I continuously coach users on filing anything important and not useing the 
deleted items as storage. I do this personally with every new employee. They 
have been explained to in detail as to what constitutes important mail. We 
don't archive for their benefit, we do it for CYA regulatory reasons. If they 
choose to ignor what I instruct them to do how is that not stupid? If you get 
pulled over for speeding is the officer supposed to just let you go because you 
say "I didn't know" when it was clearly laid out before you got your 
license?everything has limitations and there are trade-offs, when was the last 
time you had to restore a mailbox? I find it trivial but it's been many months 
since I had to do it. Training users pays huge dividends.....
Ask the Notes people why Exchange is so popular, they're still scratching their 
heads and losing market share.
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
 Sent to you from my Blackberry in the Cloud

----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Scott <mailvor...@gmail.com>
To: NT System Admin Issues <ntsysadmin@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
Sent: Mon Aug 17 20:09:52 2009
Subject: Re: Mail server software

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 6:20 PM, John Cook <john.c...@pfsf.org> wrote:
> Sure, I get the point ...

  I'm not sure you do...

> ... it all boils down to storage.

  Or design.

  The inability to easily restore a single mailbox is not a good
thing.  Maybe there are tech trade-offs that make that design
limitation necessary.  Maybe it's a consequence of some fundamental
design decisions made a long time ago, and which aren't easily
changed.  Maybe it's just something we have to live with, and other
capabilities make it worth it.  But calling people stupid in an effort
to defend that limitation?  That's counter to any possibility for
progress and improvement, and rude besides.

  There are two ways to approach any obstacle: One can look for
reasons why not, or one can look for ways how.  I know which approach
I prefer.

> There has to be a reason there are so many Exchange installations
> out there and it's not because they were the first mail server on the block.

  If population is your chief metric, then one must conclude that
cockroaches are superior to humans.

-- Ben

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