Hi Dave,

David Forslund wrote:

> IMHO, archetypes need to be specifiable independent of the platform 
> and language, including the querying.

yes, we do too. We are working on a new (text) formalism for archetypes 
which we think will enable archetypes for openEHR, CEN and CDA to be 
interchanged. As soon as I have done enough work on it, I'll post a 
draft for comment.

>    How archetypes are to be stored on disk should also not be part of 
> the specification.  Rather they should have a data model independent 
> of platform and language. 

even the current GEHR ones have that - they're instances of XML-schema. 
How they get converted and stored in any particular site is it's 
business. For example, I wrote an Eiffel kernel, and a converter to do 
XML->eiffel objects and store that. The DSTC did an XML system, and used 
the archetypes in their XML form.

> I assume that if archetypes are specified by XSL Schema then one would 
> use a form of XPath to query them(?).  I actually like something
> like the Object Constraint Language for this purpose, but this might 
> not be popular.

Yes, we have been thinking about Xpath; in fact we would like to make 
the path mechanism in openEHR an Xpath subset if possible. You will see 
somethign like this in the draft formalism I mentioned above. OCL - I 
just did a review on this 
(http://www.deepthought.com.au/it/ocl_review.html - comments welcome) , 
I think there are a few terrible errors in there, but also a lot of nice 
things. We don't have enough experience on this. You may be able to 
spend a bit of time on this to help the effort!

> We have used C++ for more than 15 years and find it not particularly 
> easy to embed in other languages compared to other approaches.
> It should have nothing to do with the OpenEHR specification. 

It doesn't ...!

- thomas

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