Yeah, "ball of hurt" is putting it gently.
It feels like Russian Roulette.
After making micro progress on some shot, I just started another mini-comp which seemed to render fine until, well, it didn't. All of a sudden I get these in the error console and it won't stop (I guess it's an improvement that I'm actually getting an error this time). Same set up as before. All I am doing is creating comp reading in a png and putting it on top of the plate.
No custom colour space setting, nothing.
Every time I start a new shot it's like a lucky dip from a bag of random behaviour.

Bugger the beer, I'm going straight to the whiskey now...

WARNING: Could not find value "" for "in_colorspace". It will be appended to the menu list.

ERROR: timeline_16: Input color space index (19) out of range.

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready

ERROR: File is not ready ...

On 15/07/16 7:22 pm, Deke Kincaid wrote:
Oh yea, the timeline is still a ball of hurt. At the office we use it in an extremely controlled way and for very specifically scoped tasks all automated and scripted and it seems to work fine….but if you try to use it loose like any individual would with the “create comp” workflow you just want to beat your head in.

I used it on a short during the beta and I was ready to tear my hair out. I did so much manual rebuilding scripts to fix random things never rendering from the timeline. R3D files + Quicktime + any custom OCIO besides nuke-default and everything breaks(still an issue with the shipping version). It ended up being easier to just create all the comps from the timeline, manually fix 10 sequences with 30-40 plates each one by one because the default comp NS makes is crap. Then manually render all the nk files. That was simply for doing a conform and converting the plates to EXR.

It would have been faster if I made a spreadsheet of the 350 clips and manually converted everything in RedCineXPro.

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:14 PM, Frank Rueter|OHUfx < <>> wrote:

    little follow up:
    deleting the copm container and creating a new one via build track
    (same exact script, same exact renders) made it work again.
    Unfortunately the localisation's "delete unused files" thingy has
    caused all clips in my current timeline to error out because they
    can't find their localised footage anymore.
    In other words, localisation seems more broken than ever.

    On 15/07/16 6:07 pm, Frank Rueter|OHUfx wrote:
    So I thought I'd share my current experience with Nuke Studio 10
    after because people asked:
    I just created a comp, tracked a couple of graphics onto the
    plate and have been trying for an hour to render it to the timeline.
    The renders are there, there are no errors or warnings, but the
    comp container remains red as if it has never been rendered.
    I have rendered the script outside of NS in "normal" Nuke without
    trouble, I can read the results everywhere (including Nuke), but
    the timeline just pretends they don't exist. The background
    render queue even states that the render has been completed.

    I then got a prompt that my local cache was full, so I chose to
    "delete unused files".
    After that, when trying to render the comp container, I now get
    an error saying it can't find the LOCALISED script - WTF?????
    So not only did NS identify the script that I am *currently
    trying to render* in the timeline as unused, it also doesn't know
    that it should just use the original script that was linked to
    the comp container when it can't find the localised one.

    I don't know if I should laugh or cry but my afternoon has been
    wasted trying to get a graphic on top of a shot and view the
    result in the timeline.

    more beer....

    On 13/07/16 6:06 am, Nathan Dunsworth wrote:
    Someone mind pasting that line from there config?  Dont have
    access to a pre 9 version atm.

    On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Deke Kincaid
    < <>> wrote:

        Yes, there are a few preferences which still never made it
        over from 8.0 which is annoying and a bit like wtf, why 2
        years later are they still missing?

        You probably already know this but as a work around you can
        get it back by setting that preference in 8.0 and manually
        copy it to your 9/10.x prefs file and they still work.

        On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Nathan Dunsworth
        <>> wrote:

            All that and they still cant put back in the script
            editor preference that they took out by *accident* back
            in 9.

            Guess I must be a minority in that if I take something
            out by accident I put it at max priority and not "give
            us feedback on how important it is" level :/

            On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Deke Kincaid
            < <>>

                Pretty good so far.

                 1. Way more stable then Nuke 9.0v8. Stability is
                    pretty amazing for a v1 release where it
                    normally takes till v5 or v7 to get this far and
                    9.0v8 still crashed like crazy. 9.0 imho was the
                    worst release for stability since 5.0/6.0.
                 2. OCIO in read/write nodes is pretty nice, still
                    needs work.
                 3. On linux I can use a modern compiler
                 4. New raytracer is cool and fast, works with
                    reflections/refractions shaders
                 5. Smart Vectors and VectorBlur2 is an awesome update.
                 6. Arri SDK was finally updated(9.x was 2-3 years
                    old).  Can read files from newer cameras such as


                 1. Not as stable as Nuke 7
                 2. OCIO has major issues around Quicktime, MXF, DNG
                    and Red files. Works fine if you only use image
                 3. OCIO testing and switching profiles a bunch of
                    stuff randomly breaks and crashes. Once you lock
                    them down it works fine.
                 4. Still has weird completely random crashes when
                    reading files, especially around Red files.
                 5. Red SDK is ancient, so again, you can’t read the
                    newest camera files properly
                 6. Localization rework still has a ton of issues
                    with larger facilities and isn’t fully ready for
                    prime time yet (will work for smaller shops).
                 7. Compiling plugins on osx linked to external
                    libraries still sucks. You have to use a
                    compiler on a machine frozen in carbonate from
                    the stone age (snow leopard).
                 8. Raytracer is beta, not extendable, a lot of
                    features still don’t work with it (deep, sprites).

                On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 7:22 AM, Rich Bobo
                < <>> wrote:

                    Hi all,

                    Just wondering what is the general opinion on
                    upgrading to Nuke 10? Since it’s been out for a
                    while now, are there any major flaws to
                    recommend against upgrading or any significant


                    Rich Bobo
                    Senior VFX Compositor
                    Armstrong White

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                    Mobile: (248) 840-2665 <tel:%28248%29%20840-2665>

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                    the mysterious. It is the source of all true art
                    and science."
                    - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

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