> As it happens I'd already started exploring this one with the Document
> Foundation Steering Committee, and Jomar Silva raised it on the TDF-Discuss
> list. TDF are just about to launch a full version of their extensions &
> templates system and they would be perfectly happy for AOOo to redirect the
> URL that OpenOffice.org is using to access the repository so that it uses
> the system TDF are hosting for LibreOffice.
> They are also happy for this arrangement to continue for as long as it makes
> sense, and have no problem with a shared repository indefinitely. Like
> Apache, they are only willing to host open source packages, so if anyone
> wanted a system that also hosted closed packages it would need to be created
> as a downstream of TDF's system.
> I'm happy to act as a liaison on this if necessary, as I suspect is Jomar.
> S.

I'll be happy too :)


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