Am 10/22/2011 05:24 PM, schrieb Luiz Oliveira:
Really, the differences are very strong, as Jomar said.

OK, then lets keep the language difference between pt and pt-br as it was before and grant them (at least) 2 mailing lists.

I've corrected it in the Wiki:


2011/10/22 Jomar Silva<>

We have some strong diferences between both languages, and in Brazil there
is some cool jokes about the names used on old OpenOffice (and StarOffice)

This was btw the first barrier we've had for a massive adoption of the tool
here, and it just grow up when the first pt-br version was launched.



-----Original Message-----
From: Kazunari Hirano<>
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 23:57:37
Subject: Re: How to handle the native language lists?

Hi Rob and all,

Portuguese (pt) :
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) :

On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Rob Weir<>  wrote:
How different is written br_pt and br_pt?
I think br_pt and br_pt are the same.

Is it far different than US versus UK English?
Or Swiss German versus standard German?

I don't know, and pt-BR users and pt users may not know, because we
don't know US English, UK English, Swiss German and standard German.

Would it be frustrating to users if they share the same Portuguese list
user support?

I hope you are asking pt-BR users and pt users this question.
Let us wait for them.
They would tell us whether it would be frustrating to them if they
share the same Portuguese list for user support or not.


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