On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 17:14, Roberto Resoli <res...@libero.it> wrote:
>> As for me, there is no sense in SM keys embedded in the middleware.
> I am with you ...

There would be no need for "me too" here, but I'll write it just for the record.

> This interpretation seems even more valid looking at "Figure 8 -


Thanks for this. I knew I could count on someone who'd looked at those
documents much deeper and better than I did :) Those excerpts are
quite telling.

In general, I would venture to say that they promote and support the
view that (1) one's typical desktop computer is a "trusted
environment"; (2) cryptography is not a magic wand and has to be
implemented and evaluated in the actual operating context. (With a
tiny bit of sarcasm, I might add that this is true for any solution
and crypto algorithm, especially when the design calls for a 0-bit
keyspace, i.e. a single possible key. ;) )

> Nice to hear, I hope someone out there is hearing as well ...

It would be great to standardise on something sensible like this. In
the meantime, I hope that we can integrate CNS support with Viktor's
work (I'm still looking at it but I'm very positive about it).


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