It would be nice to know if an email is sent or not with an instant 
notification, instead of waiting a random amount of time to receive a notice 
(if the notice ever comes :).

Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez

> Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 18:21:59 +0100
> From: thomas.beale at
> To: openehr-technical at
> Subject: Re: Tools for collaborative working
> The 40kb limit was one of the sysadmin rules at UCL, and I happen to 
> agree with it (obviously, it could have been 50 or 100 or whatever, but 
> they use 40). I know it is sometimes annoying but it does prevent 
> massive attachments. Some years ago I was on probably 6 HL7 lists (they 
> have about 40) and there was not only no limit to size, but continual 
> cross-posting, with the result that 3Mb attachments were regularly sent, 
> and received 4 times! I for one don't want to go there again.... i think 
> today there is always an option for putting up some large file and just 
> emailing the link to it.
> If people want to up the actual current limit of 40kb to 70, 100 or so, 
> that is certainly doable, but I am not sure what problem it is solving.
> - thomas
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