On 16/09/2011 15:27, pablo pazos wrote:
> I agree with you both: we need to get things done and find reliable 
> tools up to the task.
> Many opensource projects use cloud based services, and don't need/try 
> to make everything open source at the infrastructure level.
> Jira is great for issue reporting and bug tracking. 
> http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/
> Nabble is great for mailing lists. http://www.nabble.com/ (one thing 
> that bothers me is the 40KB limit of the openEHR lists emails)
> SVN or Git area great for version control.

BTW I wasn't trying to make any ideological statements, I have just 
fought with Bugzilla and some other bug tracking solutions in the past 
whose names I forget now, and they just got in the way. Likewise, in the 
days that CVS was the only open source versioning system, it was just 
not a choice from my point of view - the commercial products were miles 
ahead if you wanted proper change sets and so on (Torvalds more or less 
still says that SVN is pretty hopeless, and in some ways he is right, 
depending on what your requirements are). This has all changed as we now 
know. And I for one don't want to go back to fighting tools!

In terms of need - one need we do have is to get off the UCL servers 
where all the infrastructure has to be maintained by hand and get on the 
cloud where it is maintained and backed up server-side.

- thomas

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