2011.07.11. 15:41 keltezéssel, TJ Frazier írta:
On 7/11/2011 07:28, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Reizinger Zoltán wrote:
The two sites works sporadically, needs four five web page refresh to load:
To help OOo present users, needs to stabilize sites work.
Somebody knows what the cause of this problem.

Yes, I posted some more details in this message a few weeks ago:
and I don't have further updates available.

Note that those sites are not part of the Oracle infrastructure.


Hi, all,

Andrea Pescetti's helpful message is easier to find here:


since it is titled, "Re: Bugzilla or JIRA? ..." etc.

Oregon State University Open Source Lab hosts the extensions site, and some Apache-related things as well. Just for fun, I tried looking up OSUOSL's service ticket #18367, but their website was impenetrable to my relatively feeble search attempts.

As a systems programmer (retired), I used to read a lot of tickets, and it was my job to solve them. I find this protracted trouble curious, to say the least. :-/
It seems to me it is an abandoned site, nobody care for it, it hurt all OOo effort if we not find a solution to restart, the users ask every day on forum which way they could find specific extensions, and we can not help them. It is sad thing.

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