On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 3:48 PM, drew <d...@baseanswers.com> wrote:

> I would like to propose that we treat the 13th of the month as our 1st
> Anniversary and would like to do the following for the occasion:
> There has already been a few CD requests made,
> https://sites.google.com/site/khirano/Home/apache-openoffice-cd
> the most recent.
> I would like to release two CD iso images, Windows and Mac on the 13th
> of this month.
> Each image would include:
> Win/or/Mac binaries directory
>        English _us installer for AOO3.4
>        All Language packs released with 3.4
>        SDK
>        sha files for each
> Readme file
> License file
> [same as the OO.o 3.3 iso included - these should be pretty much written
> already on the website]
> Very simple HTML instructions screen(s)
> Pre-Made CD artwork
>        Pre-made sleeve cover
>        Folded cover
>        Tall hard case coer
>        Disk
> Some promotional material
>        Tri-fold application information brochure sized for tall case.
> A couple of wall paper images
> Two posters
>        AOO banner 150dpi - suitable size for a table at a show
>        AOO branded reprise of the 'Free Yourself' OO.o poster
> A short anniversary video
> ----
> The immediate goal is a one-off project, with the branding focused to
> this Anniversary (3.4 release), so I am not suggesting that this be the
> basis for 4.0. For example though I saw one person talking about a
> release party, and part of this is intended for such a use.
> I'm not proposing that the files need to be on AOO (sf) mirrors on the
> 13th, though I wouldn't be against it all either.
> I would be willing maintain a project for this at SF, the images will be
> somewhere in the 400 Meg size range. They aren't likely big download
> number, getter's :)
> My itch, is to do this with the group so that we could tell folks, if
> you want to make a CD, here is an image - use it as is, un-altered, and
> your good to go.
> OK.. I've assembled a local set of all the 3.4 release binaries and
> started work on the other items.
> For the disk related artwork I sarted from the OO.o 3.3 cd artwork on
> the main website.
> Also started on the small 'party' video.
> [None of that is done...]
> Items not touched at all:
> Appropriate text files (readme and license) for the is image - the 3.4
> versions of what is in the 3.3 iso in other words.
> All the fine print for the artwork..of course
> The tri-fold brochure. I have an old one from Andy Brown for a basis,
> haven't touched it however, if anyone has something already and would
> like to make a donation...that would be wonderful!
> I could really use help with any of this,
> as part of this is the trademark ok, I suppose, part of that help is
> your helpful and prompt feedback on that, I'll move as quick in the
> graphic editors as I can.
> also if it sounds like a fun week and you want maybe take of these items
> to finish or help with layout ideas...let me know, we can meetup on irc
> or maybe a google hangout, or such...
> Ok - Again none of these items are done - so please do not use them for
> anything other then giving feedback here..
> .. I've got a preview of what I have so far at (no binaries, so only 64
> megs) http://lo-portal.us/aoo/temp/AOO34-1year-cd-iso.tar.bz2 and the
> svg files for the preview handy for anyone that wants to dive in also
> available, just ping me on that.
> Thanks, looking forward your feedback.
> //drew
SUPER idea Drew! Go for it... :)


"Everything will be all right in the end...
      if it's not all right then it's not the end. "
             -- Sonny, "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel"

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