Hi Thomas,

Thomas Beale wrote:
> Bill Walton wrote:
> >
> >1) Is it your intention that openEHR eventually become a viable
> >to commercial offerings, or is openEHR intended as an academic / research
> >tool?
> >
> well, I can say two things:
> a) the core people currently involved in developing the specifications
> intend to try to change clinical computing - everywhere.
> b) as more people become more active in openEHR, they will bring their
> interests to the table. Most of the ones I know of are interested in
> changing clinical outcomes in the real world.
> c) academia and research contexts are of course important, and are where
> a lot of innovation comes from. So we should not discount these. But the
> real aim is to change things (rather than just talking about it, to
> paraphrase Marx;-)

That's three things ;-)  Seriously though, it sounds like we're on the same
page.  Getting the system into day-to-day use in clinical settings is the
objective.  Yes?

> >2) Does the openEHR Foundation exist yet or is it still under formation?
> >
> It does exist as a legal non-profit organisation, but as an
> international foundation, incorporated in the UK. The "openEHR" name and
> other special marks (e.g. "conforms to openEHR vX.X" etc) are also
> protected, ensuring that they are used for truly conformant systems and
> applications.


> >3) I may simply not have discovered it yet, but I expected to find a
> >on your site where developers were engaged in conversation about the
> >components of the system they were developing.  Could you share a little
> >about your operating model, particularly with respect to new developers
> >interested in contributing?
> >
> A number of developments are coming online. There is work being done in
> C#, Java, Eiffel and XML-schema that I know of. Some of this will become
> visible on the website in the next month or two.

I assume this work is being done by some of the founding members and that
they're communicating back-channel.  Yes?

> It is still early days, so how implementation work and collaboration pans
> out is not entirely forseeable.


> However, it is planned to get more people involved to give
> of their expertise on collaborative software development, developing
> test cases, conformance criteria and so on.

I managed a test automation group from '95-'00.  As a consultant /
contractor, I'm typically engaged as a Project Manager with a technical
focus in requirements definition and testing.  I'll look forward to the
opportunity to contribute once you've got the mechanisms defined.

> The main effort to this
> point has been to get a set of specificatinos good enough to start work
> on. It is believed that the current ones are, and a baseline will appear
> soon.

Saw your earlier note on timeframes and was encouraged.

> Mechanisms for submitting change requests etc will also appear
> soon, but of course, none of this work is instant!

Let me know if I can be of assistance.  Process definition is a substantial
component of what I do.

Best regards,

> - thomas beale
> -
> If you have any questions about using this list,
> please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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