
I'm an IT consultant / contractor in the U.S. and am currently engaged with
a group of seven of neurology practices in the evaluation of EMR/EHR
systems.  We have reduced the field of vendors under consideration to three
and intend to make a selection from that set within the next couple of
months.  We have recently begun evaluating the prospect that a viable open
source system will become available within a relatively short (i.e., < 24
months) period of time.  If this were the case, the acquisition could be put
on hold.  A couple of questions...

1) Is it your intention that openEHR eventually become a viable alternative
to commercial offerings, or is openEHR intended as an academic / research

2) Does the openEHR Foundation exist yet or is it still under formation?

3) I may simply not have discovered it yet, but I expected to find a place
on your site where developers were engaged in conversation about the
components of the system they were developing.  Could you share a little
about your operating model, particularly with respect to new developers
interested in contributing?

Thanks in advance for your assistance in understanding more about the
openEHR initiative.

Best regards,
Bill Walton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Beale" <>
To: "Vincenzo Della Mea" <dellamea at>
Cc: <openehr-technical at>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: Introducing myself + question

> Vincenzo Della Mea wrote:
> > Dear list members,
> >
> > my name is Vincenzo Della Mea, I'm researcher (Medical Informatics)
> > at  the University of Udine, Italy, with interests until now directed
> > to  telemedicine.
> >
> > I'm investigating now how to use OpenEHR as a teaching aid for a
> > Medical Informatics course: as a model, I think is very well
> > developed  and educational for what regards the correct implementation
> > of EHRs.
> > So, my question is: I read on the web site that there will be some
> > Java  implementation available sooner or later. Do you now, at least
> > in  principle, when?
> there are a couple of Java implementations underway.
> The timetable for openEHR is roughly as follows:
> - stable release "0.9" by end April (validated by formal tools); will
> include specifications and XML schemas.
> - The validation is done by Eiffel tools, and an Eiffel expression of
> the specification will also be available around this time
> - initial C# and Java implementations will probably start being released
> around this time, e..g for datatypes, demographics and so on.
> - thomas beale
> -
> If you have any questions about using this list,
> please send a message to d.lloyd at

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at

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