Hi all,

I am quite happy with the current infrastructure - mailing lists,
issue tracking and SVN repositories. One thing I am missing for the
java project is a build server, something like Apach Continuum that
can check out the latest code, compile, run all the testcases, and
publish reports and successful builds somewhere.

Sebastian, It seems we have a manual step in the process of
rejecting(or allowing) large mail. At least that's the case with the
java list that I am monitoring. It will be convenient if the mail is
just bounced automatically if it's too large. Perhaps there is  a
setting somewhere we could use with the current mailing list software.


On 16 September 2011 17:17, Sebastian Garde
<sebastian.garde at oceaninformatics.com> wrote:
> Am 16.09.2011 16:27, schrieb pablo pazos:
>> Nabble is great for mailing lists. http://www.nabble.com/ (one thing
>> that bothers me is the 40KB limit of the openEHR lists emails)
> The 40kB limit is indeed a bit on the low side.
> But it would not be so bad if the mailing list would immediately reject
> your post and notify you.
> Then you can shorten (usually just delete part of the email trail) and
> send again - This is a bit annoying, but handable.
> But the way it is currently, you don't know what is happening to your
> email..and may not even realise that it is still in limbo...until you
> get a rejection email a day later.
> Even if you realise that it hasn't been delivered so far, you don't know
> why and so you wait with resending it - often so long that the email
> thread has moved on so much that you actually hope that your email will
> be rejected :-)
> Sebastian
> _______________________________________________
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical

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