and they can make the decisions. I just felt he was poor."

[6] A Red Perspective
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
by Sarah

Over the past few years the characteristics of football supporters have changed 
dramatically. Of course there are still the hard-core fans who will follow the clubs 
no matter what happens, but there are now other types of fans on the scene who have 
been actively embraced by the commodity known as 'the beautiful game'.

The disasters of the 80s, the introduction of CCTV and the changes in fan culture have 
led to the development of smaller, safer grounds. This advancement has seduced members 
of society who would rarely have been seen attending football matches previously. 
There are many more women, children and businessmen as the game turns its back on its 
working class roots in order to target those with a more disposable income. Spiralling 
ticket prices only succeed in alienating more and more people every year, pricing life 
long supporters out of the game, as greedy clubs look how to make the quick buck.

Lower down the leagues the problems are not as severe, as supporters are generally 
made to feel more of a part of their club. Bradford City fanzine editor, David 
Pendleton is full of admiration for fans of
Bradford's non-league sides, "non-league fans are great. I have some friends who are 
Bradford Park Avenue fans and I can only admire their dedication. One of these 
supporters is worth 100 Premiership hangers on". Matt Blackburn, editor of Halifax 
Town fanzine, 'Shayven Haven' agrees. "The five years Halifax spent in the non-leagues 
were very enjoyable. The supporters were extremely friendly and a lot of
the clubs had excellent set-ups, better than a lot of third division sides. Many of 
the grounds had social clubs that were very welcoming for away fans. Third division 
clubs aren't so welcoming". Non-league fans are not watching big name players in big 
grounds like their league counterparts, but their passion for the game is just the 
same, it is just that there are less of them. This in-balance of numbers is reflected 
in the lucrative market of football publishing. Nowadays,
if you venture into the magazine section of WH Smith you are confronted by dozens of 
football titles, some dedicated to one individual club, others are more general, but 
there is only one that deals exclusively
with the non-league scene. This  monthly publication is entitled 'Team Talk' and 
editor, Tony Williams is full of praise for the very
heart of the non-league scene, the supporters.

"Whether it's people selling programmes or working in the club shop, they're all 
contributing something to the club. The non-league scene is a big family and 
supporters of all clubs receive a warm welcome wherever they go. If you go to a 
non-league ground you'll find the people there are givers not takers". 

Sadly, amidst the bright glow of post-Premiership/Euro 96 'euphoria', football is now 
seen as "the thing to do" on a Saturday afternoon. People who wouldn't have been seen 
near a football ground ten years ago now proclaim to be fans of their adopted team 
since birth and give the clubs a bad name. No more is this the case at the 'glory 
teams' like ourselves, Manchester United Football Club. If any team has the slightest 
whiff of success people want to be associated with them, changing teams every couple 
of seasons. These people follow the results; they do not follow a football team. In 
fact, many just buy the club shirt and claim to be "in the know" when 'their' team is 
involved, all from the comfort of their armchair of course cause they "can't get 
tickets to game". The old ticket myth no longer washes with this red. It's just easier 
for these people not to go. After all, if you went to a game how could you ring up 606 
to complain at the final whistle?

Ten years ago we would have given our right arm to be in the position we are now, 
challenging for honours every season. Yet for some this is still not enough and they 
feel that all they need to do is whing .
Fergie has lost the plot, Barthez is a clown, United should not have sold Stam, United 
shouldn't have bought Veron, Fergie should go now etc. etc. Yet these people forget 
that Fergie is the man who brought us
all this success. One bad result though and all past glories are forgotten, "he should 
go now" they bleet. And as for the rest of the squad, none of them are good enough; 
sell the lot they scream hysterically to anyone who will listen (unfortunately usually 
to the
likes of 606 while clued-up football fans cringe at embarrassment at their antics). 
Now, any red should tell you that Manchester United do not have a divine right to win 
the Premiership trophy every season, in
fact, it would be bloody boring if they did. Give me some kind of challenge anyday. 
Remember last season, for the most part is was a largely forgettable state of affairs 
as the rest of the league (yet again) just could not cut it when it mattered. Now it 
seems some of these teams have finally got their act together and are challenging the 
mighty reds for honours. "About bloody time" I say, cause the longer we are being 
pushed, the higher the standards we will have to set for ourselves, and the more 
likely we are to progress in Europe. We have been missing a challenge for too long and 
it has caught up with us.

The Megastore brigade will probably not agree, after all they're only here to support 
a team that wins more often and not, they have no real links with the club and will 
not be missed when the success comes to an end, great things cannot last forever after 
all. Though try telling them that when they are beaming with delight at the sight of 
seeing an item in the Megastore that they have not seen before, Christmas coming early.

The fanzines have been there in good and bad, though the players have not always 
appreciated our efforts (always written with the best efforts though, honest).

