Bill Walton wrote:

>That's three things ;-)  
just testing...

>Seriously though, it sounds like we're on the same
>page.  Getting the system into day-to-day use in clinical settings is the
>objective.  Yes?

>>>2) Does the openEHR Foundation exist yet or is it still under formation?
>>It does exist as a legal non-profit organisation, but as an
>>international foundation, incorporated in the UK. The "openEHR" name and
>>other special marks (e.g. "conforms to openEHR vX.X" etc) are also
>>protected, ensuring that they are used for truly conformant systems and
THe Uuniversity College London has paid and supported that side of 
things are I believe will make some official announcement soon about the 
details on the website.

>>>) I may simply not have discovered it yet, but I expected to find a
>>>on your site where developers were engaged in conversation about the
>>>components of the system they were developing.  Could you share a little
>>>about your operating model, particularly with respect to new developers
>>>interested in contributing?
>>A number of developments are coming online. There is work being done in
>>C#, Java, Eiffel and XML-schema that I know of. Some of this will become
>>visible on the website in the next month or two.
>I assume this work is being done by some of the founding members and that
>they're communicating back-channel.  Yes?
for the moment, but the intention is not to be secrett, it's just that 
we are trying to get to the following situation:
a) have a "release 0.9" of the specs up on the web, good enough and 
stable enough for everyone with work with, criticise etc
b) get the change control process documented and published
c) have a change request system in place

As some people have suggested, sourceforge does some of this kind of 
thing, so it may well be used for some software projects. openEHR is a 
bit unusual in managing specifications as well...

>I managed a test automation group from '95-'00.  As a consultant /
>contractor, I'm typically engaged as a Project Manager with a technical
>focus in requirements definition and testing.  I'll look forward to the
>opportunity to contribute once you've got the mechanisms defined.
sounds great. THe change management plan includes these kind of ideas - 
it's also what I did in a former life. Comments and suggestions will be 
welcome - we are not trying to set somethign in stone, just write a good 
enough first draft that sensible conversation can then take place.

>Let me know if I can be of assistance.  Process definition is a substantial
>component of what I do.
excellent - I knew there'd be one lurking out there!

- thomas beale

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