I've been notified of use by three or four people (some for multiple
products).  My intent---and I've been a bit lax on carrying this
out---is to add a "Known Prometheus Products" section to the site.

Tom Caudron
Administrator of the Prometheus Project

On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 07:50 -0700, Chris Helton wrote:
> Tom,
> Out of curiosity, who is using this Prometheus logo/license? Outside of this 
> list I've never seen it.
> Chris Helton
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Tom Caudron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ogf-l@mail.opengamingfoundation.org
> Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 10:16:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [Ogf-l] Re: OGL Logo
> Clark said, ""Terms" may not change, but enforcement sure does."
> The Prometheus project violates no part of the OGL of which I am aware,
> which was the implied claim of the original email to which I was
> replying.  In the context of that comment, I have to stand by my claim.
> Future kings in the Halls of WotC may not like the OGL and the d20SRD,
> but the terms of the license are what they are.  There exists no term
> violations to enforce.  In other words, if Prometheus violates some
> arcane misunderstood term of the OGL, so do the rest of you (as nothing
> Prometheus does is unknown in whole or in part in many other works) and
> we have all based our respective products/projects on a misunderstanding
> of the OGL---which would be unfortunate.
> I tend to believe that amongst all the various lawyers all of us have
> spoken with, at least one of them would have raised the red flag if the
> terms of the OGL were somehow dangerously mercurial or if there were
> enforcement leeway on those terms that made them so.
> Notwithstanding an out-of-the-blue unfounded claim from WotC (something
> outlandish like the SCO/Linux lawsuit claims), I do not believe, nor do
> I think you believe, that WotC has the ability to enforce the OGL in
> a /wildly/ different manner than that which we understand and expect.
> Now the d20STL is another matter entirely, and that is the very point
> that caused me to move to an alternative to that logo/license.
> Tom Caudron
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