26.11.2011 10:43, Martin Paljak kirjoitti:
> Hello,
> It can be compiled with OpenCT support, exclusively. But that's a corner 
> case, I believe 95%+ of people have pcsc-lite/CCID compatible hardware.
>> Key is to build pcsc-lite with support for openct.
> I guess you mean the opposite: build openct with pcsc-lite support.

I fully agree. I'm using CardMan 4040 with pcsclite. Personally, I got
pissed off with fighting with openct. pcsclite works much better. I also
have a couple of usb readers, but the CardMan is very handy with my
laptop (I got it free from my friend, thanks Max!)

I'm using svn versions of the softwares (opensc, pcsclite, pampkcs11).
However, after pcsclite svn rev 6019 I got some problems, so I'm still
using 6018. About to update to 1.8.1 some day, I assume the latest
version should work if run as a service started at bootup. Since Ubuntu
does not yet have official support for systemd, I'll be using it this
way anyway.

The most problems with all this smart card systems with linux are
usually 1) distribution included versions are old 2) when self compiled,
double check all the config file directories... for example, config is
not necessary on /etc, it might also be on /usr/etc!

When installing CardMan to be used with pcsclilte, I followed mainly
instructiuons from here:
http://blog.deepreflect.net/2011/01/23/omikey-cardman-4040-linux-fc14/ .
The main point is not to use the manufacturers install procedure, but
manually copy the driver (which is for kernel ver 2.x, however, works
with 3) from the gz and write the cardman4040.conf - file.


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