On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 09:11:23PM -0600, Keith Gable wrote:
> -snip-
> > This coming from someone who limited the script buffer to 256kb? What
> > you're talking about is loading the entire RPG into memory. If not,
> > then you're not gaining anything by reading directly from the RPG
> > except disk space, and losing the ability to muck with the lumps on
> > the fly.
> I think this would be a Good Thing(TM), with memory not at a premium
> anymore. The main thing is that lumps could be manipulated as raw data
> structures.

I would not advocate loading into memory the whole RPG file. For most 
lumps, the speed improvement would be insignifigant.

The best way to determine which lumps should be kept in memory (and 
indeed which performance optimizations of ANY kind are appropriate) is 
with a profiling tool. Profile to see where the slow places actually 
are-- don't guess.

I myself have only recently learned this lesson, but now that I know it, 
I wish I had learned it... oh... back in 1998 (Help me, John Titor!)

Bob the Hamster
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