Alex Ferguson explained in an interview with 'Red Issue', in 1989, (fanzines) "maybe 
started with the best of intentions but, like a lot of things, they can get out of 
hand. I've read quite a few and I feel some of them are quite destructive. Players  
along and some of them are personally insulting. Why should players take that?" He may 
indeed have a point but we do pay our money (and other peoples) so we have the right 
to an opinion. The player criticism can get out of hand though (witness the hysterical 
reaction on United internet sites after the reds dare to lose a game). United fans 
have been spoilt in recent years, but as long as the sacred 11 give their all in the 
red shirt then we can have few complaints, something that has not been done recently, 
especially against Liverpool. Speaking after another particularly uninspiring Pool 
away performance in 95, Fergie said,
"I don't think the players showed the passion required for this type of football. When 
we play Liverpool I, and everyone connected with the club, expect the players to 
fight". The team should have those wise
words tattooed on their arm after the recent spineless display. Against City last 
season it was the same and the question needs to be asked "do United really know what 
these games mean to the supporters anymore?", "Do they even care". The Manchester lads 
in the team should know better. Those of us who have to work and live amongst the blue 
filth need a good performance to make our lives safe from ridicule on a Monday 
morning. The same with the scousers. Everyone knows smug Liverpool fans, they are 
multiplying like the devils spawn and none of them ever go to games. Games against 
them matter, always have done, and United looked scared of them, no make that 
terrified. The old, great
United teams would never have rolled over and died like that. Sure, the old United 
sides did not have the quality of the current squad, but they knew what being United 
meant to us. In the world of money, Ferraris and mansions, do the players even care 
anymore?  I don't think Fergie is as sure as he once was.

"United in crisis" is a headline that had been written too often in the last decade, 
usually ending up with egg on collective faces, and who would bet against it happening 
again this season? However, some quarters (and that's players and supporters) need to 
recapture what "being a red" really means. I suggest getting out a video of a certain 
game that took place on 26/05/99 and watching the never say die attitude, the chasing 
for every ball, the endless determination because that is Manchester United. Cause the 
rest is just a bonus.

[5] A Red Perspective
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
by Lee

Becks hasn't yet signed his lucrative contract extension, expected to be worth c.£100k 
a week.

In the summer, Kenyon believed the deal should be done by the start of the season.

He then had to revise this and expected Becks to sign on the dotted by Christmas, if 
not before.

He now says that there is no deadline as Becks remains contracted to summer 2002.

Meanwhile, Becks says he loves the club, its his boyhood club and he would like to 
stay if United show that want him.

I am just not convinced.

Here's a question How many millions does Dave need before he is happy? What issues are 
so contentious that they still remain unresolved - Is it really just the money?

United have denied that current uncertainty about Fergie's replacement is a factor in 
the impasse.

But they've also continuously denied having a shortlist, sticking to the media 
smokescreen of 'we'll start thinking about it after Christmas'. If this were true, 
then the Board and Kenyon specifically have been derelict un their duty to the club.

Dave has oft let it be known he prefers a central midfield berth.  He's played there 
more often for In-ger-lund than United.

I can't imagine he was too chuffed to see a world class midfielder in JSV arrive in 
the summer then, can you?

Could future tactics and Becks' role in them be the key to things?

If he's not then convinced by the new boss's plans, may he try a Bosman to 

(If Fowler can leave the dirties, then most anything can happen.)

I don't think United's board would dream of allowing a £40M asset to depreciate to nil 
over the next 18 months, do you?

Can someone hand the boy a bloody pen please.

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[4] IF
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
IF - Ruud Van Kipling 

This is a crude adaptation of a much loved, classic piece of prose, "IF", which 
embodies the sentiments that all United fans should take heed of at this time - (with 
apologies to Rudyard Kipling).

I thank you. Eamonn - (Mancunian exile- living in Leeds - yes really!)


"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust United when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can draw huge crowds and keep your virtue, 
And triumph in Europe - nor lose the domestic touch;
If neither Arsenal, Liverpool nor Leeds can really hurt you;
If all teams compete with you, but none too much;

If you can dream of trebles and not make dreams your master;
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by Hacks who write their lies of United's desperation,
Or watch the team you gave your life to, bowed not broken,
And stoop and lift them up with songs of exhortation;

If you can force your heart, and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn when you're three-nil down
and sing with all the Red belief that's in you
and then score five - that's why we'll keep our crown!;

If you can fill the unforgiving season
with 90 points accrued,
yours is the League and everything that's in it,
And, what's more, - you'll be Man United, my son."

Ruudyard Van Kipling

Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Issue 82 is a new Red News out on Saturday - a bumper biggest ever £2 Xmas special. 

