Someone mind pasting that line from there config?  Dont have access to a
pre 9 version atm.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Deke Kincaid <>

> Yes, there are a few preferences which still never made it over from 8.0
> which is annoying and a bit like wtf, why 2 years later are they still
> missing?
> You probably already know this but as a work around you can get it back by
> setting that preference in 8.0 and manually copy it to your 9/10.x prefs
> file and they still work.
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Nathan Dunsworth <
>> wrote:
>> All that and they still cant put back in the script editor preference
>> that they took out by *accident* back in 9.
>> Guess I must be a minority in that if I take something out by accident I
>> put it at max priority and not "give us feedback on how important it is"
>> level :/
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Deke Kincaid <>
>> wrote:
>>> Pretty good so far.
>>>    1. Way more stable then Nuke 9.0v8. Stability is pretty amazing for
>>>    a v1 release where it normally takes till v5 or v7 to get this far and
>>>    9.0v8 still crashed like crazy. 9.0 imho was the worst release for
>>>    stability since 5.0/6.0.
>>>    2. OCIO in read/write nodes is pretty nice, still needs work.
>>>    3. On linux I can use a modern compiler finally(gcc4.8)!
>>>    4. New raytracer is cool and fast, works with
>>>    reflections/refractions shaders
>>>    5. Smart Vectors and VectorBlur2 is an awesome update.
>>>    6. Arri SDK was finally updated(9.x was 2-3 years old).  Can read
>>>    files from newer cameras such as Arri65.
>>> bad:
>>>    1. Not as stable as Nuke 7
>>>    2. OCIO has major issues around Quicktime, MXF, DNG and Red files.
>>>    Works fine if you only use image sequences.
>>>    3. OCIO testing and switching profiles a bunch of stuff randomly
>>>    breaks and crashes. Once you lock them down it works fine.
>>>    4. Still has weird completely random crashes when reading files,
>>>    especially around Red files.
>>>    5. Red SDK is ancient, so again, you can’t read the newest camera
>>>    files properly
>>>    6. Localization rework still has a ton of issues with larger
>>>    facilities and isn’t fully ready for prime time yet (will work for 
>>> smaller
>>>    shops).
>>>    7. Compiling plugins on osx linked to external libraries still
>>>    sucks.  You have to use a compiler on a machine frozen in carbonate from
>>>    the stone age (snow leopard).
>>>    8. Raytracer is beta, not extendable, a lot of features still don’t
>>>    work with it (deep, sprites).
>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 7:22 AM, Rich Bobo <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Just wondering what is the general opinion on upgrading to Nuke 10?
>>>> Since it’s been out for a while now, are there any major flaws to recommend
>>>> against upgrading or any significant advantages…?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Rich
>>>> Rich Bobo
>>>> Senior VFX Compositor
>>>> Armstrong White
>>>> Email:
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>>>> Mobile:  (248) 840-2665
>>>> Web:
>>>> "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is
>>>> the source of all true art and science."
>>>> - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
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