Clark said, ""Terms" may not change, but enforcement sure does."

The Prometheus project violates no part of the OGL of which I am aware,
which was the implied claim of the original email to which I was
replying.  In the context of that comment, I have to stand by my claim.
Future kings in the Halls of WotC may not like the OGL and the d20SRD,
but the terms of the license are what they are.  There exists no term
violations to enforce.  In other words, if Prometheus violates some
arcane misunderstood term of the OGL, so do the rest of you (as nothing
Prometheus does is unknown in whole or in part in many other works) and
we have all based our respective products/projects on a misunderstanding
of the OGL---which would be unfortunate.

I tend to believe that amongst all the various lawyers all of us have
spoken with, at least one of them would have raised the red flag if the
terms of the OGL were somehow dangerously mercurial or if there were
enforcement leeway on those terms that made them so.

Notwithstanding an out-of-the-blue unfounded claim from WotC (something
outlandish like the SCO/Linux lawsuit claims), I do not believe, nor do
I think you believe, that WotC has the ability to enforce the OGL in
a /wildly/ different manner than that which we understand and expect.

Now the d20STL is another matter entirely, and that is the very point
that caused me to move to an alternative to that logo/license.

Tom Caudron

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