Inside this massive, massive edition contains the latest third volume of our GREAT 
UNITED SONGS collection, with brand new songs and verses - and all the Utd classics 
from 100 years of Utd songsters. Twice in the past we have quickly sold out of 
previous editions so we advise you to get hold of a copy of this completely new update 
as we expect the same to happen. Spread the word too!

Also inside Red News  issue 82
AGM overview
Lille & Bayern reports
Wes Brown interview
Utd fan and Olympic sprinter Darren Campbell interview
Utd fans express their views on recent on field events
Gossip - exclusive and revealing
Memories of Utd Pitch Invasions
Tony Smith

All this and much more for just £2. 

We will definitely have sellers at the top of Sir Matt Busby Way (by Legends cafe), 
half way down Sir Matt Busby Way, the left hand side of Salford Quay bridge as you're 
approaching the ground, the bottom of the Red Cafe bridge by the main road - and 
elsewhere. Best bet is to bag yourself a copy BEFORE the game as we want to head to 
the pub quickly afterwards!

So grab yourself a classic, help the cause and get 150 classic Utd songs.

[2] Next Fans United Day
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
is on Sunday December 16th at Wimbledon.   

The match is NOT all ticket. 

The WISA website  http://www.wisa.org.uk/fansunited/ 
http://www.wisa.org.uk/fansunited/ contains full details of tickets, train times and 
the protest march to the ground.

[1] A good point indeed
Posted Thursday, November 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
As Mike points out that Paddy Crerand got it slightly wrong in saying last season we 
lost to Liverpool, Arse and Newcastle as we have done away from home this year - last 
season we drew there 1-1, just feels like we always lose there. Paddy, we know what 
you mean. Defend the faith!

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[30] A good point
Posted Wednesday, November 28, 2001 by bar-knee:
Paddy Crerand pointed out in the Arsenal match commentary, apart
from Bolton, the 3 (away) games that we've lost in the league are the same ones we 
lost last year and we still won the league by a street!  Don't you just love the bloke.

[29] Vialli on Becks
Posted Wednesday, November 28, 2001 by bar-knee:
Gianluca Vialli:

"I don't think Beckham and Owen will come (to Italy) because their clubs don't  need 
the money and will never sell them. English players are born in a different 
environment which is  difficult to leave behind. It could only change if they would 
like to try Italy - not for money  but to prove themselves in a championship as 
notoriously hard as 
Italy's. In England, football is a sport - in Italy, it is a game. Sport is  based on 
honour, respect for the rules and the opponent - in the  game, the object is always to 
get a result"

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[28] Transfer gossip
Posted Wednesday, November 28, 2001 by bar-knee:
Can't see it though as those high up at United simply don't have much preference for 

from Tribal Football.com

Reports out of Italy today suggest that Juventus and Manchester United are considering 
swapping Edgar Davids and Juan Sebastian Veron. Veron is in his first season at United 
after moving from Lazio but it is believed he hasn't settled in well at United.

Since his return from suspension Davids has been linked with a move away from Juventus 
and this could well be the opportunity. Juventus is desperate to have a leading 
midfield playmaker to replace Zinedine Zidane and Veron is considered the ideal 

[27] Oi, leave it out
Posted Wednesday, November 28, 2001 by bar-knee:
French actress Brigitte Bardot:

"Korea needs to listen to what foreigners say about the eating of dogmeat as it harms 
Korea's image. Though Koreans do not eat their pet dogs, eating dogmeat is part of 
Korean culture. I don't mean to make the football teams boycott the international 
event. I just hope the Korean government introduces the law prohibiting Koreans from
eating dogmeat"

[26] Ref doesn't mention Barthez gesture
Posted Wednesday, November 28, 2001 by bar-knee:
But FA still keen?

>From Ananova


 Ananova :      

FA set to contact Barthez over alleged gesture

Fabien Barthez is likely to be contacted by the FA over his alleged gesture to Arsenal 
fans during Manchester United's defeat at Highbury.

Referee Peter Jones has not mentioned the incident in his match report when Barthez 
allegedly gesticulated behind his back to the home supporters.

The FA will now probably write a letter to the United goalkeeper to seek his 
explanation of events.

Barthez, whose two late blunders gifted Arsenal a 3-1 win, may well be charged with 
bringing the game into disrepute, but it would be extremely unlikely that he would be 

The French international is more likely to receive a warning about his behaviour and 
at worst a fine.'

[26] Scholes not banned for World Cup
Posted Wednesday, November 28, 2001 by bar-knee:
PA story

'Paul Scholes has been cleared to play in England's opening match of the World Cup 
finals after Fifa removed the threat of a one-match suspension. Scholes picked up his 
second booking of England's qualifying campaign in their final group game at home to 
Greece. However, as expected, Fifa confirmed that players with two bookings from the 
qualifying stages will not have any suspension carried over to the finals next summer.'

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