Bill Walton wrote:

>I'm an IT consultant / contractor in the U.S. and am currently engaged with
>a group of seven of neurology practices in the evaluation of EMR/EHR
>systems.  We have reduced the field of vendors under consideration to three
>and intend to make a selection from that set within the next couple of
>months.  We have recently begun evaluating the prospect that a viable open
>source system will become available within a relatively short (i.e., < 24
>months) period of time.  If this were the case, the acquisition could be put
>on hold.  A couple of questions...
>1) Is it your intention that openEHR eventually become a viable alternative
>to commercial offerings, or is openEHR intended as an academic / research
well, I can say two things:
a) the core people currently involved in developing the specifications 
intend to try to change clinical computing - everywhere.
b) as more people become more active in openEHR, they will bring their 
interests to the table. Most of the ones I know of are interested in 
changing clinical outcomes in the real world.
c) academia and research contexts are of course important, and are where 
a lot of innovation comes from. So we should not discount these. But the 
real aim is to change things (rather than just talking about it, to 
paraphrase Marx;-)

>2) Does the openEHR Foundation exist yet or is it still under formation?
It does exist as a legal non-profit organisation, but as an 
international foundation, incorporated in the UK. The "openEHR" name and 
other special marks (e.g. "conforms to openEHR vX.X" etc) are also 
protected, ensuring that they are used for truly conformant systems and 

>3) I may simply not have discovered it yet, but I expected to find a place
>on your site where developers were engaged in conversation about the
>components of the system they were developing.  Could you share a little
>about your operating model, particularly with respect to new developers
>interested in contributing?
A number of developments are coming online. There is work being done in 
C#, Java, Eiffel and XML-schema that I know of. Some of this will become 
visible on the website in the next month or two. It is still early days, 
so how implementation work and collaboration pans out is not entirely 
forseeable. However, it is planned to get more people involved to give 
of their expertise on collaborative software development, developing 
test cases, conformance criteria and so on. The main effort to this 
point has been to get a set of specificatinos good enough to start work 
on. It is believed that the current ones are, and a baseline will appear 
soon. Mechanisms for submitting change requests etc will also appear 
soon, but of course, none of this work is instant!

- thomas beale

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